Superboy got up around 5:00 again with another nightmare. It had been the fifth one these past two weeks. He started getting them when he had left Cadmus. Maybe that it was a sign that he wasn't created to sleep. That was a dumb theory since he had been asleep the whole time he was at Cadmus.

Sometimes Superboy had wondered if he was ever going to wake up in Cadmus if Robin, Kid Flash and Aqualad had never came to his recuse. Actually recused was more like found. Yes they found him in an endless sleep and decide to free him. And of course he had showed gratitude by attacking the three of them, but it wasn't his fault he was under mind control.

Still they had given him the freedom from the prison he was trapped in and for that he was thankful. That was a year ago, now he was part of a team working for Batman with friends.

Superboy made his way to the kitchen since he could never go back to sleep whenever he woke up. He turned on the light in the kitchen and walked in. It was weird walking in the kitchen whenever M'gann wasn't in here cooking. The martin girl had gotten better at cooking, at first all she did was burn cookies that only Wally could eat.

Turning on the TV, Superboy thought more about his friends. Wally, M'gann, Kaldur, Artemis and Robin. They all had something that he doesn't and probably never will have a name. Superboy knew that Robin did have a name just didn't want to tell anyone, actually Batman kept him from telling any of them. I mean the guy wore sunglass during the winter! That was a little too much for Superboy, but he hoped that one day Robin will tell them.

Superboy got up and made himself some cereal to eat. He didn't know who to cook so he just had to go with cereal. Soon after M'gann came walking in, she had bed head and was still in her pajamas. Seeing this made Superboy chuckled, he sorted has a thing for the Martin girl, but doesn't know what it means and he's too shy to ask anyone about it.

The girl noticed Superboy's presence and yelped when she realized she was still in her night atria. She quickly changed back in to her normal outfit before walking over to the clone.

"Good morning Superboy, did you sleep well?" she asked as she opened the fridge.

"Fine" he wasn't telling the truth but no one knew unless M'gann was reading his mind. Man, he hates it when she does that. An hour later Kid Flash, also known as Wally West came running into the kitchen. Soon Kaldur and Robin came walking in.

"Morning beautiful couldn't stop thinking about you last night." Wally said. He already begun flirting and it was only 6:00. Superboy rolled his eyes at the teen, he'll never change. Everyone sat down around the counter and started to have a conversation.

"So do you think we'll have any missions today?" asked KF all excited.

"Not sure, I didn't get a chance to talk with Batman at all." replied Robin.

"Maybe we might get today off since we had nothing but missions straight last week." said Kaldur.

"How's complaining" joked Wally.

Then the group heard something on the news that got their attention. The news was talking about Superman and how he saved a whole town from a volcano eruption. Four pair of eyes glanced over at a sleeping Superboy who wasn't paying attention since the conversation started.

"He seems to do that a lot." pointed out Wally.

"What is it that makes him so tired?" asked Robin.

"Not sure, he always tells me he sleeps well, but I began to think that's a lie. Should I go in mind and read his thoughts?" question M'gann.

"No, let him be the one to tell us when he is ready." ordered Kaldur. "Besides I believe that Superman has something to do with this."

"Well duh, Supey has been running away from him the moment he meet him." Comment Wally.

"Well Superman never looked that excited about Superboy either, but after four months the man decide to accept him. Now all Supey has to do is the same." remarked Robin.

"You know I'm right here you guys."

The four teens looked to see an annoyed Superboy awake and staring at them. They all looked shocked and embarrassed at the same time.

"No fair! You were supposed to be asleep." cried KF.

"I was only closing my eyes not sleeping." He snarled and got up from his seat and walked out leaving his breakfast and friends there.

"Wait a minute Superboy, why don't you talk to Superman?" suggested M'gann.

Superboy stopped in his tracks, talk to Superman. No! He could never do that.

"He might be at the Hall of Justice if you want to go see him-"

"Guys I can't, he doesn't want to see me and besides I'm only his clone, nothing more." Superboy said and left.

Once he thought he was alone in the main area of the base, he sat on the floor letting his thoughts flow. Too bad for him he wasn't alone when he say a foot heading towards his head. He has able to dodge it but got another hit in the rib. Superboy looked over and saw that the one kicking him was no other than Black Canary; his teacher.

"What the hell is your problem!" he yelled.

"You looked upset." She explained.

"So you decide to kick me in the head and rib!" he shouted.

"Yes" she answered with a glee in her voice.

Superboy got annoyed and decided to respond to his teacher challenge. In the end he was thrown to the ground with Canary on top of him.

"Okay, okay I give" wined Superboy.

"Good to know" she smirked.

"Get off me" the teen grumbled in a playful voice. He was used to Canary being able to bring him down with one move. She would hold him down until he said he gave up and told her that she was the best. It was all playful stuff. So he tried not to use his super strength on her but sometimes she gave him no choice.

"In a minute, first tell me why you don't want to see Superman." she demanded. It was hard for her to admit but the boy was like her own kid, she looked out for him and he had a high respect for her. Although it some time for that to happen, like a lot of Superboy's butt to get kicked for that to happen.

"How did you know about-"

"Red tornado, Batman and I were listening to your conversation with the others, and another thing, are you not getting enough sleep?" she rambled on.

"Oh please" Superboy flipped Black Canary off of him and he got to his feet. "Why does everyone think that it's a problem that I don't want anything to do with Superman?" the teen of steel wailed.

"Because he's your father-"Canary tried to point out but Superboy cut her off.

"Whoa, he is not my father; I'm just his clone okay."

Superboy left Canary at the main area and decided to go outside. He needs some space, most of all he needed a place to sleep. He wasn't sure how long he could go without any sleep. When Superboy was outside of the cave he fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes again he found that he wasn't outside of the cave, he was in his room. Oh great now he was sleep walking, what else could go wrong. He found out the moment he saw Superman on a chair next to his bed staring right at him.

Without even thinking Superboy tried to make it for the door but was thrown back down on the bed. Superman was holding him down with his super strength.

"Now where were you going?" he man of steel asked.

At that moment Superboy felt just as scared as he was when he first met Superman. He tried to struggle but his strength was nothing for the man of steel.

Now he was trapped with nowhere to go. Only thought now was…

Oh shit.