Hey everyone! I'm going ahead and revamping this first chapter. I'm sorry if the next few seem a bit different in composition compared to this one, but I just wanted to get the first one out. Don't worry, I'm already working on the second, but it may be a while with all this high school marching band going on :)
Disclaimer: I don't own Soul Eater! I wish I was that awesome ;w;
At the moment, Soul Eater Evans was a bit frightened of Maka Albarn. In fact, one might even say he was scared shitless to say the least. She had been on a hormonal rampage for the past week, and Soul wasn't sure PMS should last this long. Side effects of a Maka Albarn PMS included: having you head cleaved off with large books, learning how to reflexively dodge flying objects, and acquiring a skill too stay out of her way and slink around the apartment instead.
Thought these were things Soul dealt with every month. This week had been comparably worse then those occasions. And right now, he was in her radar and totally screwed. He wasn't even sure what he had done-
Oh. So that's what she was mad about.
He made a move to slip away down the hallway, but ended up getting trapped in a corner. Fuck.
"OH NO YOU DON'T, YOU WILL LISTEN TO ME WHEN I'M ANGRY AT YOU!" She chucked her weapon of choice at him, the thick encyclopedia smacking him clean in the forehead. Why was she so god damn good at throwing bulky projectiles? The pain in welling up on his head made him get angry right back at her, which was probably a bad idea considering how dangerous she could be.
"What the hell woman?! Why are you so god damn temperamental! It's not even your time of the month yet!" Yes, he quite possibly mark on his calender when she was most likely to kill him. A though passed his mind, and he couldn't help but blurt it out to make her mad too.
"If you hate me so much, maybe I should just leave. It'd be easy enough to go live with Black*Star and Tsubaki anyway." He had regretted it right after he said it, waiting for the heavy books to come flying out of nowhere (where does she keep them all anyways?), but the assault never came. Taking the opportunity, he tried to slink off down the hallway, but was stopped.
"Are you really going to leave Soul?"
Her voice sounded so tiny and pathetic that he couldn't help but stop and cringe in mid step. He hear a slight rustling of clothing behind him, and turned around quickly, hoping it wasn't her coming for his soul.
Instead he was greeted by a bear hug from Maka, which confused him. Was she hugging him because she was happy that he might leave... Or what else?
He realized that it couldn't be the first option, because she was now crying into his shoulder, regret emanating through the slight emotional resonance they had as weapon and partner. Though he had just a few minutes before been afraid of her, he now found himself try to comfortingly stroke her hair for a reason that was unbeknownst to him. Why was she crying?
And then she started to ramble. She went on and on trying to say sorry to him. Over and over again she told herself that she was a horrible partner, and she didn't deserve any kind of forgiveness from him. Though she did say sorry, multiple times.
When she was done, Soul was left slightly speechless. Why exactly is she crying? He mentally slapped himself and composed a reasonable response to her apology. Really, he was quite concerned about her at the moment.
Soul cupped a hand to her cheek and lifted up her face to meet her eye, "Maka, I don't care about you being temperamental. It's how you are. I just want to know what's wrong, and why you've been worse off lately."
If it was under different circumstances, she may have blushed by the way he looked down into her eye concernedly.
She tried to begin, "A-a week ago I received a letter..." The tears streamed down her face the more she tried to say the next part. Soul tried to egg her on.
"What did the letter say Maka? Tell me." He kept his gaze trained on her eyes, though she was squeezing them shut repeatedly, trying to stop the tears from rolling down her cheeks.
It took her a few times to work herself up to say it, "The letter said my... It said she... I-it said m-my m-mom died in b-battle..." On the last couple words, her crying intensified, and she hid her face in his shirt again.
Soul was absolutely shocked. He would have never guessed that she had simply bottled this up for a whole week. It was also a surprise that her prodigy of a mother could've even come close to being defeated. Maka was crying like a little girl, and he didn't blame her. He wasn't exactly 'attached' to his family, but he cringed at the thought of any of them dying. Instinctively, he hugged her protectively into himself.
"Maka... I'm sorry..." He wasn't sure what to say, but he hoped that would be enough for now.
She didn't respond, but he could feel one weight of sorrow lifted from her on her end of the soul link. He hoped she would be okay.
Another question arose to his snowy-haired head.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He said it gently, with a slight stroke of her hair.
For a while, she remained sniffling and silent. He accepted this as time for her to collect herself enough to form an understandable sentence. She put her head up a bit on his shoulder, staring vacantly at the wall now and not in his shirt. Her sobbing had ceased, but there were still tears trailing profusely down her cheeks.
"I thought that if I didn't talk about it, the pain would go away. I was confused when it only grew instead, and it forced me to take it out on you. I-I'm sorry... I'm h-horrible!" She choked the last out, biting her lip when she was done.
Soul was surprised when she sounded so composed at first, and then silently scoffed her for the last few words she had said, "Maka, I could never blame you for what you've done. It should be me who should be sorry. I should've asked you what was wrong sooner." His fingers still slid gently down her locks of hair, which had been down since she was getting ready for bed not long ago.
They were silent for a while after his words. His brain was racing with thoughts, and they all came to a train crash of a stop when he realized something. Maka's knees were shaking.
Though it may have been awkward under normal circumstances, he picked her up bridal style and carried her to the living room couch. She seemed to understand his intentions, and no words were said. He set her down gently and sat next to her. Maka still moved to hug him, and he returned it without question, wanting to aid his meister in anyway he could at the moment. He had taken a blade for her, why wouldn't he give her a hug?
There was silence for a long time, and then she spoke to him, "Soul... Thanks. I don't know what I would do without you, and I'm sorry I'm such a bitch all the time, and I-"
He cut her off with a shushing noise, "Maka, you're not a bitch. Stop beating yourself up, because I think you're a wonderful meister and friend. I don't want you hurting yourself when you've got a lot to sort out emotionally at the moment."
The room grew silent again, until she finally muttered a puny, "Okay, thanks Soul..."
It wasn't long before he felt her starting to drift off, and before she began to slip too far into sleep, he decided to transport her to her room. He drifted down the hallway as gently as he could with her in his arms. When he got to her door, he opened it quietly and slipped inside. Just as he set her down on the bed, she stirred slightly.
"Soul... Stay... Please... J-just don't go..." Her voice was laden with emotion, and he couldn't help but stay. He lay down next to her in the bed, and was slightly surprised when she nuzzled herself into his chest.
Soul stroked her hair for a while, and when she was breathing deeply and in dreamland, he began to slip off himself. Something was confusing him though. He hadn't ever felt the soft little flutters in his stomach before like he was now. His eyes slipped shut, and he decided he'd worry about these new emotions tomorrow.
Going to keep revamping stuff, no matter how slowly it gets done, it will get done :D