Hey ya'll? What's up? LOLZ sooooo nice, fluffy fanfic really. Ummmmmmm oh yeah it's my first TMI one, I have a ton of other Maximum Ride and Hunger Games ones that I should PROBABLY finish... but I'll update those later I guess. Hahaha sooo... HAPPY EASTER! As an easter gift God released me of my sins and gt my internet working again. Halleluiah... ahhhh crap I spelt that wrong. LOLZ

DISCLAIMER!- If I owned Jace he would be all mine. Enough said.

Happy Readin' xD

Jace POV


I never thought that there would be anything more painful than dieing. Back, 9 years ago when the only father I had ever known stabbed me through the heart. 17 years, meaning nothing.


But now I've found something so much more painful, something that chills me to the inner bone and sets my heart on fire.


She's just so beautiful, her fiery red hair whipping around her head, her laughing green eyes always able to see past my façade. Her tiny hand in mine, her petite body in my arms.


I remember the day I proposed.

It was her 22nd birthday. There was a huge party in the Institute. Everyone was there, Alec, Isabelle, Magnus, Maia, and even Simon. After the war each institute allowed for a downworlder resident, one of each type. Magnus, Maia and Simon moved right in, but we still didn't have a faerie, yet. Right before midnight, right before her birthday we left everyone, drunk as they were and I led her up to the greenhouse.

'Where are we going?' She giggled, attempting to pry apart my hands which covered her eyes.

'Not telling," I said feeling her pout against my hands. 'Okay you can look,' I said after we were in the green house. She opened her beautiful green eyes and looked around.

'This place hasn't changed since,' she murmured softly breathing in the perfumed air deeply.

'You won't believe it how much it hasn't,' I said from behind her. She turned and gasped at my arrangement. In the middle of the green house was the same blanket with two grilled cheese sandwiches, a water bottle and an apple. 'I still make a mean grilled cheese,' I said sheepishly shrugging.

'Oh,' she said putting a hand over her mouth. Tears welled up in her eyes. 'I love you Jace,' she said running up and throwing herself at me. I catch her and pull her close 'I love you too babe,' I whisper into her hair. After a moment I lay her down onto the blanket and sat down beside her. She lay her head in my lap and we talked and laughed while I fed her bits of food in between. Her eyes were closed, a content smile playing on her face. Her eyes shot open as the midnight bell tolled, ringing through the room.

'This is my favorite part,' she said standing and looking around. A wide grin grew on her face as the flowers burst open, one by one. 'Aren't they beautiful?' she whispered.

'Not as beautiful as you,' I whispered back. She turned to see me on one knee.

'Clarissa Fray-Fairchild-Morgenstern from the first day I saw you I was madly in love with you. You're the most amazing precious thing in my life and I know you deserve better than an idiot like me but, will you marry me?' I opened the little black velvet box and she gasped at the diamond ring inside. I looked up at her to see her hand over her mouth once again, a tear making a glistening trail down her beautiful face. She nodded vigorously, unable to get words across, 'Y-yes," she choked out and that's all it took. I slid the ring onto her left hand, gathered her into my arms, and pulled her into a kiss. Every time I kissed her it was like fireworks were exploding in my head. I couldn't get enough. She broke off and looked at the ring.

'It's beautiful,' she whispered, she flipped it over and looked at the words engraved on the bottom. 'Aevitas et semper' she said louder, her voice wavering, another tear falling.

'Forever and always,' I whispered bringing my lips to hers.

"Jace," a voice said bringing me out of my trance. I looked up to see Jocelyn standing in front of me an anxious look on her face. "Yes?" I said standing quickly, nearly knocking over my chair in my haste.

'Congratulations," she smiled at me, "It's a boy,"

Don't worry ya'll my chapters are USUALLY a lot longer, but. The first is never very long is it. Ummmmm well whatcha think? You should review, because it's nice. and it's kinda a pain I know, you have to do ALLLLL that work and press all these buttons. But it'll make me update faster xD. And sorry about all the random pregnancy sounds. In case you didn't guess that was Clary screaming... grunting...moaning... bring your Worth the Wait forms. LOL that's the sex ed curriculum that we do, and in LA we're studying shakespeare, and like the history of storytelling and the three main objects of lust: Money, power and sex. Yeah. Bring your worth the wait forms, because YOU'RE worth the wait.

Yeah. Ummm awwwwwkward. LOLZ so REVIEW! or follow. cuz that's what I usually do, but... you should review. Anyways.