Water and….Snow?

"Axel, I h-h-hate this w-w-w-world. I'm f-f-freezing." At the sound of chattering teeth the redhead turns around. "What is it Demyx? What's wrong?" We were visiting a new world today. A new world completely covered in snow. For Mr. Firebutt, snow isn't a problem, but for me it is a big dilemma. When it's cold enough to snow, it's cold enough for water to freeze. I am water.

I watch as Axel notices my blue lips and pale face. I shiver and try to hide it with a cough. Axel frowns at me," I've been here before it's not that bad Dem." I manage a weak glare," But y-you're a h-h-h-heater, Axel."

"Good point." He sighs," There's a cabin less than a mile…umm, that way." He points southeast of us. I roll my eyes at his uncertainty of direction but start walking the way he pointed anyway. Fifteen minutes later we enter the small cabin that Sparkey had mentioned. It's cold insider and sparsely furnished with only a bed, two chairs, and a table. I sit on the edge of the bed and wrap a quilt around me. I look up just as Axel shakes himself much like a dog would. I can't help but to grin as he sends a layer of snowflakes flying.

He looks at me and asks," I guess you want a fire, don't you?" I notice the fireplace and almost nod. I stop myself as the image of Axel burning down the cabin runs through my mind. I shake my head no but he ignores me. "Oh come on, it'll help you warm up." I cringe as he points to the fireplace. My ill thoughts are put to rest as a small, simple fire jumps to life. I glance at the walls and, to my relief, they're not burning down.

Axel seats himself in one of the chairs at the table. I lie down on the bed and rest my head on the pillow. For a few moments neither of us say anything. Finally I break the strange silence between my best friend and I. "Thanks Axel, you saved my life out there." He grins," No problem, kid." I curl up tighter and listen to fire pop. I say," It means a lot to me that you actually- ." He interrupts me," Oh cut out the mushy stuff and go to sleep." I chuckle," Is it just me or did you just freeze over?" Before I hear a response I yawn and slip into my dreams.