Rane - Dance Lessons

"Oh, come on! You have to learn how to dance!"

"As I'm sure you've noticed, I'm not the most graceful person-"

"You'll be fine."

"-in fact, I'm fairly certain I'm one of the most uncoordinated people in the world."

"Reed. Don't sweat it. I always catch you, right?"


"Just.. here, hold my hand."


"Good. Now put your other hand on my shoulder."


"Perfect! Now, um.. You wanna try standing on my feet? 'Cause I wanna show you how to do it first before I let you do it on your own."

". . . O-okay."

"Okay, good. Wow. You're really light."


"See? It's easy!"

"..I think you should teach me how to dance more often."