The Only Exception Chapter One Revised

Summary: She didn't believe in love. She didn't believe in him either.

She only believed in music. And it's up to him to change her mind.

Yumi's P.O.V.

Digging around in my gym bag I finally found my ringing Blackberry and answered it, "Hello?"

"Yumi, hey I have to tell you something." Aelita squealed excitedly almost bursting my right ear drum.

"What's up?"

"I just got a date with this cute blond. And guess what."

"What?" Just to appease her I asked as I unlocked my car.

"He has this cute brunette friend for you and this cute blond friend for Sam."

"Aelita you know how I am." Sighing I wasn't in the mood to deal with this today.

"I know Yumes. I really do. You have to take a chance though. So you'll do it?"

"No I won't."

"Yumi you haven't dated anyone since Theo." She whispered stating the obvious.

"And that's how it's going to stay. All men our dogs and I don't believe in love." Huffing I dragged my fingers through my short hair.

"You're twenty-one and you sound like a bitter old lady." Aelita replied probably rolling her eyes.

"And?" I shrugged although she couldn't see me.

"All you care about is that stupid BlackBerry and music."

"Not true Princess. I care about you and Sam too."

"So if you care about me then you'll go out with the cute brunette."

"No dice babe." Laughing I pulled out of the gym parking lot.

"Yumi I just want you to be happy."

"And I am."

"You're heartbroken."

"I am not Aelita. Now can we please talk about something else?"

"Fine whatever. Sam and I are on are way to the studio, we'll see you there."

"Okay, I'll be there in twenty." Replying I hung up before parking my car.

I pushed the door open and walked into the local coffee shop.

"The usual." I called to my favorite barista Stella.

"Sure thing Yumi."

Luckily it wasn't busy and I only had to wait a short time before I got my order, then I sat down in the back.

"You mind if I sit here?" An unfamiliar voice asked me.

Not looking up from my phone I answered, "Yes, I have a policy against strangers."


Finally looking up I saw the stranger for the first time. He was handsome, something I hadn't thought about a man in a long time. He had shaggy chocolate brown hair and piercing green eyes that looked like they saw right through me.

He was good looking but that wasn't going to faze me. Crossing my arms I asked, "And why should I?"

"Because there's this crazy girl named Sissy who is obsessed with making me her boyfriend." He answered quickly wringing his hands and repeatedly looking over his shoulder/

"And I'm guessing you don't want to be her prince charming?" Snickering I placed my hands under my chin and studied him.

He shook his head violently as if he couldn't imagine anything worse.

"What do I get out of this?"

"I'll pay for your stuff and you get my enjoyable company."

"I'll take the offer of you buying but you can keep your company. If I get any trouble from this Sissy girl you're going to find out why I fight boys. Understood?"

"Sure." He answered slipping into the seat across from me. "I'm Ulrich."


"Oh Ulrich Dear!" A high pitched rang through the air making me flinch.

"That's her." Ulrich whispered leaning across the table. I leaned back, crossing my arms and tried to ignore the electric feeling I got when his breath hit my face.

"You don't say." I replied sarcastically as I tried to ignore the effect this stranger was having on me.

"Ulrich I found you. Let's go."

"Uh, sorry Sissy I'm kind of busy." The brunette said politely giving her a dazzling smile and motioned to me.

"With this?"

"'This' can hear you." Snapping I placed my hands on the table.

"Excuse me, this is a private conversation." The obviously spoiled brat retorted flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Now it isn't since you brought me into this. He obviously doesn't want to be bothered, so why don't you do us all a favor and leave?" Cocking my head to the side I asked curiously, letting her know I wasn't afraid of her.

"Hmph. I'll see you later Ulrich Dear. When you're in less rude company." Turning on her heel she left the shop with her nose in the air.

"That was so awesome Yumi." Ulrich praised grateful.

"Yeah, I know." Smirking I looked down inspecting my nails.

"No it really was. I've never seen anyone stick up to her like that before."

"Eh, she had it coming. Anyway I have to get going. Don't forget to pay." Shrugging I gathered my stuff and stood to leave.

"Later. Maybe I'll see you around?" The brunette asked a hopeful tone in his voice.

"Or not." Crushing that possibility I left the shop before he could say anything else to me.

He affected me in ways I didn't think anyone could anymore. I would definitely not be seeing him around anymore. I would make sur of it.

Ulrich's P.O.V.

Smiling to myself I thought of my encounter with the beautiful and feisty Yumi.

"What are you smiling about?" My genius friend questioned from beside me in the waiting room.


"Oh I know that look Jeremy. Ulrich's thinking about a girl." Odd said laughing as we hitting me on the back.

"Whatever. Tell us about the girls we're working with Jer." Trying to change the subject I asked.

"Uh, they're an aspiring independent group and from what I hear they're great." He answered looking up their information on his tablet.

"And don't forget to mention that Jeremy and I are dating two out of the three. So as soon as they get here we'll go into the studio and talk." Odd finished. "Now tell us about the girl."

"Here name's- YUMI." Surprised I saw my mystery girl standing in the doorway with two other girls.

"You know him?" The pink haired one asked.

"No." She shrugged not making eye contact with me.

"I am so confused." Odd whined although it was usual for him to be that way.

"Okay we can get through this." Jeremy said standing up. "I'm Jeremy. And this is Odd and Ulrich. We're the group coming to work with you girls. Odd and I are also dating Sam and Aelita. Apparently Ulrich and this is Yumi and they know each other. Your turn."

"I'm Sam." The mocha skinned female started stepping into the room. "This is Yumi and Aelita. We're the group of girls to work with you boys. Aelita and I are dating Odd and Jeremy. So yeah, I guess Yumi and Ulrich do know each other. That surprises us the most because Ulrich is the cute brunette that Aelita was trying set Yumi up with."

"Um, okay." Breaking the silence I said once all the introductions were finished.

"So how do you two know each other again?" Odd asked looking between me and Yumi.

"She was helping me with Sissy at the coffee shop earlier." Shrugging I replied simply, although it was more than that. There was something about Yumi that drew me to her. Truthfully, I could have dealt with Sissy on my own, but I needed any excuse to talk to the beautiful Japanese girl. I didn't know her but there was something about her that made me want to get to know her.

"Okay, who's Sissy?" Aelita questioned sitting beside Jeremy.

"This annoying girl who's obsessed with Ulrich and has been since middle school." Jeremy answered.

"Are you two secretly dating?" Sam asked looking between Yumi and me.

"Yeah, this guy who I just met, are secretly dating despite the fact that I don't know him from a can of paint and I haven't dated in five years." Yumi said sarcastically crossing her arms.

Studying her I was curious as to how someone like her could be single for five years. I was ready to marry her or at least date her after seeing her for five minutes.

"Yes, now that we all know each other can we start the music?" Jeremy interrupted Sam's interrogation and my love struck thoughts.

"Okay I know Odd produces and Jeremy manages, what do you do again Ulrich?" Sam questioned.


"Yumi sings and plays piano, Sam plays drums, and I play acoustic guitar." Aelita filled me.

I turned back to Yumi and was mesmerized as she played in her short black hair.

"Hey, Ulrich. Hey!"

"What?" Turning I faced Jeremy who was trying to get my attention.

"I said, since the rest of us are going on a double date how about you and Yumi get a head start on the song?" Jeremy repeated, for what was probably the third time, annoyed.

"Sure." Immediately I agreed.

"Do I get any say in this?" The feisty female questioned.

"Yeah, you get to say yes." Aelita smiled grabbing her purse.

The others said their goodbyes before following the small pinkette.

"I'm not working on any song tonight. I don't know about you, but they don't get to tell me what to do." Yumi announced sitting beside me on the couch and propping her feet up on the coffee table.

"Okay, so what do you want to do then?"

"Sit here and watch a movie. But, just to be clear this isn't a date. The others just ditched us."

"Okay, any more rules?" Curiously I asked on half serious.

"Yeah, shut up." She said changing the channel on the T.V.

Yumi's P.O.V.

Rolling over in my comfortable bed I nuzzled my face in the pillow and let out a content sigh.


"Go away." Muttering I didn't open my eyes.

"No, get up now." Sam commanded bursting into my bedroom.

"What? What?" Question I sat up annoyed to be woken up.

"Aelita is about to come in and she is pissed."

"Why?" I asked carelessly leaning back on my elbows.

"Because you and Ulrich didn't even start a song last night."

"Aelita isn't my mother as much as she thinks she is." Shrugging I raked my fingers through my terrible bed head.

"Yumi don't be like that. You're only mature and responsible when you want to be and Aelita is there for the times you aren't."

"Whatever." Knowing she was telling the truth I shrugged again anyway.

"Yumi!" My name rang across the apartment.

"Ugh, here we go." Rolling my eyes I sat up all the way. "Wait where are you going Sam?"

"As much as a good person Aelita is, she still annoying when she's pissed. And this time it isn't me, so I don't have to listen."

"Wait Sam no- Oh hey Aelita."

"Hi Yumi." She said through gritted teeth.

"What's up?"

"What's up? What's up? What's up is that we finally have the chance and you're not taking it. Why didn't you start the song last night?"

"Because you don't tell me what to do."

"Yumi please go and call Ulrich. Tell him that you want to work on a song over breakfast." She pleaded tossing me my BlackBerry.

"After that you'll leave me alone?" Grumbling I picked up my baby.

"Yeah, sure. You at least need an idea. We're all having a group meeting tonight at eight." She said over her shoulder as she left the room.

Scrolling through my contacts I found his name and called him.

"Hello?" Ulrich's voice came over sleepily after a couple of rings.

My face warmed at how incredibly sexy his morning voice was. What is he doing to me?

Clearing my throat, I ordered, "Get up. We're going to get breakfast to work on a song."

"Why? It's so early." He whined, not sounding like he was moving.

"I know it's early I'm not usually up before twelve, but Aelita's been bugging me."

"And what if I don't want to?"

"Don't taunt me Ulrich."

"Oh but I will. You want me then come find me." He smirked before all I heard was the dial tone.

Growling I quickly ran a brush through my hair and got dressed.

"Hey Sam?"

"Yeah Yumi?"

"Where do the guys live?"

"On 43rd and 5th. Why?"

"I need to make a stop is all." Smirking to myself I left the apartment.

Jumping into my car I made my way towards my destination. Grabbing my keys and my phone I walked onto the porch.

"Here we go." Whispering to myself before I started banging on the door.

"Who is it?" A voice yelled from behind the door.

"Just open the door." I snapped.

Jeremy opened the door looking out of breath with his hair flying.

"I don't want to know." Shaking my head I asked, "Which room is Ulrich's?"

"Two doors down to the left." He answered easily.

Walking into the house I saw Odd hanging off the couch snoring loudly.

"Hey boy." Greeting the jumping dog, before going to the room I was directed to.

"Ulrich." I called walking into the bedroom.

What I guessed was him from under a pile of blankets made a grunting noise.

"Ulrich get up."

"Go away." He muttered loudly.

"No." I said before pulling the blankets off him. "You weren't saying that earlier when you told me to come get you."

"Hmph." He grunted turning over. "Too early."

Standing next to his bed with my hands on my hips, I glared down at him.

"Look-" My rant was cut short when Ulrich reached out and pulled me by the waist onto his bed.


"Shh Yumi. It's too early to be awake. Let's sleep now and work later." He whispered into me ear.

Against my will my body relaxed and I felt blood pumping to my face.


"Sleep." He commanded before closing his eyes again.

Reaching down I placed my hands on top of his on my waist before closing my own eyes.

Waking up from the best sleep of my life I noticed something different. A head of black hair in my face to be exact.

"Yumi?" Quietly I asked before remembering her coming over this morning.

"Hmm?" She hummed out from her position curled up to me.