I had a wave of inspiration to get back to my story while watching CM the other night. Sorry for the delay. Is it just me or does AJ Cook look hotter and hotter with every new episode? I've always preferred Paget to AJ, but I'm starting to rethink my preference.

Emily woke up to a tangle of arms and legs. During the evening she and JJ eventually made their way to the bedroom where they succumbed to a night of consummating their love for each other. As she opened her eyes she was immediately drawn to the sight of the beautiful blond lying next to her. Wiping a strand of hair from JJ's face Emily leaned over a pressed her lips lightly to Jennifer's temple. Leaning back she simply allowed her eyes to gaze across JJ's features.

Is this really happening? Emily wondered and smiled as she recalled the evening they had shared. My god she is beautiful. No. She's perfect. Emily adjusted her position and pulled JJ closer to her; pulling her head to her chest and draping her arm across JJ's body. Closing her eyes and breathing in heavily, Emily tried to fully capture this moment and etch it in her memory forever. Never in her life could she recall being so fulfilled or having exactly what she wanted. Rather, she had everything she needed. Jennifer was always what she wanted but she didn't realize until his moment that Jennifer was what she needed. Emily had always wanted love or to be loved. She had managed so long without it that that the lines between need and want blurred. And never before had Emily felt that need reciprocated. Emily thought back on their relationship and realized how much had been reciprocated between them over the last few years. She smiled slightly at how insanely stupid they had both been about not acknowledging their feelings for one another sooner. Although, in retrospect it may have been a good thing as the bond of friendship between them was forged so strongly it would be the very foundation that will enable them to have a long life together. With each finally revealing their ultimate secret, there were no barriers to their love any longer. It was always pure but now it is fully open and known.

"What are you thinking about?" JJ asked quietly startling Emily slightly. "I can actually feel those wheels turning you know." JJ continued smiling into Emily's soft breasts.

Emily chuckled slightly. "Lots of things I guess."

JJ lifted her head and kissed Emily's neck. "Like what?"

"Well…for starters how happy I am right now. "

"Oh yeah? What else?" JJ pressed.

"Actually I was thinking how in some weird way it may have been better that we were friends for so long before…. this." Emily paused a moment. "I feel like we share a much stronger bond because of it. I don't know how to explain it."

JJ pulled back and looked at Emily. "I know what you mean. You are my best friend and have been for so long. You may be right that it ultimately worked out this way. We know each other so well. But I still hate we wasted so much time dancing around our true feelings. "

Emily looked back at JJ and brushed her fingers across JJ's cheek. "I love you. So, so much Jennifer. " Emily then leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips. Pulling back she continued stroking JJ's cheeks and smiled. "I could get lost in those blue eyes of yours. You know that?"

JJ giggled. "I just might let you get lost. And for future reference, I love it when you call me Jennifer."

JJ leaned in for another kiss. "I love you Em. I can't remember a time when I didn't."

After a few moments of light kissing they became more heated. Tongues began another battle for dominance as hands began to roam freely across exposed skin. In a matter of minutes Emily had gone from content to a maddened state of arousal. She rolled them both over until she was on top of JJ and began a path of kisses from JJ'sr neck to her left nipple where she slowly, almost painfully licked every inch of the soft swell and nipped at the erect bud. JJ moaned into Emily's touch arching her hips and back upward in an effort to increase the contact. Emily smiled and lifted her own hips away from JJ in a teasing manner. "You need to wait young lady. I plan to take my time with you this morning." Emily then made her way to JJ's right breast where she provided the same sweet and oh-so-slow attention.

"God Em… oh…I need you." JJ huffed and ran her nails lightly up and down Emily's back. Reaching down she began stroking just above the crack of Emily's ass with one hand while squeezing Emily's cheeks with the other. Because Emily was still on her knees refusing to give JJ more contact than necessary, JJ was able to continue her fingers on a downward path through Emily's crack toward her center. JJ reached Emily's center and gasped at how wet she found the brunette to be. Coating her finger with Emily's desire she began to message Emily's center, gently moving from her clit to her ass hole where she lingered a bit. "Jennifer." Emily bucked at JJ's actions and was both surprised and pleased at JJ's boldness. "I can't believe how wet you are. " JJ breathed. "Em, I need you so badly. Please baby."

Emily regained her senses and continued trailing her tongue from JJ's nipples, across her abs, and finally stopping to taste every inch of her hips and upper thigh. Bucking, JJ spread her legs wider as Emily moved closer to her ultimate destination. JJ literally could feel her arousal dripping down toward the bed sheets.

Emily lifted her head and looked up at the blond who was now breathing heavily with eyes squeezed shut. Choosing to end JJ's suffering she adjusted her elbows and positioned herself directly between JJ's legs. Inhaling JJ's unique scent she reached out and gently brushed her fingers across JJ's clit. JJ jerked and moaned at Emily's touch. Emily continued to lightly rub JJ's clit not wanting to bring her to the edge too quickly. Emily then moved her fingers further south where she spread JJ's lips and bent in to apply a long lick to JJ's slit. Emily couldn't believe how unbelievable JJ tasted and began what can only be described as devouring the blond. After what seemed like eternity for JJ, "Emily please I need you inside me," JJ cried as she opened her legs further and lifted her hips. Emily rolled JJ onto her side and collecting her sex on her fingers then slowly eased two digits into JJ. Emily began pumping, slowly at first still wanting to make it last. While continuing her ministrations in JJ, Emily eventually began rubbing JJ's clit with her other hand. She increased her speed before too long and sought out the spot inside JJ that would bring her over the edge. "So close… don't stop." JJ panted. Emily, wanting to throw her over the edge continued pumping her fingers inside JJ while fingering her clit but now dared to lean in and apply the tip of her tongue to JJ's crinkled hole where she applied light, loving licks. That was it. The magic of Emily's fingers combined with the sensations of Emily's tongue on the entrance of her ass hole sent JJ over. She bucked and almost bounded off the bed as the orgasm overtook her entire body. Emily helped her ride the orgasm to the end as she gently continued the movements of her fingers. Once JJ's breathing began to settle Emily removed her fingers and climbed back up toward JJ where she wrapped her arms around her with her chest flush against JJ's back.

After several minutes JJ took a deep breath and pulled Emily impossibly closer. "That was unreal."

"I hope I didn't cross a line? I just.. .well it seemed right and well you were doing your own touching with me…" Emily whispered.

"No not at all. I mean I've never really gone there and I'm not sure I want to but that…that was fine. Ok, it was more than fine." JJ snickered as she rolled over and looked right at Emily.

"I never want to do anything to make you uncomfortable. After last night I want to give you any and all the pleasure I possibly can." Emily swore.

"Emily, I am certain you won't ever have any trouble in that department." JJ smiled and kissed her lightly.

Looking over at the nightstand clock Emily giggled. "Look at the time it's almost noon. What should we do today?"

JJ raised one eyebrow." I know one thing we can do… wink, wink"

"Now Agent Jareau, is that all you can think about?"

Pretending to pout JJ responded. "I don't think what I heard from you last night were sounds of protest." JJ reached down and slipped her hand between Emily's thighs. "Besides I can't leave you hanging. "

Gasping at JJ's feathered touch Emily laughed. "Baby, as much as I want it and want you, I got quite a workout last night. Can I get a rain check for later?"

JJ frowned but didn't argue. "Ok. How about some coffee while we figure out what were gonna do today?"

"Perfect. You stay here. And I'll get it started. "Emily offered and leaned in to kiss JJ.

"Oh, boy! I get room service!"

"And here I thought I just gave you room service!" Emily teased with a wink.

Emily got out of bed and made her way somewhat gingerly to the door. This did not go unnoticed by JJ and she now realized why Emily needed the rain check. "Problems walking this morning Prentiss?"

Emily turned around. "Let's just say I used muscles I forget existed. It's been a long time since I worked out. " She made air quotations as she said 'worked out'.

"Well don't blame me. I'm not the least bit surprised given your insatiable appetite last night."

"My appetite! You started it may I remind you?" Emily laughed then stuck out her tongue as she walked through the door. "This is all your fault missy."

"My fault? So I'm simply supposed to ignore you when you're dressed in a dripping wet wife beater? I don't think so."

Laughing, JJ rolled over grabbing one of the pillows and hugged it. This is really happening. I'm really with Emily. Closing her eyes she inhaled Emily's scent on the pillow and relaxed as she never had before and quickly fell back asleep. She soon woke to Emily sitting down on the bed with two cups of coffee in hand. Sitting up JJ gladly accepted one and took a small sip. Looking up at Emily she could immediately see the wheels turning again.

"You think way too much, you know that? Where are you now?"

Emily nodded her head in slight agreement. "Well it occurred to me that at some point we need to leave here. " Emily rubbed her face and tried to blink back the tears forming at all the thoughts that ran through her head while she prepared the coffee.

"So you are actually starting to like being in the woods?" JJ was a bit confused.

"No. I mean this is nice and all but that's not what I was really referring to." Pausing for a second Emily continued. "You need to get back to work, and I…. I don't know what I have. I mean there is so much. How am I going to tell the team? My mother? What do I say? And the paperwork to bring me back! What about my job? I'm probably in some pretty deep shit with the Bureau." She sighed and ran her hands through her hair. "Where am I going to go? I don't have a home…."

"Emily stop!" JJ reached out and touched her arm. "Sweetie relax. There is a lot to consider but we don't have to solve it all today, ok?" Emily nodded. "Look, I have some time off so let's stay here the weekend and drive back to DC on Monday. Emily, you went through a horrible ordeal these last six months. I think you've earned a few days of relaxation. Besides I just got you back and I want you to myself for a couple days." JJ smiled but could still see the stress in Emily's face. She moved over toward Emily and set her mug down. Putting her arms around Emily she whispered. "We'll figure it out. You aren't alone with this. I love you."

Emily smiled and wiped her eyes. "I know. It's just so much to think about. So many people are going to be hurt and angry."

"It is a lot to think about so let me give you one less thing to worry about. When we get back to DC you are going to stay with me. "

"JJ, I didn't want to assume that. I certainly don't want to push you or do anything too quickly." Emily said slowly. "I'm fine in a hotel for a bit until I get things settled"

Pulling back JJ shook her head firmly and grabbed a strong hold of Emily's arm. "Emily! This thing. You and I." JJ waived her other finger back and forth between the two of them. "It's real and I'm not wasting another minute without you. It's not like we just met last week and we're pulling up the U-Haul. I have loved you and been in love with you for what feels like forever. People don't get a second chance to be together like we're getting now and I am not going to delay beginning the rest of my life with you. The rest of my life with you starts now. Today. Got it?"

Emily looked up and was surprised to see tears streaming down JJ's cheeks. She does love me.

Reaching up to wipe the tears Emily spoke softly. "I want that too, Jen. I want a life with you and only you. "

"Well, then it's settled isn't it?" JJ pulled Emily closer and whispered. "I will be with you every step of the way. I love you."

They embraced for a moment then Emily placed both hands on either side of JJ's face pulling her in for a kiss. It was a kiss Emily hoped would convey how much she loved JJ. "What do you say we have some breakfast? We sort of missed dinner last night."

JJ smiled. "That sounds nice. Maybe a walk afterwards? I'm guessing we may not leave the house for the next couple days."

"What are you implying Jareau?"

JJ got up and pinched Emily's butt cheek. "I'm not implying anything. The facts are I'm in a lake house in the middle of nowhere alone with an incredibly smart brunette who is crazy, sexy hot. Not to mention the fact I absolutely love and adore her. Who wouldn't take full advantage of that? "

"Oh. Well maybe I should leave so you can be alone with this brunette?" Emily teased spinning JJ back around and into her arms.

"Prentiss if you are ever more than an arm's length away from me over the next 48 hours I will see to it that you spend the next month sleeping alone!"

"You wouldn't do that but you can't bet I won't take that chance." Emily whispered and captured JJ's lips with her own. "Thank you."

"For what?" JJ whispered.

"For saving me."