So this is the last chapter of my like most successful story ever, review wise, so I'd really love it if I could get to 100 reviews on this chapter. I REALLY hope you like it and that you're happy with the way it ended.

This wasn't the first time Rose had been in the Slytherin common room. It was cold and dark, with a creepy green glow illuminating the Slytherin crest on the fireplace. Tonight was one of the only nights that there wouldn't be unfriendly glares from the couch however, for which, Rose was grateful.

The winding stairs leading to the dormitories reminded Rose of a snake as she followed Albus. He was still hurrying, which was starting to worry Rose. What could possibly be so important?

They finally reached the door labeled "Sixth Year Boys." Albus pushed the door open slowly, and although the room was a mess, all Rose saw was Scorpius passed out on his bed. She rushed to his side and tried to shake him awake. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," Albus warned. "He was pretty drunk last time I saw him, better to just let him sleep it off." Rose stopped, and instead sat on his bed.

"He looks horrible," she said. His face was shallow and the color was lost, and he looked a lot skinnier than she had ever seen her. She wouldn't be surprised if he'd lost some of the defined muscles that he had worked so long and hard on.

Scorpius' eyes fluttered and opened. "Rose?" he mumbled, squinting at her. She pushed his bangs out of his eyes then cupped his cheek in her hand, smiled and nodded. He sat up slightly, so he was leaning on his elbows, and looked her dead in the eyes. "Where the fuck have you been?" He demanded.

She jumped up in shock and gave him a horrified look. "Scorpius-" she started, her voice cracking.

"Save it!" He interrupted. "I did nothing to you , and I got the silent treatment for three and a half months!"

"I'm sorry, but you have to admit it was kind of awkward."

"Kind of awkward? Hell yeah it was kind of awkward when people would give me weird stares, wondering why you weren't talking to me, or asking why you were dating Sean Thomas when they always thought it was you and I, or-"

"Okay, I get the point Scorp."

"Not to mention, Sean Thomas? What the fuck is up with that?"

"He's nice."

"He's an arsehole!"


"Well it's not like you didn't already have it coming for you. You're only here because Albus told you I was so out-of-control slobbering drunk, isn't it?" They both turned to Albus sharply, who was trying to blend into the wall.

"No, no, you two keep going, don't mind me," his words stumbled over one another.

"I'm down here because I'm worried about you, Scorpius," Rose finally answered.

"Yeah fucking right. You don't give a shit about me and what I do!"

"That's a lie!"

"No Rose, it's the truth. If it wasn't, you would have made an attempt to talk to me. Was I running the other way when you saw me in the corridor? No, that was you!"

"I didn't mean for it to seem like I hated you, I just thought it'd be easier if we spent a little time away from each other and let what happened over the summer settle down."

"I'm fine with it Rose! I don't need anything to fucking settle! That was all a stupid concoction from your screwed up mind!"


"AND I'M GLAD!" There was a stunned silence for a few seconds. Rose stared blankly at Scorpius, who stared right back, and Albus' jaw dropped to the floor. "GODDAMMIT ROSE! I LOVE YOU!" He reached for the lamp on his bedside table, and smashed it to the floor.

"You're drunk, Scorpius, you need to calm down," she stuttered, while backing up into the wall.

"I'm not! Just listen to me, Rose! I miss you!"

"I miss you too, but-"

"No buts, just say-"

"Say what? Say I'll be with you? Say it didn't happen? Well it did, and now I've got Sean, I can't just leave him-"

Scorpius filled the strides between them and took her face in his hands. "Why the hell not?" He chuckled then englufled her lips in a world-stopping kiss. Rose struggled for a second, then relaxed and wrapped her arms around his neck. His moved down to her waist, and they kissed for a few minutes, until Albus cleared his throat. Both of them ferociously blushed as they pulled apart. They all stared at one another for a minute, until Albus broke into a huge smile.

"I've been waiting for you two to do that for years," he said. Both Rose and Scorpius sighed in relief and he wrapped his arms around her waist.

The next morning, Rose sat at Scorpius' bedside again. She'd come down to see him, and discovered that he had a terrible hangover. When she learned this she'd given him an all-knowing look and said "What happened to 'Malfoy's don't get hangovers'?" He'd shrugged, and she'd taken care of him since.

Until lunchtime, when Albus came in and told her that it was time for everyone to leave for Christmas.

"Showtime," she said, and winked at Scorpius. "I'll be back in an hour." And with a kiss to his forehead, she was gone.

From the top of the staircase leading to the Slytherin common room, Rose could see Sean impatiently waiting by the doors. "Rose! Where the hell have you been?" He exclaimed when he saw her. "The train's leaving in fifteen minutes, and you still have to walk me to the station," he complained.

"Right, sorry about that baby," she responded. When he leaned down for a kiss she turned her head, insuring that he could only give her a peck on the cheek.

They started off towards the station in silence, and when they were five minutes away, Sean grabbed for her hand. "There's still always the option of you coming with me."

"Oh, I think it's a little too late for that," Rose said.

"No really, I could ask them to hold the train for an hour, and you could rush back and pack. Then you could come to Christmas with my family."

"No, I meant I can't come becauseā€¦I don't know if we're going to work out, Sean."

"What? Why not?"

"It's just, I feel like there's something getting in the way. You're great though." She gave him a kiss on the cheek and a wink. "Happy Christmas though," Rose said before turning around and waltzing back to the castle, leaving Sean standing alone and stunned in the snow.

She then returned to Scorpius' dormitory and nursed him back to health. Once he was sleeping it off that night, she and Albus rounded up all of his hidden Firewhisky bottles (empty and full) and took them to the house elves to get rid of.

The next day the trio took a very-much-needed trip into Hogsmeade to enjoy their vacation and buy some last minute Christmas presents. Rose was so happy to have her friendship with Scorpius back in-tact (and she could tell Scorpius was too) that she even made sure they got a few good moments in for themselves.

I have to admit, I know it was a little rushed, but I CANNOT write endings for my life, I lose interest in stories and then rush the ending just to get it done and into my "finished" folder. But I hope you all enjoyed it and REVIEW anyway.

I'd just like to say how happy I am that this story did so well and that I LOVE all of you, all my readers, it's been so great posting this for the past about 2 weeks. You've inspired me to finish another (and longer) fic I've been working on. Just no promises as to how soon, but I'm hoping within the next month. I LOVE YOU ALL! PLEASEEE REVIEW! :D Thanks so much!