Author's Note: I know, I should be working on "Tutoring a Holt," but I've seen people take on the 100-word drabble... challenge, of sorts... and decided, "Meh, why not?" So here's the first of the series. I'll go ahead and mark it as "complete," but I will be updating it later, don't worry. (Yeah, as if you really care that much. XD)

She collapsed to the earth, stared up at the dark chamber's ceiling. Tears stung her eyes, slipping down her cheeks. She couldn't believe that you could betray her- guiltlessly.

She thought you loved her as much as she always loved you. You loved her no more than any other unwitting pawn. She was like a tissue box- used, then thrown away.

Misery pierced her like a bullet. This was her reward for loving you: abandoned to die?

How could you? How could you betray her when she had done nothing but love you?

How could you betray your own daughter?

Author's Note: Haha, thought it was Amy being betrayed by Ian, didn't you? I'm not THAT cliche; that's been done a zillion and one times before. Natalie being betrayed by Isabel... Well, it may have been done, but not that often. Anyway, review, por favor! :)
