I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter, here's chapter 2! I forgot to mention in the first chappie that i used some ideas from Nigsea's 'My Dream, My Reality' story, i'm really really sorry i didn't ask permission first and i really hope she isn't mad at me!

~chapter edited on 6/3/11

Disclaimer: sadly I don't own the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's anime but I do own my OC's and several of the cards my OC's have in their decks!

I will add the details of the cards in her deck when she duels at the end of the chapter

Please enjoy and don't forget to review!

Chapter 2 start

~Outskirts of New Domino City~

"I'm here, now what the hell am I suppose to do?" Amanda mumbled softly as she drove into the city.

~New Domino City Park; Amanda's PoV~

As I was riding through the park I spotted the teal haired twins getting harassed by a wanna-be punk.

I rode over to them and got off my runner, "there a problem here?" I ask coolly sending the punk an icy glare. The twins looked up at me and nodded, "this guy is mad 'cause I said he couldn't duel his was out of a paper bag." Leo said looking smug.

I shook my head and stepped in front of the twins, "picking on those who are half your size, that's really low, you know?" I growled icily and the punk scoffed, "duel me and if I win you leave these two alone." I said as I pulled out my deck and placing it in my duel disk. The punk nodded and the duel started.

LP count: Amanda – 4000, Punk - 4000

"I'll go first!" the punk said as he drew, he grinned as he set two face downs and summoned Pitch Black Warwolf in attack mode (1600/600, Atk/Def) before ending his turn.

"My go." I said as I drew. 'Chaotic Magician Girl, Dark Magician Girl, Chaotic Magician's Valkyrie, Magician's Sanctuary, Harpie's Feather Duster and Spellcaster's Tribute…not a bad first hand.' I thought as I looked over my hand.

"First off I summon Chaotic Magician's Valkyrie in attack Mode! (1800/1600)" I paused and grinned, "and now I play the spell card Magician's Sanctuary! As long as I have a spellcaster type monster I can summon up to two additional Spellcasters from my hand at the cost of 500 Life Points each. And I use this effect to summon the Dark Magician Girl (2000/1700) and the Chaotic Magician Girl (2200/1700) both in Attack Mode at the cost of 1000 Life Points!"

LP count: Amanda – 3000, Punk – 4000

I chuckled softly and shook my head, "and before I attack I activate the spell card Harpie's Feather Duster, which destroys all of your spell and trap cards on the field!" the punk glared at me, "your not gunna get away with this!"

I rolled my eyes, "Fat chance that's going to happen. Chaotic Magician's Valkyrie, attack his Pitch-Black Warwolf!"I paused and watched as his monster was destroyed.

LP count: Amanda – 3000, Punk – 3800

"Now let's end this! Dark Magician Girl, Chaotic Magician Girl! Attack his life points directly!" I said with a grin as my monsters attacked and ended the duel.

Final LP count: Amanda – 3000, Punk – 0, Winner Amanda!

"You lost now get lost!" I growled and the punk nodded before running off. "That was an impressive duel Miss!" Luna said when I turned to the twins and smiled, "It was lucky that I managed to get such a great first hand…you two aren't hurt, right?" I asked as I kneeled down to be eye level with them.

"We're fine. Thanks for helping us get rid of that guy! I'm Leo and that's my sister Luna. What's your name?" Leo asked and I shook my head with a small smile on my face, "I'm known as the Chaotic Valkyire Angel. You two want a ride home?" I asked softly as I stood up and walked over to my runner.

"Do you think you can bring us to our friend Yusei's?" Luna asked softly. I nodded and handed the twins the spare helmets from my runner and sat Luna in the front, "No problem, just tell me where to go." I mumbled as I climbed on behind Luna and pulled Leo up behind me, "Hold on tight Leo." I mumbled as I sped off following the directions Luna gave me.

~Outside of Poppo Time Apartment~

"Thanks for the ride Angel!" Luna said as the twins hopped off my runner and handed back my spare helmets. "anytime." I said as I tucked the extra helmets in the hidden compartment on my runner.

"How come you're dressed like Yusei?" Leo asked tilting his head to the side, "are you a fan of his?" I felt my face heat up, 'if only they knew how much of a fan-girl I really am…' I nodded, "yhea, I'm a big fan."

Luna nodded and smiled, "You can meet him if you come inside with us." I shook my head, "I dunno Luna…" I mumbled softly. The twins both pouted, "Pleaseeeee?" they wined in unison.

I sighed in defeat, got off my runner and walked inside with the twins tugging on my arms.

And that's the end of chapter 2, please review if you liked it and if you see any grammatical errors I might have missed! See you next time!

Amanda's Unique Card database:

Chaotic Magician's Valkyrie:

Level 4 Dark attribute Spellcaster effect monster, 1800 Atk/ 1600 Def

Effect - as long as this card is face up on the field your opponent can not attack any monster with 'Chaotic' or 'Chaos' in its name on your side of the field

Magician's Sanctuary:

Continuous Spell

Effect – As long as you have a spellcaster type monster on your side of the field you can summon up to two additional Spellcasters from your hand at the cost of 500 Life Points each, this card cannot be activated if there are no spellcaster's on your side of the field

Chaotic Magician Girl:

Level 6 Dark attribute Spellcaster Tuner Monster, 2200 Atk / 1700 Def

Effect - this card can only be used to Synchro Summon Dark attribute Sychro monsters. The Synchro Monster summoned using this card gains 1000 Atk points

Spellcaster's Tribute:


Effect – tribute a spellcaster of any level to special summon a higher lever spellcaster from your deck or grave yard