A/N:Okay, I know you all are probably mad at me for not updating for a while, but that's college life for you. Anyway, here is part one of my two part chapter. Hopefully this will somewhat make up for the wait, and I hope you all will give a review on how I can possibly do better, or just give me thanks for the story. Just remember though, NO FLAMING. (Unless you're doing target practice with a dragon ) So, without further wait, read on.

Hiccup, Toothless and Astrid were travelling up the elevator to the 26th floor. Unfortunately, the elevator was slower than molasses thanks to years of rust and unchecked maintenance.

"Can this thing be any slower?! Time moved faster in that vial than in here."Toothless complained.

"Toothless, wishing for it to go faster won't work. You're just wasting your thoughts." Hiccup groaned.

"At least my thoughts are occupied. I don't want to be torturing myself any more than this." Toothless mumbled.

"Yeah, well your thoughts are giving my head a headache! We're in the same body, be considerate!" Hiccup shouted back. Meanwhile, Astrid was leaning on the opposite wall of them, clearly annoyed.

"How can you get a head ache? The plasmid "Cures all!" Toothless argued back.

"Well gee! I don't know, maybe because your constant talking is fueling it faster than the plasmid can cure it!" Hiccup shouted.

"SHUT UP!" Astrid snapped suddenly. Hiccup jumped, and Toothless gave off a slight roar of surprise.

"How's about being considerate of the third person in this trio!" She shouted. Hiccup and Toothless stayed quiet for a while. Astrid sighed and smile, happy her thoughts were clear now.

"…He started it." Hiccup muttered.

"Oh, here we go, now we're just going to blame each other like 6 year olds?" Toothless retorted.

"Hey, I'm just "trying to occupy my mind." Hiccup mocked, air-quoting.

"There's enough room for it. I'm in here and there's enough space for the rest of the world too."

"Are you calling me an air-head?!"

"At least air would take up something, you're more of a vacuum than-" There was a ding as the elevator doors opened.

"Finally, we're here." Hiccup sighed. He suddenly noticed Astrid near him with one of her daggers raised.

"Um…" She laughed awkwardly and put her hands behind her back.

"Uh, let's…"

"Go?" She interrupted. "Yeah, let's." They stepped off.

"Were you really about to-" Toothless started, but was cut off by what was in front of them. A long hallway, completely shrouded in darkness. There was no sign of life.

"Well this just got 10 times creepy." Hiccup muttered. Astrid raised her hand and formed an orb of fire hovering above it.

"Better?" She asked. He mumbled something about spooky hallways before nodding. They started off down the hall, on high alert.

"Who do you suppose this man is?" Toothless asked.

"I don't know, all Gobber said was he had a T-shaped key."

"Well whoever he is; let's hope he's not as powerful as he is sneaky." Astrid said. Hiccup nodded and started to walk forward, when Astrid stopped him.

"What is it?" He asked, annoyed.

"This is too easy." She said. She shot the fireball down the hallway, forming another one as it flew. They saw the entire hallway was lined with trap bolts, with a few proximity mines as well. Hiccup observed the situation.

"Toothless?" He asked. "Can your skin protect me?"

"This is electricity Hiccup. My skin won't protect you from the current." Toothless informed.

"Guess it's my turn then." Astrid said. She lifted her axe and threw it. She then guided it around the room with telepathy, its spinning blade cutting through the trap bolts. It then returned to her as she started firing fire balls at the explosives. Within a few minutes, the hallway was clear. Astrid smirked at Hiccup and set off.

"Show off." He muttered, following. At first, it was nothing but darkness, Hiccup's dragon eyes leading the way through the shadows of the hallway. Then…

"Do you hear that?" He asked Astrid. She stopped walking, and listened.

"I don't hear anything." She said.

"It's faint." Hiccup said. "It sounds like…hissing."

"Hiccup…I sense someone nearby." Toothless informed.

"Huh? I…I don't really…" He started to droop.

"Hiccup? Astrid, something's wrong with Hiccup!" He shouted. But she was also starting to go unconscious!

"Sorry Toothless…I…so tired." She mumbled, her eyes closing. The two of them dropped to the ground.

"Astrid?! Hiccup?! Get up!"

Hiccup woke up gasping. He looked around and found himself in the library of his home. He sighed.

"That was the craziest dream I'd ever had." He thought to himself. He picked up the book in his lap.

"Mark Twain…Why is it always Mark Twain that does this to me?" He muttered. He stood up, dropping the book on the chair as he gave a small stretch.

"Hiccup, it's almost time to go." His father's voice said.

"Okay, I'll be right out Dad." He said. He fixed his ornate vest and picked up the book to place back in the bookshelf. Afterwards, he returned to the chair, fixing the cushion on it before venturing to the foyer, where his father was waiting. He had on his best suit, and despite a slight shakiness from ADAM withdrawal, he almost seemed like how Hiccup remembered him before his mother passed.

"Now, Hiccup, remember what I said?" He said.

"Be on my best behavior, don't embarrass you in front of your colleagues, and always place the salad fork on the left." He said. His father ignored the sarcasm in his voice, and nodded, giving Hiccup a once over.

"Hiccup, at least take care of that hair before we go. It looks like a bird's nest." He said.

"Be right back." Hiccup said, jogging up the steps to the apartment's bathroom. He entered and immediately went to the sink and cabinet, opening it to take out a comb. He ran it through his hair, quickly tidying up what the chair had mussed up while he slept. As he did, he began to feel strange. Like something was nagging at the back of his head, but he couldn't place it.

"Probably nothing." He said to himself. He took one last look in the mirror, making sure his hair was up to his dad's standard, before reopening the cabinet and placing the comb back inside, shutting the cabinet behind him. He froze. Something else was now in the mirror. A black, reptile, with bright green eyes. It just stared at him. He felt like shouting, but no words came out. He was just standing in shock at the image on his cabinet mirror. He slowly raised his hand, reaching out to it to see if it was just an image. Suddenly, the creature let out a roar! Hiccup yelped and fell back. He scrambled to the door, running down the stairs. His father was waiting for him.

"About time, son. What kept you?" He asked.

"D-Dad, in the bathroom; the mirror! There was…" Hiccup sputtered.

"Son? Are you alright?" His father asked. Hiccup turned to look back at the bathroom upstairs. There was nothing coming after him.

"Was it just my imagination?" Hiccup wondered. He shook his head.

"Yeah, I'm fine dad." Hiccup stated.

"Good to know." His dad said to him, concern leaving his face. "Now, let's get going. We don't want to be late." With that, they left out the front door, Hiccup grabbing his coat on the way out.

Amy woke up in her bath. She rubbed her eyes.

"What a strange dream." She said. She looked around her. She was in her bathroom, steam slowly rising from the warm water she soaked in. She sighed.

"Why must I go to this part tonight anyway?" She said to herself. "It's probably just another one of mother's plans to have me meet one of her co-workers' sons."

She stood up, stepped out and wrapped herself in a towel before draining the tub.

"Still, I suppose it would be better than hanging around here all night with nothing to do."

"Amy dear, it's almost time to go. Please, do hurry." Her mother said from behind the door.

"I'll be ready soon, mother." She answered, drying herself. She placed the towel on a rack nearby, and started to dress herself. She had picked out a long, blue gown. She hated wearing dresses, but it was a formal party, so she had no choice. After she dressed, she walked out of the bathroom, and into her own room. She headed over to a vanity and sat on the stool in front of it before taking a hairbrush and brushing her hair. After it was all straightened out, she placed the hairbrush down, and began braiding it. After several minutes of expert weaving, her hair was finally tied in a braid that went down her back.

"Amy?" Her mother called impatiently.

"I'm almost done!" She answered. She quickly stood and left to her closet to take a pair of shoes with a slight heel to them, not that she needed the extra height. She walked back over to her vanity and sat down to place both shoes on her feet. She smoothed out her dress after this, and looked back at the mirror to see if she missed anything with her appearance.

"AAAAAAHHH!" She screamed, flying back. There was a black, scaly beast in her mirror! Her mother opened the door.

"Amy, are you alright? I heard you scream." She asked. Amy looked back at the mirror. Nothing was there anymore.

"…yes…mother…I just thought I saw a spider on the vanity." She lied. Her mother sighed.

"Well, since you are ready, we should be going now." She said. Amy nodded. As they left, she looked back at the mirror. There was still nothing there. She shook her head and walked out of her room, closing the door behind her.

Hiccup and his father arrived at the party, where several scientists were already talking and socializing. His father went off, signing the guest ledger before being greeted by fellow coworkers, leaving Hiccup to wander about the rooms. He entered one, where a table had been set up for finger food. He waltzed over to the table and picked up a plate, starting to place sandwiches on it. His hand was suddenly overlapped by another.

"Oh, sorry." He and another voice said. He looked up to see a girl with blonde hair around his age standing there, in a blue dress.

"Um…you go first." He said.

"No, no you." She said. Hiccup just bit his lip a bit and grabbed a piece of chicken. She grabbed a piece too. They began eating, standing near the table, looking around at the other party goers. Hiccup noticed some of them shaking a bit as they talked, others heading to the bathroom. Hiccup knew why.

"Some party, huh?" The girl said. "So far, it's just been dealing with addiction long enough to talk." Hiccup snapped out of his thoughts.

"I was just thinking that." He said. He looked over at her again.

"Hiccup." He said.

"Then get some water." She replied.

"No, my name is Hiccup." He said. He heard her hold in a laugh.

"Seriously? What kind of a stupid name is that?" She said.

"It's a family thing. My dad's side of the family is Norse, he thought it was appropriate for me." The girl laughed again.

"Amy." She said, reaching her hand out. Hiccup shook it.

For some reason, Amy felt as though she'd met Hiccup before. But certainly she would have remembered the name, it wasn't that common. Although the name did seem to strike something. She ignored it for now.

"So, who dragged you here?" She asked.

"My dad. He's involved in research or something. I never really pay much attention." He said. "You?"

"My mother. She felt I could find someone here to potentially marry me off to." Hiccup drew back a bit.

"Oh, um…well…awkward." He sputtered.

"I'll say." She said. That feeling was still nagging at her. The stuttering, the name, and now his appearance was starting to seem familiar.

"I'm sorry, but you seem very familiar to me. Have we ever met before?" She asked.

"No, I don't think so." He said. "Why?"

"Have you ever gotten this strong sense of déjà vu? Because that's what I'm feeling right now. It's like I know you from somewhere." Hiccup shrugged.

"Nevermind." She said, placing the dish down. She was about to walk off, when…

"Holy…!" She shouted. The beast from her vanity! It was in the hallway mirror!

"Hiccup, tell me you see…" She started.

"What is it?" He asked, looking in the direction she was. She saw him stare directly at it, with wide eyes.

"What in the…" Hiccup muttered. He suddenly noticed something odd. They were the only ones who reacted. Not only this, but no one seemed bothered by their alarm. They both looked back at the mirror. The thing was gone. They faced each other, questions and freaked out expressions riddling their faces.

"You saw it too, right?" He asked.

"I saw it in my vanity." She said. "I had just finished getting ready to leave with my mother when I saw it in my vanity mirror." She turned to face him.

"And you? You obviously recognized it." She asked. Hiccup gave a slight nod.

"Yeah, I had just finished combing my hair, and after I put the comb away, I saw it in my bathroom mirror. It was just before I left as well…" Hiccup suddenly stopped.

"What?" Amy asked.

"It's just, now that I think about it, I can't remember arriving here." He mumbled.

"Like, you blacked out?" Amy asked.

"Not exactly." Hiccup said. "It's like, I left trough my houses door, and somehow, just ended up right in this room. Like the door had just opened up into another part of my house, only…not."

"You know, now that you mention it…" Amy muttered, now thinking hard as well. "That's what happened with me. I left my bedroom, and then I was just standing here in front of the food-table."

They suddenly felt like they were being watched. They looked around. No one seemed to be watching, but that feeling was still on them.

"We need to go somewhere private. Something's not right here, and we seem to be the only ones who know it." Amy suggested. She grabbed Hiccup arm and began to pull him down a hallway and into another room. There was no one around. Astrid shut the door behind them.

"Okay, so both of us saw that monster, we don't know how we got here, and I seem to have déjà vu about you. Anything else?" She asked.

"No, that pretty much sums up everything." Hiccup said. "I just don't get this. What's happening to us?"

"Well, that creature seems to be a common theme here, so let's work off of that." Amy suggested.

"Okay, um…Well…"Hiccup started. He looked around for a second, then his eye caught something that sparked a thought in his head.

"A dragon." He said, staring at a Ming vase with an eastern dragon design upon it.

"What?" Amy asked.

"It's a dragon. The creature. It has scales; it has wings, heck it has a roar I've never heard before!"

"Okay, so it's a dragon." Amy said. "How does that help?"

"I don't know." Hiccup answered. Suddenly, there was a loud screech at the end of the hallway. They both turned to see something shifting in the darkness of the hallway. Hiccup felt something of nostalgia for the noise, but ignored it, as he paled at what it was. The dragon they saw in the mirror; it was now was sitting at the end of the hall, and it had its eyes set on them!

"The dragon!" He shouted to her. Amy made a run for the door, but something darted passed her, and slammed up against it, blocking their exit. It was the dragon, its scales reflecting water patterns from the nearby window. It began roaring at them. Hiccup and Amy were terrified.

"Run!" Amy shouted. Hiccup was about to follow her, when…

"It's a trick!" Hiccup heard a voice behind him. He turned, as did Amy, and stared at the dragon, who was now staring intensely at them as well.

"Did…did you just…talk?" Hiccup asked.

"Hiccup, be careful." Amy said.

"Hiccup…" The dragon hissed. Hiccup's eyes widened.

"Y-yes?" He stuttered.

"Focus you two. It's me, Toothless. The Splicer we're after, he has trapped both of you within your minds!"

"What?" Amy asked. "What do you mean? What Splicer?"

"You must remember." Toothless told them. "You must see past this illusion."

Hiccup and Amy began to feel strange, like a part of them was trying to reject their life. Toothless slowly walked up to the two of them.

"Now, clear your mind." He said. "Hold your hands out and let me help."

"What?" Amy asked.

"Trust me." Toothless assured her. They lifted their hands, and hesitantly held them out towards Toothless. He slowly lowered his head, then raised it to touch their hands. At once, it was like a blanket had been pulled off of a window, letting light flood in. A cloud seemed to lift from their minds. Hiccup and Amy looked at each other.

"You're…Astrid." Hiccup said. Astrid looked to Toothless.

"Toothless?" She asked. "What happened to us back there?"

"The Splicer used a sleeping gas on you, and has used your state of suspension to tap into your minds. He is now feeding off of your thoughts, generating this fantasy world while he does so."

"But wait, shouldn't the Cure-all have prevented me from falling asleep?" Hiccup asked.

"Usually yes, however, this Splicer seems to have come up with a gas that nullifies the Tonic. Which would lead me to suggest that he also was on the project involving me." Toothless explained. "But I suppose he didn't expect me to have a mind of my own, much like Gobber. I was able to hide my mind from his affects by suspending myself in the middle of the link you both share. That is why I appear to you as a third being now."

Hiccup scratched his head.

"That's sort of confusing to follow Toothless. What about the Splicer himself?" He asked.

"That's just the thing. He has invaded your minds. He is just as much here as you two are. The only thing is, I have just as much an idea of what he looks like as you do."

"So, then what's the plan?" Astrid asked. Hiccup rubbed his chin.

"Okay, I have something, but it's going to take a little work." Hiccup said.

To be continued...

Next chapter should be up in a few not-weeks, which are like weeks, but they have no determined time. I call it: not-time. Don't steal it. Anyway, just a few weeks more until finals, so not much longer.