Second oneshot, yay for no writer's block~ It makes you not have to think as hard and you can just keep typing away. So, here's the next oneshot.

OH AND FORGOT THE DISCLAIMER: No one except Lacey belongs to me.


Rodrick's POV

Our groans could be heard throughout my room in perfect harmony, my octave low and dark and Lacey's light and rich. We've been making out on my bed for a while, me straddling her on top and her wiggling on the bottom. I was holding her wrists above her head and was now kissing down her throat and making my way to her collar bone. She moaned happily as she went to kiss at my neck, making me shiver in ecstasy. She smirked and kissed me more, now licking her way to the nape of my neck. Her tongue worked wonders on me, making me groan in a pure state of mind. She withdrew herself from me and licked her lips, slyly. She wriggled her hands out of my grip and used them to freely tug at the hem of my shirt.

"Off." she ordered at me and I snorted, grabbing her hands and rubbing the palms of them. I really did like grabbing her hands, they were really soft and smooth and I kind of get turned on by them. I took her right hand and kissed her fingertips, then kissed her palm and her knuckles as she giggled anxiously and liking the feeling of it. I then took her left hand and did the same, her smile bright and happy.

"You really like my hands, don't you?" she asked me and stopped kissing to look at her.

"Well, I like other parts of your body, like your sides, thighs, neck, feet and your legs and well as your hands. I just don't feel comfortable playing with your other body parts like I do with your hands." she nodded and put her legs up on my lap. I blushed a little as her heel and leg brushed against my dick, making it swell up a little. She laughed a little at me.

"I see you weren't kidding with that, weren't you, Rodrick?" the way she slurred my name out beautifully made me smile. She shook her legs and looked at me.

"Go ahead, do what you want with them." she purred, crossing her legs. I shook my head while blushing.

"N-No, I'd rather not." I told her. She looked at weird.

"Why not?" she asked me, a little taken by this.

"Because." I told her trailing my hands to the hem of her shirt and pulling it up. "I'd rather have sex right now." I could feel her roll her eyes at me in a teasing way but did not fight back as her shirt went up over her head. I looked at her in awe and started to blush as my area got tight in my jeans. Then I started to laugh.

"Lace, I see? Haha, and your name is Lacey. Get it? Lace, Lacey?" she laughed a little.

"Ha ha, very funny, now come on and take my damn shirt off." I wolf whistled.

"Getting into this, huh?" I pulled her shirt off and she moved around a little. She smirked.

"You like my lacey bra." she urged. I couldn't help but to blush.

"No law saying I couldn't." I told her and climbed on top of her, a lusty look in my eyes. She smiled and pulled at my shirt.

"Take it off, bad boy." she purred as she pulled it up to show off my abs. I pulled my shirt off and threw next to hers on the floor. She eyed my chest and arms with faint amusement. I lowered my head to her chest and kissed and nibbled around the sensitive skin at her bra. She moaned as I licked around her breasts. I fondled the material of her bra and smiled happily. She laughed at me.

"You really like lace, don't you?" I nodded.

"It is part of your name, baby." she blushed and pushed me playfully.

"Suck up." I laughed and bit at her neck playfully. She giggled and pushed at me.

"C'mon, we have unfinished business." she told me seductively. She licked her lips and gave me a toothy grin.

"Bite me." I smirked. She giggled and pulled me down onto her.

"Say please." she whispered and pulled the covers over us.


...I was listening to Chris Crocker's "I Want Your Bite" while writing this, okay? . Anyway, decided to get something sexual going on here. So, hope you liked it and please review. It only takes about 10 seconds. Please, it's for a good cause. :