A/N: What? Another chapter?! All right, you guys are all too sweet to me, so I thought I would give you a present for the new year. Also this was super fun to write. So, here is a little snippet of Magnus and Alec's awesome life together. Enjoy!
Alec continued brushing the dog's fur. "Yeah?"
"Did you buy a puppy?"
"Um… Yes?"
Magnus ran a hand through his hair. "Without talking to me?"
"…I might have mentioned it once?" Alec said in a small voice.
Alec pulled the puppy onto his lap and looked pleadingly up at Magnus from the kitchen floor. "Okay, I'm really sorry. But look at him! I know you wanted another cat after Chairman died, but I'm allergic."
"I can't believe you bought a dog," Magnus said disdainfully.
"Well, it was me or this creepy lady who looked liked she was going to go all Cruella De Vil on him! I couldn't let that happen to you, could I?" He kissed the puppy's head.
"Oh my god, stop, I can't deal with you when you look cute," Magnus sighed.
"Come down here and say hello," Alec instructed. "He doesn't bite."
Grudgingly, Magnus folded his long legs and settled on the floor next to them. The puppy sniffed him hopefully. Magnus scowled at it. "What possessed you to get a dog?"
"I was just on my way home and I pass by the animal shelter every day so I wanted to stop for a minute. And celebrate making the Olympic team and everything. And he was just there, Magnus, how can you resist that face?" The puppy licked Alec's nose and he laughed. "I always wanted a dog."
"Look at him, he's going to be enormous," Magnus protested. "Who's going to take care of him when we're out of town for competitions?"
"Izzy said she could dog-sit when we're not around."
"I cannot believe that you talked about this with your sister and not with me."
Alec looked down at the puppy. "I knew you would say no if I suggested it, so I thought that if you saw how adorable he is, you might give him a try. I can take him back to the pound if you really hate him. I just thought it would be nice. He's already house-trained and everything."
Magnus narrowed his eyes at the two of them, thinking. "He gets a one-week trial run, and if he's annoying, he's going straight back."
Alec's eyes widened. "Oh my god, really?" His face broke out into a grin and he grabbed Magnus's face between his hands. "I love you," he declared, and kissed him. Between them, the puppy huffed. Alec pulled back, smiling. "You'll behave, won't you, Cerberus?"
"Alexander, did you name your puppy after the guard dog of the dead?"
Alec kissed Magnus again, lightly. Magnus rolled his eyes and stood up. "Unbelievable."
That night, Alec let Cerberus stretch out on a dog bed inside the big kennel he had taken him home in. "Be good tonight so Magnus gets his beauty sleep and loves you better in the morning," he whispered. "Good night, Cerbie."
Alec curled into Magnus's side on their bed in the next room after turning out the lights. "Are you mad?" he asked.
Magnus's arm curved around him. "I'm not mad. I wish you had said something earlier."
"I'm really sorry. I mean, I wasn't planning it. But he really was going to end up with a psycho, before I managed to convince the people at the shelter that I would be better. "
Magnus was silent for a long time. Finally, he asked, "Why do you want a dog so bad? Why now?"
Alec squirmed. Magnus let him rearrange them until his head was on Alec's chest, an arm over his waist. "I guess…" Alec sighed. "I know you don't know if you want kids, and I'm not sure either. But I thought it would be nice to have someone else around sometimes."
"Wow, I'm not company enough for you, Alec?" Magnus teased.
Alec snorted. "That's not what I meant and you know it. I thought it would be nice to have something to take care of."
Magnus thought about it for a moment while Alec stroked his hair. "Also you think he's adorable," Magnus added at last.
"He is so cute, I think I'm going to die every time I see him."
Magnus laughed. "You're absurd."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Two months later, Magnus was doubtfully dropping a set of keys into Isabelle's hand while Alec finished packing. "Remember to feed him twice a day," he said.
"I know, Magnus," Izzy sighed. "We already went through this."
"Yeah, yeah. But you seriously have to walk him, he gets really grumpy if you leave him inside too long."
"Yes, Magnus."
"His treats are above the microwave, but don't give him too many or he'll get spoiled."
Alec finally emerged from the bedroom with a duffle bag slung over his shoulder and Cerberus in his arms. "We'll miss you, Cerbie," he said, kissing the dog's nose. Cerberus licked his face enthusiastically.
"Oh wow, Alec, how old is he?" Izzy asked, alarmed.
Alec kissed his nose again. "Four months."
"He's huge."
Magnus stroked Cerberus's head. "Don't listen to her, Cerbie, you're perfect."
Izzy shook her head. "How can you even carry him?"
"I do weight training every day," Alec reminded her. "Did we forget anything?"
Isabelle rolled her eyes. "No, please leave, you two and your adorable dog are sickening."
Alec let Cerberus jump to the floor and grabbed the car keys from the table. "Fine, we're going."
Magnus knelt down to hug Cerberus around the neck. "You be good," he told him. He turned to Isabelle. "And you be nice to him."
"Of course I will." She flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Good luck on your design consultation," she said pointedly. "And good luck at the race, Alec. Goodbye."
Magnus rolled his eyes and followed Alec out the door. Cerberus whined mournfully while Isabelle blocked him from following his owners.
"It's only three days, Magnus," Alec laughed as the door closed behind them. "You don't need to look so heartbroken; Cerberus will be here when we get back."
"I feel like I'm abandoning him," Magnus said sadly. "What if Izzy steals him?"
"Isabelle is not going to steal our dog, Magnus, relax. He wouldn't go with her anyways. He's probably going to spend the next few days staring sadly at the door, waiting for you to come home."
"Wow, way to make me feel better, thanks."
"Get in the car, Magnus. The sooner we leave, the sooner we can come home."
From inside the house, Cerberus howled.
"He's going to be a real pain for Izzy," Alec added.
"Good dog," Magnus said, and started the car.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed that completely unedited piece of fluff. I love your reviews so much, and they always encourage me to think of new things so if you liked this or want to see more, review! Thank you all for the awesome response to this story!
Cerberus is a Bernese Rottweiler mix. Look it up, you will be glad you did.
If you want to see more of me, you can check out my blog at thebisexualcousin . blogspot . com.