
You've been watching her for now more than two hours. She was on her laptop, when her mother came to her, obviously screaming. You can't hear what they are talking about, because you're sitting far away. The girl doesn't behave at all, she screams back, with heart and soul. You laugh. Some entertaining you think, while sipping on your cold coffee. Her mother left the room and the girl closed the door with a loud bang it seems. She sat down on her bed desperately, while holding her head with both hands. She had a sad expression on her face and you felt like going to her and hug her tightly, so she can forget everything, because after all, you love her.

She wasn't one of these girls, who cried a lot, she was strong, strong enough to keep her feelings hid. But you know, when and why she is crying, because you know her very well. You know when she wakes up in the morning, you know which toothpaste she uses, you know which colour her bra and her underpants are, you know her telephone number, her e-mail address, how much time she needs in front of the mirror, you know her relationship to her parents, and you know which pyjama she is wearing and you also know when she goes to bed. You know everything. Even that she has a boyfriend. But not for much longer.

You'll soon replace him.

You see her taking off her top, to put on her pyjamas. You like her topless and you enjoy every second of this moment. Your burning eyes watch her soft skin with every move she makes. She removes her pants and a smile crosses your face. You lick your lips. Yeah, you like what you see. She changes into her pyjamas and stretched, as she began to yawn. She was tired and you knew that the show would be over soon. You also have to go home. Your mother is maybe wondering where you are right now, you'll tell her you were out with your friends and she won't ask any further. She looks out the window in your direction, as she closed the curtains. Fuck! you said cussing while removing the binoculars from your eyes with a fast move. You took a last sip from your ,now cold, coffee to calm yourself a bit.

She almost had seen you. You have to pay better attention next time. This spot was unsteady. Maybe a new spot from which you can spy on her would be advantageous. Nevertheless you like that she is unknowing, because you know that you have the upper hand.

You sigh in relief while a smile crossed your face, enjoying what you just have seen.

You wondered what it's like to touch her, how it would feel to be very close to her, to smell her.

Silence. Your idle glance wanders across the empty street of her neighbourhood. You make sure that no one sees you, as you make your way home. Suddenly you stop. You forgot something. Something behind the bushes, which could reveal that you have been there. Your binoculars! You rush back to the spot you have been sitting for two hours. A sigh of relief escapes your mouth as you see your binoculars on the floor. You take them and look up at her window. The lights were turned off. You turn around and go. At least you get to see her in school tomorrow. But still, you'll come tomorrow, to watch her a little, again.

Good night, dearest Jade West.

AN: This is my new story called "Stalker". Hope you guys liked it.

So who do you think the stalker is? It's hard to tell though, because it's just the prologue. But tell me what you think. Whether I should continue or not. And maybe if you liked this you can check out my story "Looking In The Mirror".

Tell me what you think!

Don't forget to review!
