What a brilliant response! Thanks to everyone, as well as the beautiful cookies and ice cream - or whichever your fav desert/treat is :D
Okaydoke here's the next instalment - the humorous one (or at least I hope it is) :D
Arthur sat at his desk, trying to concentrate on the papers in front of him. He always found this paperwork boring, and he still had a speech to write. He was starting to wonder if he could get Merlin to write it for him, when said warlock knocked on his door, and entered slowly.
"Merlin? Why did you knock? What's wrong?" Arthur started.
"Why would something be wrong?" Merlin started, bringing up a fake smile.
"Because every time you knock, something has always gone wrong, or you're worried about something. Like the time you were going to the Isle of the Blessed, or the time when Ealdor was being raided by Kanan, or the time you came to tell me about your magic, or when Kilgharrah told you that Aithusa went missing, or-".
"Yes, okay, I get the point, Arthur" Merlin interrupted, rolling his eyes. But he didn't explain further, he stood looking slightly sheepish until Arthur decided to wait no longer.
"Well, what is it?"
"Um…well…it's sort of hard to explain…well, no it's not really, and it's just…"
"Out with it, Merlin"
"Okay, um…Gwaine decided that it would be a good idea to, um, surprise me and, um, I may have, err…"
At that moment, a goat, with a bell on its collar pushed passed Merlin, and into Arthur's chambers. The goat started looking between Merlin and Arthur, an annoyed look on its face. A look that was too human for anyone to believe that it was really a goat. Arthur stood up, connecting the dots about what Merlin was saying.
"Please tell me you didn't…"
"It was an accident -, I don't even know how-, Gaius isn't here -, I don't -, I can't - I don't know what to do!" Merlin stuttered, waving his hands about like he was a mad man.
He turned away from the goat, and looked back at Arthur.
Arthur looked blankly at Merlin for a moment, before bursting out with laughter.
"Arthur…It's not…funny…" Merlin said, trying to hide a smile.
Then he couldn't help it, he started laughing too.
Poking her head inside the door to Arthur's chambers, Gwen heard the laughter before she saw the two boys practically doubling over with laughter, holding onto their stomachs from laughing so much.
She had to look twice before she realized that yes, there was a goat in the room, which was now pushing passed her in order to get into the hall with a rather irked look on its face. Thinking of all the trouble those two caused, she walked away shaking her head, "Boys".
cooking-ninja18 - Hehe, that look attacks every writer at some point, and they all give in! XD Same here - I wasn't sure how I was going to end it tbh. Thought about killing Merlin cause Arthur's reaction would have been nice (or not so nice) to write, but I just couldn't do it :)
MerlinsBeardItsTheDoctor - thanks! good to hear that they aren't a complete fail! lol :D thanks for the review!
Princess Aryana of Camelot - thanks! glad to here that :) I always worry that they're going to be completely OOC :D
MamzelleHermy - :D thanks! hope this was another good one :D
foxare - WOW - thanks a lot! hope the exam went well :) I hate having them, I always do worse in exams than in classroom environments cause i hate the examiners XD they were always breathing down our necks at my school, I just wanted to turn around and say "do you want to do this exam, or shall I? If you do, mind to put my name at the beginning *smile sweetly*" lol XD thanks for the review!
anonymous - here you go! :) hope this one was actually funny, and not just funny in my own little mind :D
Thanks again to everyone! :D