I opened my eyes to see that 1) it was night time, 2) I was in a forest and not the Ghost Zone like I planned, and 3) I was in ghost form even though I passed out. As interesting as the first two were, I somehow focused on the last. Was my ghost half so strong that I don't revert back now? Or was it only because I hit my head instead of running out of energy? I'm not exactly an expert on this, that would be Vlad and we all know that is never going to happen.

I picked myself up off the leaf littered ground and looked around me. There were some painted trees around me in some classic holiday shapes but oddly enough there wasn't a representation of Halloween. As interesting as that was, I needed to find people, I needed help.

There's something, a quiet but solid source of noise. Thank goodness for my advanced hearing! Though it still seems far, so I'll fly there and when I'm closer I'll change back.

I took off going towards the sounds, realizing quickly that it's singing. The melody is dark but playful; who or whatever the town is celebrating it must be great because the whole town must be singing that song.

Once I break free of the trees, I see a large pumpkin patch. At the edge of the field there's a pumpkin headed scarecrow with a sign around its neck and its twig fingers pointing.

'Halloween Town?' I can't help but think. This place must be huge on Halloween if they named their home after it and that doesn't include the pumpkin patch.

I shrug as I continue walking the rest of the way into town, ignoring that nagging feeling I was forgetting something in my need to find help.

Go on; take a wild stab at where I sent him

The large iron gates did little to deter my entrance. Someone could drive a whole circus through some of those gaps. But the gate aside, when I saw the square, I knew this whole Halloween theme was done with enough detail to make Sam ecstatic. The place was a goth's dream come true.

There was a grotesque fountain spilling green sludgy water, I swear it could be glowing. All the buildings looked ready to condemn and were at weird, impossible angles. Was that a guillotine?

There seemed to be a party going on, everyone was in some really cool costumes; one guy looked like he was literally melting. There was also this really, really, really tall and skinny man standing on a stage looking my way. In fact they were all looking my way.

"Uh…hi?" yes I mentally slapped myself at the lameness.

"Hello there! It is always good to see visitors to our fair town!" Said a short stubby man next to the tall dude dressed as a skeleton, a well dressed skeleton at that.

"Uh, yeah, hi. Could someone-" I try but the tall guy cuts me off.

"What is your name, dear boy?" He stepped off the stage to…wait a minute, he wasn't even on it! He just stepped forward! Jeez this guy is tall!

"Danny," I say once I can form sentences again, "My name's Danny."

"It is so nice to meet you Danny, my name is Jack Skelington." The tall dude-Jack-took my hand and shook it. Only I took it back when I noticed that it was clad in a white glove. I was still in ghost form.

"What is a fine looking ghost, like yourself, doing all the way out here in Halloween Town?" Jack asked as he tilted his head with one boney hand on his chin and bent down to look at me more-or-less on my own level.

"I…I need to find-" I start again.

"A place to stay, no doubt!" Jack says grandly. He then places an arm around my shoulders and pushes me along with him. "You may stay at my house, Young Spirit. May your wanderings cease for tonight for Halloween is over and we all need to rest before we start planning for next year." There was no fighting with this guy; he was just like my dad. Skinnier and taller but his general attitude and…well his name was the same. Maybe that's why I let him take me to a building as tall and skinny as the man who owned it. Maybe, just maybe, I could stay here. What am I thinking? I need to go home. I just need to, for Dani.

There, another chapter of Gone! Again it's horribly short…Ah! Why do you forsake me inspiration fairies! Why!

Anyway, do the review thing; maybe it'll call the inspiration fairies.