A/N This is just a little ditty to clear up a bit of w/b. It's short, pointless, and the only Hr/R fic I'll ever write.

Disclaimer:I own no part of the Harry Potter world.
"Ron, will you *please* shut up for a bit, I'm trying to wirk over here." shouted Hermione for the eighth time. She was getting rather peeved at Ron, who was currently dancing around ten feet away, chanting, "Floop is a madman! Help us! Save us! Floop is a madman! Help us! Save us!"

"Ron," she snarled through her teeth. "If you don't stop it *this minute*, I will do you serious bodily harm. So if you want children, I suggest you stop."

Ron ignored her and continued his dancing.

"Ron, I mean it."

But still he ignored her.

"*Stop it Ron!*" She said, at the end of her rope. "Or I will be forced to take drastic actions."

Still Ron ignored her.

"Fine, you asked for it!" she screamed.

Hermione got up, and aimed at kick at Ron's lower regions. He managed to easily dance out of her way.

As he jumped out of her reach again, he began a new chant. "Miss me, miss me! Now you gotta kiss me!!"

At this point she stopped trying to hurt him. Hermione walked right up to him, grabbed the sides of his face, and pulled him into a kiss. When she pulled away, he just stared at her in shock. So did everyone else.

Hermione simply smiled and said, "What ever you say Ron."

Behind her, Harry, Neville, Dean, and Seamus exchanged glaces. As though they shared a brain, they all stood up and began dacing around the room chanting, "Floop is a madman! Help us! Save us! Floop is a madman! Help us! Save us!"

Hermione just picked up her bag, and walked out of the room, headed towards the liabrary.
Stupid and pointless, like I said. But it's given me a good idea for the next chapter in TLAML!!!!!

In the words of silverpheonix:

review, flame, whatever