A/N - Criminal Minds is sadly not mine! Please read and review...
Ok so I was planning to be evil and just leave it there but I might continue it if there is enough interest...?
You face death and destruction everyday. These images haunt your sleep. Images that are forever embedded into your brain. Images that sneak up on you in daylight. You hear a child in the park screaming in happiness and you are taken back to hearing that one victim screaming in pain, in torture, in fear. That one victim screaming for survival. You hear the cry of the people that are left behind to heal. Those that will never be the same. Those that would give their soul to be the ones that were taken. Those whose soul will never be the same again. Those who blame you for not being quick enough. After a while you join them. You blame yourself. There is a point in everyone's life where they snap. Now it's your turn. The pressure has built up. Burying all these emotions can only last so long. You snap. Just like Elle or Gideon. You don't care anymore. All you know is that you have to take away this pain, this hurt, these nightmares running through your brain. You snap.
Emily Prentiss sat in silence on the flight home. The case had been hard and it had taken its toll on each one of the BAU team members. Penelope Garcia was crushed spending days watching horrifying videos frame by frame, searching for clues, anything that would help save an innocent life. For a split second Emily felt guilty. She felt guilty for being grateful towards Garcia's emotional state, but it was taking their focus away from her. She could feel her walls slowly failing. She needed to be alone. One caring word or heartfelt touch could break them completely. This case had been an earthquake, cracking foundations that she had taken years to perfect. All her emotions were rushing through her veins like a drug. The outside world was gone. She was being sucked into her own blackhole. Her friends, her surrogate family had become a distant humm in the background. She didn't dare blink. She didn't dare move. If breathing wasn't her survival she would stop that too. She was a shell about to break. She just had to survive the plane flight and she was free. She would be back at her apartment. She would be alone.
After agreeing that Morgan would go straight to Garcia, JJ returned to her seat so the jet could land. She glanced towards Emily to give her a smile, but this smile faded as soon as she caught sight of the brunette. If JJ could not see that Emily's whole body was quaking, she would have thought she was dead. She was not moving, she was deathly pale, her eyes were wide and glaced over with a look of fear. Her breathing was barely noticeable. JJ felt a wave of nausea hit her stomach. She tried to call out Emily's name from her seat, but she got no reaction in return. She had never seen Emily look so haunted, so lost, so lifeless. She had to do something. How could she have not noticed? Why did she not check on Emily? She had been secretly in love with the woman for years. Her heart was always pulled towards her like a magnet. When Emily suffered, JJ felt it like a stab wound ripping through her. Emily was always the one that was ok, that could cope. It was obvious that this was not the case anymore. She had to do something. She was worried what would happen if she didn't do anything.
The jet taxied into the airport and the doors opened. JJ watched as Emily had grabbed her bag and was running out of the jet within a flash. Determined to grab her she launched out of her own seat after the running profiler. However, Hotch had other plans.
"JJ, I need to discuss the paper work for this case." Hotch unintentionally blocked JJ's path out of the jet, while the others filed out.
JJ voice came out as a desperate plea. "Please Hotch can we do this later, I need to..."
"This was an difficult case, JJ. If the paperwork is not filed correctly Strauss will be breathing down our backs." Hotch looked stressed. It was clear the case had distressed him just like the others.
Finally escaping Hotch JJ sprints out of the jet towards her car.
"Hey Spence. Did Emily leave?"
Reid turned around. "Yes, she just rushed off."
"I think some of us are going for drinks if..."
JJ throws her bag onto the passenger seat. "No thanks Spence, I'm gonna head home." She starts the car and heads on to the city streets towards Emily's apartment. Holding the wheel in a death grip, she chants repeatly into the darkness "Please be ok. Please be ok. Please be ok..."
The elevator dings. As soon as JJ steps into the hallway she is met with the sound of rock music blasting through Emily's door. JJ runs up to the apartment door and bangs her fist against the wood. Nothing. She shouts Emily's name as loudly as possible while continuing to pound her fist against the door. Nothing. "FUCK!" She tries again. Nothing. Tears start to stream down her face, the image of Emily on the jet haunting her. She needs to get in there. "Please Emily, please open the door." She leans her forehead against the door. The bass of the music vibrating against her thoughts rushing through her head. "Please Emily."
Suddenly a determination runs through JJ's body. She has seen Morgan do it enough times. She takes a step back and launches herself at the door. It crashes open. The volume of the music slaughtering her ears. The aches and bruises on her own body forgotten as she rushes through the broken door.