Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroshitsuji

Dainty fingers clutched the fountain pen. "Write. Report your mission to me." He stared at William in utter confusion.

He remembered that day. That day when he found himself strapped to a gurney, its bars were cold and unwelcoming, sharing the same atmosphere in the same room. He remembered groaning and cracking a few bones while to trying to stretch himself free of the slumber in his eyes. His eyes. He remembered opening them, only find his vision was as crystal clear as a pond and not as murky as the depths of the ocean. The candle that illuminated room had wax that was dangerously low, threatening to snuff out any second.

William got up from his seat next to Grell and walked away. "Write whatever you can."

He couldn't help but remember a pair of emerald, green eyes, both vibrant and delicate, stare back at him when looked to his left.

He remembered his stomach lurching and his head turning to the other side, his mouth unleashing a large amount whatever was in his innards all over the stone floor.

After a few minutes, with his hand slightly cramping, he wrote on the margin,'That was my dream', and took a fresh, new parchment to hand and wrote once more.


It was a simple mission. A single soul on the To Die List was an easy and fair task for Grell, so easy, he took the List from William's desk without a moment's hesitation. Just one soul this time, at least it's work I'll get done fast, he thought when he flew over the rooftops like a gazelle. It was a rare opportunity for a reaper to reap only one soul for a full 24 hours, normally it would be twenty or more at the maximum. Being at Grell's rank, the numbers were higher. And being at Grell's demoted rank, the quantity sky-rocketed to his displeasure.

His hand scribbled atop the parchment in a frenzy. So much to write, so much to say. Or was there?

He remembered it was the dead of night, he spotted a faint glow in the distance and raced towards it; the Cinematic Record was left alone, long enough for the Record to float languidly to the sky. He approached it and landed onto the concrete sidewalk that acted as a doorstep to an alley. He came by an open window where the Record was floating through, the victim was in a building. The reaper hoisted himself on to the windowsill and gracefully slid in with on the sound of his cloak brushing against the wooden pane.

He remembered feeling a sinking feeling, both mentally and physically. A soft, gentle giggle came to his ears and he felt hands, more delicate than his own, lace fingers with his. It felt as though he was standing over water while he watched the Cinematic Record in the room glow more faint and then vanish ever so slowly. Was it a demon? No, it can't be, the presence of a demon's soul was nowhere near him. His scythe appeared at hand and he lashed out at the person holding his own hand.

A shudder escaped his lips. "Ronald?" Where was he? Was he there? He swore he saw him there with him, along with Undertaker. He shook his head. No, he needed to focus on that day. Not the night before, but that day. How would he put this to words?

He remembered screaming, wrenching his hand but not releasing the one holding it, but it wasn't the motion that made him scream; it was the fact that his fingers were entwined with a dismembered hand that seemed to clutch his. He began to hyperventilate, the sinking feeling becoming more and more prominent as he searched desperately for the one pulling such a horrid prank.

He remembered that his world turned into nothing but blackness.

'And I found myself in my office after the dream...or was it a vision? He told me to write whatever, so I'm writing what I can.' Sleep began to fall upon him and eyes grew heavy, it was probably from the medication they injected through the ivy and needle. Languidly, his hand released the pen and dropped it to the stone floor, along with the clipboard and several papers.


He awoken to find himself sitting in his office wearing his regular clothes. He flinched at the sounds of people talking amongst each other and the ruffling of papers. His jaw rested on his hand though his mouth was open wide enough for saliva to drip down his chin. Perhaps feeling his own saliva down his chin simulated the blood. He looked ahead to find his red glasses sitting a foot away from him, waiting to be picked and placed onto the bridge of his nose. The sick feelings in his stomach suddenly vanished though his vision was a perfect 20/20.

He attempted to wear them but only found his vision obscured and the lenses began to give him a headache. He removed them and had them hang around his neck by the chain. His scythe sat in its usual spot, the handle for the engine hung on a hook. He got up and staggered over towards the door, opening it cautiously and peering around. A reaper came by, uncaring of Grell's presence. "Hey, you!"

The reaper stopped in her tracks, holding a booklet and some clipboards. "Yes?"

"What time...no, what day is it?"

She stared at him as if he were a loon but replied,"It's eight o'clock at night, the first of August."

He nodded for her to continue on, she left. Grell fumbled through his coat pockets, pulling out a booklet and looking over the last soul he was to reap on his To Die List. "August...the first?" His brow creased in confusion. He felt as though he missed a week's worth of time. As though he were out of place. He shook his head and left his office door ajar, making his way for the only person to make sense of things.


William continued to work through a knock that wracked the door. "Come in." His pen never left the paper but it stopped when he looked up to see Grell in his usual outfit. A single flaw was pointed out by the supervisor. "Grell Sutcliff, you were just in here five minutes ago...is there a problem with the other assignment I gave you?" His cold eyes stared at Grell's.

"What are you talking about? I wasn't here five minutes ago! And what assignment?" he whined, but William thought the troublemaker was playing a game so his response to the seemingly odd outburst was,"Where are your important glasses?"

"I don't need them, they were giving me a headache every time I tried to wear them." He tucked a stray strand of hair behind an ear and yawned slightly. "My eyes see fine, I can see every detail of you, Will...from a small hair out of place to that piece of lint of your shoulder." William looked to his left and saw a speck on his suit, he swiftly plucked it out and then got a comb to align his hair properly. When he was done keeping a quick, self-maintenance, Grell looked at him. "Now, I want to know something."

"Say it, I'll pay you attention but be quick."

"Who collected the soul I was given yesterday?" he asked. There was no other way he could put it, if he tried to say it subtly, then William would grow suspicious. It was blunt but it was strait to the point; Grell didn't feel like playing word games with William today. William stared at him, giving him the same look the female reaper gave him minutes ago. "Well?"

"No one collected it, Sutcliff," William answered, he looked slightly concerned and motioned for Grell to approach him. He done so and the redhead complied, going around the desk and to William's side. "Let me see your eyes."

Grell got to his knees and was eye level with William's chest, though he looked up at him. William bent slightly, cupping Grell's cheek his his hand and examining Grell's eyes closely. Suddenly, pulled away. "You have the eyes of a human, it's as though your Shinigami eyes have changed to such a state. I am sure that I did not demote you that far down to a point of where you are almost human. I shall give your assignment to someone else if your eyes can not see souls pro-"

"I can...I can do it, " Grell stated, standing up from his spot,"I'll go do...um, what did you want me to do?"

"I gave you the papers five minutes ago, don't tell me you lost them...again." Grell shook his head. "You better not lie...again. Have Ronald Knox come with you for extra personal, I would not want to deal with a reaper who have suddenly lost his perception of Cinematic Records and souls and suddenly let demons take hold of a soul. Overtime will not work well."

"Um, can you refresh my memory on who I am to reap?"

William raised an eyebrow. "It is only one soul if that is the only hint you wish for."

A/N: And here we go~! Creepy to have eyeballs staring at you.