Disclaimer: I don NOT own RE. Thank you!

Songs inspire me so! Animal by Three Days Grace. One of the most AWESOME songs ever. Clearly, a Wesker-ish song. (IF you take time and read/listen to the lyrics.)

I can't escape this hell. So many times I've tried. But I'm still caged inside. Somebody get me through this nightmare, I can't control myself.

Maybe he was tired of it all. Was he though? Would he ever be? Does the lust to kill get old or boring? Don't you think that after all these years; after all of the bodies… he would just get sick of executing? To walk up with no hesitation at all, to strike, and to let all of that blood seep from a gaping hole in the victim's chest… frankly, I don't think it ever does.

So what if you can see the darkest side of me. No one will ever change this animal I have become.

He doesn't care if you know the real him… to be honest, he wouldn't care if you hated, feared, loathed, or completely despised him. He could care less. You are completely insignificant to him. Nothing more and much less if he took his time to explain.

One: He can't be fixed because he doesn't need to be.

Two: He doesn't desire your help because that would defeat the purpose of not needing help from anyone.

Three: He can't be tamed because he is one untamable beast.

Help me believe it's not the real me, somebody help me tame this animal.

When he watches the bodies fall to his feet he smiles and he smirks. They say his heart was ripped out and replaced with a black hole of some sorts. And sometimes, he agrees with them. He contemplates it, he wonders about it like every other human being. But there's the catch… he isn't human. Not one bit.

I can't escape myself. So many times I've lied. But there's still rage inside. Somebody get me through this nightmare, I can't control myself.

Look into his arch-fiend eyes and tell me what you see. Tell me what you don't want to see. He knows because he knows virtually everything there is to know. He also knows that he is trapped; trapped in a centered life that he strived to create. No one to turn to and no one to count on. He looks out for himself, trusting nobody and allying few. Most don't live to tell the story, the truth. We all know how it ends when you sell your soul to the Devil himself and truly… it's all over from there on out.

So what if you can see the darkest side of me. No one will ever change this animal I have become.

To watch him, to study him would be the equivalent to watching a wolf, a very patient, very inelegant, and very dangerous wolf. And by all means they are out there. And whether you believe us or not… he'll make you believe.

Help me believe, it's not the real me. Somebody help me tame this animal.

He wants; he needs to feel complete power over the human race. Dominance is key in the game that he plays so well. And if you don't know how to play his game, he'll use you as nothing more than a pawn. Sometimes, he doesn't know for sure, sometimes all of the things he does comes to a screeching halt because the boss is at a standstill. He desires control over the human race and he wants to sit back and watch them shed each others blood just for the sake of purposeless survival.

Yes, there are beasts in this world and those beasts will duke it out until there is nothing left of either of them. You call it profane or creature-like behavior, when really, it's nothing more than a reason and right to spill our fellow mans blood.

No, Albert Wesker is no monster and it would be quite rude to consider him as one. The real monster is the one staring back at you in the mirror.

He knows what true monsters are.

A/N: Just a quick fic on my man Albert… The song is Animal I have become by Three Days Grace. One of Wesker's many songs.