Chapter 1

This is my very first story so I know it won't be as good as some that I have already read, but I would appreciate if you could tell me what I have done well and what I need to work on. And remember I DON'T OWN ANYTHING OF HOA EXCEPT FOR THE PLOT! But I wish I did.

Nina POV

I woke up early this morning. I have never felt happier. The mystery is solved, Rufus is out of our hair, Joy is safe, but most importantly Fabian and I were finally together. I brushed my hair and brushed my teeth and put on a little make-up before going downstairs. I didn't feel like changing out of my pajamas since it was Saturday. When I reached downstairs I could smell bacon and waffles. YUM! When I went into the kitchen I saw no other than Fabian, my amazing and perfectly perfect boyfriend, cooking. I don't know why but Fabian in an apron just made my heart skip a beat. I walked up behind him to scare him when all of a sudden he turns around and kisses me full on the lips.

"Morning beautiful," he said in his absolutely adorable British accent.

"Morning," I said dreamily. Oh man, I sounded like a complete dork. Fabian was laughing and I was turning all red in the face.

"What?" I asked confused and embarrassed.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking how cute you are when you're embarrassed," Fabian said while snaking his arms around my waist pulling me in closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck taking in his forest sent. Fabian loves to rock climb, mountain bike and hike so the forest was his natural smell, which I fell in love with since day one. I stared in his beautiful blue eyes. I would always get lost in his eyes; they were a mystery that I never wanted to solve.

"Excuse me," I heard a female voice that sounded annoyed.

"Oh, uh. Hey Joy? How long have you been standing there?" Fabian asked over my shoulder.

"Long enough," Joy said with a frown on her face. She walked away looking sad.

"I feel sorry for her," I said into his shoulder.

"Why?" Fabian asked releasing his arms from my waist to my shoulders looking into my grey/blue eyes.

"Because, she obviously likes you as much as I do," I said with a hint of jealousy in my tone. Oh man, I hope he didn't notice that. I hate when I get jealous. I always feel like a mean person. Fabian brought me out of my thoughts.

"Nina Martin, are you, my girlfriend, jealous of Joy Mercer, my friend, whom I never had any romantic feelings for?"

"What? Psh... No?" I said not very convincing.

"Nina, like I said, I don't have any feelings for her like how I have feelings for you."

I love this man so much. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door Fabian went to answer the door. After a minute I hear Fabian speak.

"Mum? Dad?"

I walked to the door to see a tall man with black hair and dark brown eyes and the same nose as Fabian. The woman had light brown hair and hazel eyes and had Fabians' smile. She was very slim. The woman looked from Fabian to me and smiled.

"Hello young lady, my name is Rebecca Rutter. This is my husband, Ronald Rutter," Mrs. Rutter said still smiling. I walked up shaking both of their hands. Fabian took my hand then pulled me into him then wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Mum, dad. This is Nina Martin, my girlfriend," Fabian said with a big smile that could never be wiped off.

"Hello," I said greeting them again.

"Ahhh... American," Mr. Rutter said as if I couldn't hear him.

Mrs. Rutter glared at him then smiled at me.

"It's so nice to finally meet you. Fabian talks non stop about you," she said.

Fabian started to blush, and because of what she said I started to blush too. We walked into the living room to get to know eachother better.

"So where are you from?" Mrs. Rutter asked me.

"Well this will shock you, but, I am from Checotah, Oklahoma,"I said.

"Well not to be rude but then shouldn't you have the western accent?" Mr. Rutter asked me confused.

"Well I was born in California, but when i was seven years-old my parents died in a car accident and I moved in with my Gran in Oklahoma. I already knew how to talk so I don't have the accent."

"Oh... I'm sorry," Mrs. Rutter said with a little sympathy in her voice.

"It's fine. It was a long time ago," I said with a sweet smile on my face. Fabian squeezed my hand in reassurence.

Mr. Rutter kept looking at me with his eyes looking like daggers flying staight to me. It seemed like he knew I was hiding something and was trying to figure it out.