Chapter One: Of First Jobs and Pool Boys

It was a beautiful, late afternoon in Midgar. There was a cool breeze blowing through the streets crowded with people going home from work while the sun set behind the plush, green fields on the outskirts of the city. However, though many people seemed to be leaving their grueling work lives, there were still some that were sauntering along in hopes of getting to their night jobs on time.

Cloud Strife, a Native of Nibelheim, was training to become a SOLIDER. However, despite that the teen was progressing well, he still needed funds in order to maintain his lifestyle. He applied everywhere he possibly could (even as a sweeper at a beauty salon), but there was no hope for Cloud. Suddenly as he was walking past Wall Market, he suddenly saw a sign hanging above the Honeybee Inn. He approached the sign with intrigue, fascinated by the bright colors. He read the sign and began to smile, but when he got to the end of the writing he became scared. The inn was now hiring… phone sex operators? Cloud felt a bit odd about applying, knowing that he would rue the day he was born if his mother found out about it, but he put that aside and applied anyway. After all, a job is a job.

At first, Mr. Corneo was hesitant about hiring Cloud, seeing that he was in training for SOLDIER and only the tender age of seventeen, he was leery about him blabbering about his "illegal business ventures" to the Shinra president, but he knew that the boy was on his last leg and took him under his wing. He placed Cloud in a cubicle between two men and handed him a packet.

"Alright, kid," he began, brushing pizza crumbs off of his button-down, "you're supervisor is Tseng. If you piss him off; it's your ass. When you get a call, make sure to try to keep the old bitties on the call. The more time you can get out of the old broads, the more money I get, so get to work." He walked out of the office area and into the elevator. Cloud sighed and rolled up to his desk. He got comfortable and prepared himself for his first video.

Now the blonde was afraid of being awkward… deathly afraid. He pondered over all the mistakes he could have possible made in every situation, a factorial of instances that definitely sent him into the depths of nervousness. Suddenly, he was struck by an ingenious idea. Why not ask someone for help? Maybe a neighbor or two are experienced in the art of seduction. Cloud rolled his chair out to look into the cubicle beside him. As he peered around the carpeted divider, he saw a young man with fiery red hair reading the news on his computer and listening to music with his earphones. Cloud tapped the divider, and the redhead looked at him.

"Hey, are you the noob, yo?" He asked, taking his earphones out. Cloud nodded quietly.

"Unfortunately I am. Today is literally my first day here, and I'm coming into this occupation blindly because I do not know what do. It's as if I'm illiterate when it comes to sex." The redhead laughed.

"Then why did you take the job, yo?" Cloud threw up his hands.

"I couldn't find anything else to do. I really need this money." He replied. The redhead nodded in understanding.

"Well, my name's Reno by the way, and if you need any help, I will help you. Don't be a stranger, yo." The two shook hands and smiled at each other. Then Reno looked at Cloud's face with deep intent. "Wait, how old are you, yo?" The blonde paused and blushed.

"I'm seventeen." He whispered. The redhead gave him a surprised look.

"Me too, yo! But I've been working here ever since I was sixteen, and my birthday is next month. Trust me the job is easier then you think it is. Just watch me on the next call, yo. I'm a pro." He chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you think, Reno." A voice said from the cubicle beside Reno's. Reno perked up and smirked at the divider.

"Whatever, Zack. You think you're cool cuz you're one of the people that's been making money for the company, yo." There was a chuckle from Zack's side, and the raven-head man emerged from the cubicle. Fresh out of high school, Zachary "Zack" Fair was an up and coming SOLIDER, and when Cloud finally came face-to-face with his idol, all he wanted to do was scream like a little fan girl.

Cloud has had this admiration for Zack since he was in his last years of middle school, and after his freshman year in high school, the blonde even incorporated thoughts of the valiant, black-haired beauty in his "after school solo sessions". Cloud was obsessed with Zack, inspirationally and sexually.

"Oh Gaia, it's Zachary Fair! I thought that I'd never even be in the presence of you! I'm in SOLDIER too, and I have been yearning for the day to see you!" Cloud shouted, earning a glare from a woman who was in the middle of a call beside him. Hi gave her an apologetic look and returned his focus on his idol.

"Oh thank you," Zack giggled with a blush, "I'm happy that I am an inspiration to you. As a matter of fact, I think I have seen you around the base from time to time. You're the dude that brings the mail to Genesis, aren't you?" He asked. The blonde teen nodded sadly.

"Unfortunately, yes. Genesis can be quite a… bitch, for lack of a better word." Zack cackled at this response.

"Trust me; they always put the noobies as Genesis' mailman-slash-assistant. I guess they do it because if you can handle his rapid, menopause-like mood swings and his diva attitude, then you can beat your ass that you can fight in Wutai. Trust me, being his mailman made me a hell of a lot more brave and capable than anything else." He joked. The two younger teens laughed aloud. Suddenly, Reno's phone began to ring.

"Oh fuck, it's Mrs. Reynolds again. I don't understand why she keep feenin' after me, yo. Aight, time to put on my 'sexy, Costa Del Solian pool boy voice. Watch and learn Cloud, yo." Reno cleared his throat and turned off his handset. Reno grimaced at what he heard on the other line but decided to go with the flow.

"Hey, baby. I really hate being on vacation. I hate that I can't be scrubbing the pool tiles for you while you do them yoga stretches. I know how you like it when I get on all fours, my bare, toned chest is poking out, and my swim trunks are clinging onto my waist for dear life." The redhead gave Zack and Cloud a look as if to say that he need help and fast.

"Yeah, I know you want it, baby. I just can't wait to take of these trunks for you, so you can see everything. Yeah, ugh, I'm scrubbing those tiles slowly. Just imagine what these hands could do if given the chance. Oh, you naughty girl I hear something buzzing away. Mmm, you see you're enjoying yourself. Yeah, I've got something better than a toy for you, girl." To compete with the woman's moans and sighs of pure ecstasy he stared making noises of his own.

"You like this? Aah, do you like what your pool boy is doing to you on these cold, hard tiles, huh? Oh yeah, you're gonna come soon. Just look at ya, all sprawled out. Yeah, that's it keep going. Aah, aah, AAAAH!" He screamed. He regained his composure.

"Well, I thank you baby for that. Hmm, it was so good. Thank you, buh-bye. And that, yo, is how you do a call. Get ready for a long night." He said, putting the headset on the desk. The SOLIDER duo laughed at the redhead. Cloud, seeing what Reno did, became more hopeful of the job, but low and behold, the younger teen was surely in for a treat that night.