Hello, so the last time I posted was in July! But, I thought to myself that even though it's September, I want to finish it! I suddenly felt like writing. So, here's the last chapter of my first fan-fic!


Disclaimer: I do not own Glee.




… Rachel sat at the table, her hand intertwined with Noah's. She couldn't believe she was on a real date with him. Strangely, it felt right. For the first time, she wasn't nervous. She wasn't worried. She wasn't stressed. She felt so safe and okay with Noah around. He had always been her hero.

Noah glanced around the table. On his left were Mercedes and Sam, and to his right were Rachel, Kurt, and Blaine. It wasn't ideally who he'd hang out with, but he was actually enjoying himself. It was one of the best moments of his life, really. Not to mention he looked smoking hot in his black tuxedo.


… Santana walked into the decorated gym. Her black heels clicked as she walked, and her stunning red dress shined in the lights. As she looked around, Santana couldn't help but feel doubt about coming. The only reason she came was for Mercedes.

She gracefully walked around the gym. All she could see were people grinding to a Britney Spears song. Brittany came into her mind. She always does when she hears Britney. As she kept walking, Santana found Mercedes at a small table. She was seated next to Sam… and Puckerman. This was not the time to talk. Santana quickly turned around and ran into the hallway. She couldn't get the courage to do it.


... Pink's 'Perfect' filled the room. Puck turned to Rachel. "You want to dance?"

"Oh, yeah, sure," she said. Even though she tried to hide her excitement, it was quite obvious. Noah took her hand as he led her to the dance floor. Kurt followed them, pulling Blaine along.

Mercedes sat there alone with Sam. This was so embarrassing. She looked away nervously.

"Mercedes, are you okay," Sam asked. "You seem out of it." He noticed she'd been acting like that all night.

"Do you like me? Do you actually like me? Honestly?"

Sam was surprised. He never knew what to expect with her, and he liked that. He liked her. "Honestly, I like you a lot. You are beautiful, genuine, kind, loyal, and a kick-ass singer!"

Mercedes laughed. She could feel her cheeks turn red, and she had no idea what to say to him.

"So, would you give me the honor of dancing with you?"

Mercedes sat her pink clutch (it matched her long, pink dress perfectly) on the table, "Hell yes," she responded as she put her hand in his. As she walked onto the dance floor, something didn't feel right.


… Santana sat in the lonely choir room. Things were so different at night. She didn't want to sit there any longer. She opened up her phone and smiled. Her wallpaper was a picture of her and Mercedes. Santana started to dial Cedes' number (which she remembers by heart.) She could feel her ear shaking next to her phone. Please answer. Please.

"Hello, you've reached Mercedes' voicemail. I'm not here right now, but you can…" Santana threw her phone at the wall before the message ended. "Damn it," she said to herself. She could feel her tears build up.

'Why can't anything go my way? My life sucks! I can't go out there and face everyone. I can't do anything. I'm just dirt. I'm just dirt that gets stepped on.' Santana held onto her stomach as the tears dropped. 'And top it all of I'm pregnant. I'm no better than Quinn. I'm worse than Quinn. I'm a lesbian with a bun in the oven. That doesn't even make sense!' She wiped the tears off her face. 'No! I'm not gonna cry about this. I'm going to talk to Puck. I'm going to talk to Cedes. It can't get any worse.'


… Nicki Minaj's 'Super Bass' came on as Puck gave Rachel a quick kiss. They walked back to their table as Finn pulled Rachel back by her waist. She made a tiny squeal. "Could we talk for a minute," Finn begged.

"You've had plenty of chances to talk, Hudson. Back off," Puck said getting ready to push Finn. Rachel stepped in the middle of them just in time. "It's okay. One last conversation won't hurt. Really," she insisted.

"Fine," Puck said nervously.

Rachel followed Finn to the other side of the gym. "Do you really want to be with Puck," he asked loudly.

"Haven't we been over this? And aren't you here with Quinn?"

"I want to be with you! You know that!"

"Finn, you've had chance after chance. You've waited too long! I've been obsessing over you for so long, but I finally realize I don't need you. The person I really want has been under my nose the whole time! Unfortunately, my nose is so big I hadn't noticed until now. I like Noah! I've never been so sure of my feelings for him until now! I'm sorry, but we're not meant to be. Not like I used to think we were."


… On the other side of the room, Puck was watching Rachel and Finn. It was his job to protect her at all times. Then, Santana stepped beside him. "There's something important I have to say," she said.

Puck sighed. "I'm kind of busy right now."

"Look, it can't wait!"

"Okay, what," Puck asked still watching Rachel and Finn.

"I'm sorry I've been such a mess. I'm sorry I am a mess, and I'm sorry I've been making you're life a mess, too." Santana didn't know how to say it.

"Is that all?"

"Uh, can we go somewhere more private?"

Puck saw Finn pull aggressively at Rachel. That creep. He ran across the room before he could answer Santana.


… "Finn, let go of my arm!" ... "Hey, let her go Hudson!"

Finn saw Puck and released her. "She's all yours, jerk," he said as he started to walk away.

"I'm not done with you yet," Puck yelled as he pushed Finn against the wall. Finn pushed back, and they both continued. Rachel put her hands on their shoulders.

"Stop it! This is ridiculous," Rachel told them both. They all looked around as people stared at them. Finn ran off somewhere, and Rachel hugged Noah. "Thank you," she whispered in his ear. She held onto him as he kissed her.

Puck stopped and looked around. Most of the crowd lost their interest, but Franken-teen (as Santana called him) was still on the loose.


… Mercedes sat at the table with Sam. She could hear Kurt and Blaine discussing cute outfits they saw people wearing. Of course! She opened up her clutch and checked her phone. 'One missed call : Santana '

"Oh, sorry Sam, I have to go call Santana," she said as she got up from her chair. Hopefully she's here somewhere.

"Oh, yeah, go ahead, my lady," he said.

Mercedes giggled as she walked away. 'My lady. That's so weird, but so sweet.' She called Santana and it went straight to voicemail. 'Either she doesn't want to answer or her phone's off? Why would she call me then?... Something is definitely wrong.'


… Santana stood there disappointed. 'Thanks a lot, Puckerman. Thanks, jerk.' She walked over to the wall and sat on the floor. 'Look at all those people dancing together. They're all having the night of their lives while my night is full of crap. How is that fair?'


She looked up. "Hey, Brit," San greeted sadly.

"Is something wrong? You look upset," Brittany asked concerned.

"Everything's wrong," Santana simply said.

"Want to talk about it?" Santana nodded. "Come on," Brittany said as she helped Santana up.


… "And I think I love her," Santana said.

"Does she like you?"

"I don't know, but she came here with Sam! And even if she did, she wouldn't once she finds out," Santana tried to explain.

"Find out what," Brittany continued to question.

"You swear not to tell?" Brittany nodded. "Okay. Truth is… I'm pregnant."

Brittany flinched her head back. "And Mercedes is the father?"

"No," Santana kept talking, "Puck is the father!"

"Do you like Puck then?"

"No, I like Mercedes! I don't know what to do!"

Brittany put her arm over San's shoulder and hugged her. "It'll be okay. Everything gets better." Santana didn't say anything. "You're an amazing person, San. I know you're gonna do fine. You're the strongest person I know."

"Thanks, Brit." Santana hugged her back and smiled. "I feel better now."

Brittany smiled back. "Good. You want to go back in and dance?"

"In a few minutes I will. I think I'm gonna get some air outside first."

"Okay, Santana," Brittany said as she walked back into the gym. Little did she know she wouldn't see her again…


… "Excuse me," Principal Figgins said into the microphone. "Would everyone gather around to find out who our 2011 King and Queen are?" The crowd silenced. "The 2011 McKinley High King is…" (Figgins slowly opened the envelope). …"Finn Hudson!" Quinn gave a devilish smile as they placed the crown on Finn's head.

"And the 2011 McKinley High Queen is…" Quinn filled with excitement. "Rachel Berry!"

Rachel's face dropped. "What do I do?" The spotlight came onto Rachel Berry. This was the first time she didn't want it. She looked up on the stage. Finn looked suspiciously happy. Quinn looked like she was about to explode. Figgins looked stupidly unaware of everything.

"Come up here, Rachel Berry," Figgins continued. 'What else can I do,' Rachel thought. She walked up the stage and received her crown. "And now for the King and Queen dance."

Finn held her hand and led her to the center of the dance floor. The soft music played and he pulled her close. So many thoughts were going through her head. 'What is happening? How was I voted Queen? What do I say? What is Noah thinking? What if he hates me now?'

"See," Finn interrupted her thoughts, "I told you we're meant to be together."

Rachel pushed away. No way would she do this. "We're not. I don't care if I'm voted Queen and you were voted King. Noah is my real king. Get used to it," she said cheerfully as she strolled over to Puck and hugged him.

Puck smiled and held her tight. "Do you even know how much I like you?"

"I'd hope a lot," she teased.


… Santana sat silently on the bench. It was totally empty outside. You would've thought there would be guards or something at the school, but no. It even scared Santana a little bit. But, it was nice to just look at the sky and stuff. Not that Santana really cared about nature.

A man ran from out of nowhere across the lot. He was wearing a hoodie, jeans, and green sneakers. He didn't look like he belonged at a Prom. Then, Santana saw a man run right behind him. The other man looked the same, except he was wearing a black baseball cap under his hood. 'What is going on,' Santana thought.

"Give me the money," the guy from behind yelled. 'What money? Is this like a drug deal or something? Why would they do this at a school parking lot?'

The first guy ran towards the school until he saw Santana on the bench.

"Give me the money!"

'Uh, why me,' Santana thought as she got up and stepped beside the first guy. The other man with the hat stopped running. "Not to be a buzz-kill, but you both need to take a chill pill," she bravely said.

"Look, little girl," the man with the hat said," You better go away before you get hurt."

"Dude, I know what's going on. Just take this somewhere else, okay?"

"Excuse me?" The man reached into his pocket.

"I know what you're both trying to do. Just go away before I go all Lima Heights on you!"

"Oh really?" Santana nodded at him. "Alright, then."

It was a mistake. It was all a mistake. But, things can't always go exactly right, can they? Not everyone can get their fairytale ending. It's nothing you can change. There's nothing you can do. You just have to take it. Unfortunately, it can go too far sometimes.

Before Santana knew it, he pulled the gun out. And bam! It hit her. The bullet hit her, and she dropped to the ground. The blood flowed over her dress. Both of the men ran off. Just like that. It was all over. Santana was over. Thanks, Lima Heights.


… "Hey, Brittany," Mercedes called.


"Have you seen Santana? I haven't seen her yet."

"She went outside, and I was just gonna go check on her. Come on," Brittany said clueless.


… Brittany and Cedes opened the doors. It didn't take a second for either of them to see her. Immediately, all the joy was gone. It was like a bullet hit them. Almost. It was like someone sucked the joy from them. Someone took away their joy.

Brittany screamed and the tears just streamed down her face. "Santana," Mercedes repeated. "Santana!" They both knew she was gone. Brittany cried into Mercedes arms. 'It's all my fault,' Brit though. 'It's all my fault,' Cedes thought.


… It was hard. Mercedes had to wait until Santana was gone to see that she loved her. She really loved her. Brittany had to wait until Santana was gone to see that not everyone good lives forever. It wasn't a nice realization. Puck had to wait until Santana was gone to know that she was pregnant. With his child. And he/she was gone too. Rachel had to wait until Rachel was gone to see that she had it easy. She had it made compared to Santana. Quinn had to wait until Santana was gone to know that she couldn't always be the best. Finn had to wait until Santana was gone to realize not everyone gets to be with the one they love. And so on…

It was hard. Santana was gone. She died. It felt like all life died. But, life goes on.

"And I go back to black…"

Okay, thank you everyone who read this! I'm sorry it took my about 4/5 months to finish this! But, I finally did! And, I'm very proud! I said I would make a Puckleberry story, but if I do write a new story, it will be about a new character entering McKinley! The whole story would be based around her! Tell me if you're interested and tell me what you thought of this! Thanks!

- TeamPuckleberry