Feeling antsy, I decided to go for a walk. There was plenty of time, since school wasn't over. Soda followed me, wiping his hands.

We were silent, both of us just thinking. I looked at him, struck again by how handsome he was. I couldn't ever get tired of looking at him. Every time I looked at him, it was like seeing him for the first time. His beauty never got old. And he was beautiful. I know guys aren't supposed to be beautiful, because it isn't tough enough, but Soda looked like an angel.

"I gotta tell you something," he said abruptly. He dug his hands into his pockets and stopped. "They got the draft in."

"Soda, you're seventeen." I reassured him, my heart clenching at the hint. I immediately felt nauseous.

He looked at me stubbornly. "It's gonna happen," he insisted. "Less than a year… I'm probably goin'. I aint sayin' definitely, but I gotta look at facts, you dig?"

I blinked painfully. I didn't wanna talk about this. Not at all.

How did I feel about Soda? I cared, sure. He cared about me too. But along what lines did my feelings run? And how deeply?

He took his hands from his pockets and gripped mine. "You won't have to worry, Marigold. I won't leave you."

Was this my answer? I won't leave you? What did that mean?

Suddenly confused, I held his hand just as tightly. Suddenly, I felt tears come and looking at me, he wrapped his arms around me close, and I cried, making him comfort me, selfishly.

"I don't want you to go," I hiccupped, trying to fight the sobs that threatened me.

"Marigold, I might have to. But I wanna let you know something that I aint even told Pony yet. I think I love you." he paused, and I felt the strength that it took to make this confession to me, after he'd been shattered by Sandy, after he'd dealt with his brother running off, with the death of Dally and his friend Johnny. "I know its real fast, but I know how it feels. You don't have to say it back, 'cause I know at least you care. I just want you to know." He stroked my hair, and I wanted to stay in his arms forever.

I knew he didn't want me to lie. Lies are what hurt him the most, and the truth might hurt him too, but I'd rather be honest with him, after he'd done so much for me, been so kind and compassionate. He'd tolerated so much from me, gone out of his way for me. It was the very least I could do for him.

"Well, I don't know a whole lot about love, Sodapop," I admitted, sniffing into his chest, still struggling against my tears. "I know I like you, and I care. I know I don't want you to go."

"Listen, Goldie, I'm gonna take good care of ya. I talked to Big Red, an' he said some thugs were threatenin' you. You're gonna be out of that from now on. I swear. You don't gotta worry 'bout nothin' no more. I promise." He consoled me.

I looked up at him, and his big brown eyes and figured maybe after all I deserved a little bit of a fairy tale ending. I may not have true love's first kiss, but I have my knight in shining armor now, right? But he was more than an idealistic symbol. Soda was real, he was sweet and kind and strong. He was a giver.

And I may not be a princess, but I have a good chance at a happily ever after now, here, with him. It wouldnt be perfect: not with him a dropout and I myself pregnant, dealing with the stigmatism of judgment, with those who didn't understand glaring at me disapprovingly. But perfect was overrated: perfect was a facade for the secrets and lies that lay hidden in closed rooms.

I didn't want closed rooms. I wanted truth and happiness. The opinions of other's didn't matter, not when they had their own little secrets to hide from the world. I wouldn't hide. I wouldn't try to escape. I was stronger than that now.

I realized how much I'd been through in the past few weeks. And I decided I was a lovable person now. I had grown from a shy, quiet girl, into a woman that Sodapop could love. I could survive being a teen mom. I didn't have to survive being a single mom. Not with Soda around, or Buck. And maybe my baby would have an uncle... if Dip could manage to free himself from the dark corners and streets he'd been involved in for so long.

"Tell me one thing," Soda grinned, the flirtatious smirk painted across his face, trying to erase my unhappiness. "Are you gonna be my girl, Goldie?"

I looked at him. I felt a smile break across my face, combating the tears, and choked a laugh, a geniune laugh. "Do you even have to ask me that, Sodapop Curtis?" I smiled.

We kept on walking, and the sun felt warmer than it had in months. All I could think about was the clouds scudding about up above, and how I felt as if I were one of them.

I'd managed to get my life in order, and really, it was all due to him. A chance meeting meant that my whole life was changed.

Maybe I was still me. Maybe I was still a scaredy cat, a pregnant teenager, a mousy looking girl who cared too much about school, and control. But now I knew my full potential.

"I owe you so much," I told Soda, the lump in my throat belying my actual joy, my voice husky with it.

He gave me one of his lightening fast grins and my heart nearly stopped in my chest. I knew the real power behind the bright lights in the sky, the wildfire that belonged to storms. I saw the beauty that hid Soda's unhappiness and promised myself that it would all be worth it.

He traded one pregnant girl for the other. The only difference was, I'd never leave him.

Author's Note:

Hii guys. I know this hasn't been the most popular fanfiction out there, but to everyone who's subscribed to me and favorited me, thanks so much! I hope you liked it.

I'm not anywhere near done yet. Part three of the series will be up soon, and then I think it'll be over.

The next story deals somewhat with Ponyboy. Of course, as with both of the stories so far, it'll take place in a POV that isn't a canon character.

Pleas bear with me for the first few chapters, as they will NOT have Ponyboy in them, but just like this fanfiction has been longer than Subside, the next one will be even longer, and deal with a lot more.

In Subside, Ash dealt with moving, an eating disorder brought on not by insecurity, but by her own inability to control her life, Johnny's(The cousin she never really knew) death, and being in love with Darry, who's three years older than her, and three times as mature and steady.

In Escape, Marigold put up with abuse, teen pregnancy, and identity. I threw a little Sodapop in there too, obviously, because it just fit so well. I hope everybody enjoyed it, and will be reading the next installment.