A breakfast tale

"Daddy I had a bad dream," the little person was crying softly by her fathers' bedside, he reached out his arms and cuddled her into bed.

"It's ok baby dreams aren't real they can't hurt you, shh here you can stay with daddy if you like."

"Yes pwease, the big shishi was trying to eat me", the little voice whimpered.

"There are no fishies here honey now try to go to sleep ok."

"Ok," within a few minutes his daughters' soft breathing had put him back to sleep as well.

The next morning he looked down at his little girls face long lashes, button nose, soft wavy brown hair framing her head, his heart literally ached sometimes when he looked at her how could something this amazing have come from him.

Her eyes began to flutter open she smiled blue green eyes shining up her beloved daddy reaching up she patted the side of his face. He snuggled her one more time before getting up, "What would you like for breakfast today Mary Ellen?"

"I want egg pancakes pwease daddy," she pleaded making him laugh he knew she had him wrapped around her little finger and he did not mind one little bit.

"Come on then munchkin you can help me hey." He picked her up swinging her around causing a squeal of delight as they headed to the kitchen.

Soon there was a reasonable amount of flour flying around as well as a bit of egg white dripping here and there. Just as they were about to sit down and eat the pancake feast they had prepared the door opened and in peered a familiar face.

The little girl yelled and ran to the door pulling it open she pulled the man in and started jumping up at him.

"Uncle Dean what did you bring me?" She cried excitedly.

"Whoa that's nice kiddo how about a hello before you start asking for presents." Dean grinned at his niece sending a wave to his brother who was laughing at his precocious child and big brother doing their usual thing. Sometimes Sam wished Dean would not bring a gift for Mary every time he came over but he had given up asking, Dean just ignored him anyway. Oh well now he was paying for it now she expected something every time he showed up, which was often.

"Hello Uncle Dean cuddle?" she reached up to him and he leant down squeezing her little face next to his, his bristles tickled and made her giggle.

"Ok here you go princess." Dean passed along the latest treasure, a bird whistle that she proceeded to blow at the top of her lungs for the next 30 seconds only stopping to take a breath before starting again.

"Oh god Dean what have you done to me now," Sam sighed as Dean headed over with his trademark smirk plastered all over his face.

"Aw come on Sammy let the kid have some fun," he reached over and grabbed a pancake slathering it with syrup before popping the whole thing in his mouth.

"Dean I swear I am getting Ben and RJ a drum kit for Christmas."

