A/N: This is just a out-of-the-blue Eagle Eye oneshot I felt like writing... WHY DOESN'T THIS MOVIE HAVE ITS OWN CATEGORY? By the way, since I wrote this randomly, and I hadn't seen the movie in almost half a year, I guessed on a couple things that I couldn't find on Google. A thousand pardons.

Disclaimer: I don't own Eagle Eye, I'm just playing around. So please don't sue me - nothing would be accomplished except for you wasting money on a lawyer, because I have no money to give you in the first place.

He was surrounded by politicians, businessmen, foreign dignitaries, ambassadors and the occasional federal agent or high-end hooker. He heard the national anthem - the band was pretty good - but panic prevented this from registering immediately. He had to stop it. From above, he could see the third grade band, the teacher frantically but proudly directing, the little boy with black hair and freckles that belonged to his former companion.

There she was. A few rows over. Trying to get down to her son. They wouldn't let her.

And then, amidst the confusion and chaos in his mind, there was one moment; that one moment when all became clear, and he saw what had to be done. What he had to do.

Running to the middle of the row, he jumped up onto an expensive-looking table and fired straight into the air.

Time slowed. Rachel recognized him, and horror adorned her features as the bullets ripped into him. The last thing he saw was a policeman calling an ambulance. The last thing he remembered was an echoing memory of Ethan, teaching him to play baseball.

Pain. He was immersed in it, but he didn't notice right away. What he did notice was the disorder surrounding him. Busy-looking people in a confined space - a mobile confined space. This must be an ambulance. Why am I in an ambulance?

Because you were shot.

Oh. Right.

Worried faces everywhere. Medical jargon and anesthetics. Sirens.

These people need to slow down. He drifted off again.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

His tongue was hot and fuzzy, and his head throbbed. Is this a hangover?

He opened his eyes. They were blurry at first, but his mother's face soon came into focus. Once his eyes cleared, she let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank God."


Tears glistened in her eyes. "We almost lost you... They hardly got you back." She squeezed his hand. He hadn't even known she was holding it. "After Ethan... We couldn't lose you."

He looked skeptical. "We?"

She glanced at the glass door. "I believe your father is swearing out the doctor..."

He couldn't help but smile. He glanced out and reasoned that her estimaton was probably correct, from the looks of it. As he watched, Rachel approached the nurse's station and, in conversing with the nurse, gestured to his room, trailing off as she saw him watching her. It was the first time he had seen her smile.

His mother followed his gaze, a knowing smile coming to her face. She kissed him on the cheek.

"I love you, Jerry." She stood and quietly exited the room.

After a moment, Rachel entered. "Hey," she said, almost shyly.

He smiled.

A/N: So, what did you think? Let me know, please! And yes, I know, she did smile in the movie, but I took a little dramatic license there. Sue me.

Actually, PLEASE don't.