Chapter 10 of A Being of Insect and Steel. The nightmare last chapter should have answered some 'what-if' questions that were going to be asked. Those who don't know what MCPD stands for, it shall be explained mid-chapter.

Review time!

Anonymous reviewer; SoNoEcho: Sorry, but the Liberty Ticket Victini event ended a month after B/W came out, ending on April 10, and you can't trade for it either. And for best trading results, either make sure your pokemon is either a shiny and/or level 100. That, or have a high-level pokémon that is in high demand (ie: Hydregion, Electrivire etc).

Tanon: Thanks. It's MCPD and it will be explained in the chapter.

Anonymous reviewer; MagmaMan1: Right…I think I should fix that…

Anonymous reviewer; Dadude: Woohoo! I finally get roasted marshmallows! Thanks!

Let's go!

Beta-Reader: NanoCarp

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon, or any major company brands. I own only the story and the OC's.


A Being of Insect and Steel

Chapter 10: Escape into another encounter

Aleron's POV:

Crap! Of all the things to start the day off, it had to be cops coming to my house. It doesn't help that I'm a fugitive of the law as well as Marcus, and that I'm a different species. Not only that, but N's father would be after me and he would kill anyone in his way.

Mom was able to silently tell us to run, and we did, trying to find a way out without going near the front door. It was pretty much an easy one, since there was a window in every room, minus the bathrooms for obvious reasons. Everyone minus Rachel and Marcus headed downstairs to meet with the cops and try to delay them while me and Marcus try and escape.

Going through my sis's room would be too risky, since the cops would see us almost immediately. Lucas' would be a good choice, but we would be seen as well. My room's out since it would mean falling right behind the cops. That leaves only my parents room, since it's on the other side of the house. The three of us made our way into said room and opened the door. The window ahead of us is out since we would be falling either on concrete or on one of the cars. That just leaves the window furthest from the door.

We make our way to it, Rachel opening the window as high as it could get. I tried to go first, but found my self stuck as I tried to squeeze my way through.

"What the...? Crap! I'm stuck, I'm stuck!" I loudly whispered, trying to pull myself loose.

"Damnit man, we don't have time to try and pull you out!" Marcus exclaimed.

"S*** Al, I think they're searching the house!" Rachel said after hearing the front door shut.

"Marcus, if you have an idea to get me loose, do it!"

I couldn't tell what Marcus was doing after I said that, but I heard him tell my sister something. Before I could ask, I felt someone grab onto my abdomen. I was about to question what was going on until I felt a strong, flat kick on the bottom of it, shoving me through the window and plummeting to the ground. I cried out a bit, but stopped as I landed headfirst on the ground.

"Oowww…" I moaned, looking up and seeing Marcus hanging onto the edge of the window, then drop to the ground, landing on his feet. I picked myself up as he came running to me.

"Come on Al, we have to move, now!" he said, grabbing my arm and pulling me up completely and started running.

We both bolted to the forest, hoping to reach it before the cops look out the windows and see us. We ran the entire distance to the forest, not stopping for anything along the way. Marcus was ahead of me and already broke through the forest line. I was about to break through as well, but stopped short of it. I turned around to look back at my house. I know that I wouldn't be coming back for a while, but I felt that I shouldn't leave without saying goodbye. I let out a saddened sigh, knowing on how long I'm going to be gone.

'Farewell mom, Jason, Lucas, Rachel. I hope to see each other again soon.' I sadly thought. If I would, there would be a single tear flowing from my eye.

"Hey, Hey! I see it!" I faintly heard someone yell, pulling me from my train of thought.

"Oh s**t…!" I muttered, turning around and running again.

The cops that searched my house were returning to their squad car, but unfortunately, saw me before they could get in.


"Command, Officer Johnson reporting in, suspects have been seen in the vicinity of the suspect house and are now fleeing. Requesting additional units and canine units immediately, over!" the first officer yelled into his radio, grabbing his pistol and give chase, his partner sprinting after him.

"Roger, units are dispatched to your location, ETA, ten minutes, over."

"Ten-four. Also, send an additional squad car at the suspect house to gather the residents for suspicion of housing said fugitives." Johnson said, running towards the forest where Aleron and Marcus were running into.

"Ten-four, additional squad car dispatched to your current location."

"Roger, over and out!"


Aleron's POV:

Damn it! Of all the times I had to say goodbye to my family is when I'm on the run from the cops. The ones who were inspecting my house are no doubt in pursuit of me and Marcus, and they also called for backup, meaning things are going to get a lot more interesting. Marcus was maneuvering around the trees while I was simply jumping over fallen ones. I was surprised on my mobility, since I could never keep up with Marcus before becoming this. I couldn't dwell on the thought anymore since I heard the yells of the cops who spotted us.

"Crap! I can tell that they don't intend on giving up huh?" Marcus called back to me.

"Doubt it, but we have to keep moving, otherwise it's over if they catch us." I replied, leaping over another downed log.

Around ten minutes, we started to slow to save our energy. When exhaustion started to come in, Marcus took another bite of that berry N gave him, as well as letting me have a swig of the juice. After resting a bit for the effects to fully come, we took off running. I had no idea on how long, but it felt like an hour that we were running, though it was another fifteen minutes after our rest. We were about to have another rest, until I fell…

…into a pit-trap filled with leaves…

I yelped out in surprised, catching Marcus' attention as he saw me fall face-first into the leaves.

"HA! I can't believe some idiot fell for that!" I heard an annoyingly familiar voice bellow.

'Ugh, of all the people… … …Butch…' I bitterly thought, trying to climb my way out.

Marcus came over to help seeing that I wouldn't be able to get out easily. As he was reaching down, I was able to hear Butch approaching.

"Who do we have here? Marcus?" I heard him question mockingly. "What's the son of Superman here for?"

"Yeah, what's Mr. Muscle doing here?" I heard his friend, Michael, ask as well.

"Oh wait… …if you're here, where's that weakling Aleron?" Butch asked after Michael.

"Can it Butch, we don't have the time." Marcus hissed, just now grabbing my outstretched arm.

"We? Oh so he is here." Butch said in a sickeningly calm tone. "Is he the one who fell in the pit?"

Marcus was able to pull me up, in which my head poked up over the edge. I got the reactions I was expecting; their eyes went wide, taking a few steps back, fingers pointing, etc.

"What the hell is that?" Michael questioned, somewhat hiding behind Butch.

Figuring I had enough of their stupidity for the time, I answered. "I'm that 'weakling' Aleron. Got a problem?"

Their jaws dropped at my response, in which I just sighed and turned to Marcus.

"Come on, let's get out of here." I said to him, turning to walk away from the pit and deeper into the forest.

Marcus was following behind as well, but yet – typically – Butch wouldn't let us leave without saying one last thing…

"Heh, bet you must look too ugly for your mom now, wimp!" he insulted.

That insult hit me like a wrecking ball to a nail, making me stop dead in my tracks. Marcus almost ran into me, somewhat oblivious to what Butch said. I felt my anger skyrocket, the want to kill rising as well. That insult, was an all-time low that Butch did, and I almost wanted to kill him outright for it. However, as tempting as it was, it would only do much more harm than good. I just let out a long, vastly irritated sigh, before turning around and glaring at Butch, who had a smug grin on his face.

"Butch." I simply started, readying myself for what I was going to say. "A word. Now."

"Huh? What do you want?" he questioned in his usual tone.

I walked towards him, Michael figuring out what was wrong with me and cowering behind Butch. I stopped when I was a couple of yards away, looking up at the giant.

"Okay, do you have any, any,idea what I'm going through at the moment?" I questioned, my tone rising. "That insult hurt a lot more than you think, since my family is worried sick about me. Not only that, but not only are Marcus and I fugitives, I'm a fugitive from all of F**KING HUMANITY!"I finished the last part yelling, and continuing from there.


Butch was starting to back away, but I walked closer when he got further. "AND ALL THAT YOU CAN THINK OF IS TRYING TO RUIN MY LIFE MORE THAN IT ALREADY IS? HAVEN'T YOU DONE ENOUGH DURING SCHOOL? EVI-F**KING-DENTLY IT ISN'T, SINCE YOU HAD TO MOCK ME WHEN I'M MOST VULNERABLE!" I stopped walking towards him as he backed into a tree. I hung my head low, my mind feeling tears forming. "I know…that you pick on me… …just because I seemed weak, but doing so now? It just proved that you'll dive all the way down…to hurt…others…"

I dropped to my knees, sobbing after I finished speaking. I was practically an emotional train wreck; my life was turned completely upside down in less than a full day, and now I'm on the run from everyone that wants to get me. I just sit there, sobbing because on how my life was going until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I thought it was Marcus trying to comfort me, but when I looked up, I was surprised that it was Michael who was holding onto me.

"Michael…?" I asked, not believing that he was showing sympathy towards me.

"Aleron…I'm sorry…" he simply said, kneeling to eye level to me.

I just stared into his eyes, trying to figure out if he's just doing this to gain my trust or is truly being honest. I could tell that he was nervous around me, no surprise there due to how I look.

"I…I'm sorry, for all the pain that I caused to you. If there's any way that I could help, I'll try and do so." he said.

Before I could try and ask for why he was willing to help me, I heard the sound of dogs barking. I snapped my head towards the source, the barking coming closer.

"Damn, they brought dogs to hunt for us!" I called out.

I quickly got up from my spot, Michael backing away from me as well, as I started running in the opposite direction while Marcus was following as well.

"Al!" I heard Butch call out to me. "We'll try and delay them! Get moving!"

I was a little surprised that Butch was willing to help, but shrugged it off as I focused on running. I felt that I wouldn't have to worry about those two trying to ruin my life any more.


"Canine units have found the suspects and are now in pursuit."

"Roger. We'll need a bird as well to track them. Mobility will be tough through the forests."

"Ten-four, helicopter dispatched and heading to assist units."


"I hope Aleron's okay…" Rachel stated, looking at Lucas.

"Same. He does look freaky, but I hope he and Marcus pull through as well." Lucas answered, looking out the windows of the sitting room. He got up and was about to head upstairs, but harsh knocking on the door interrupted him.

"Murfreesboro City Police Department, open up!" another officer yelled.

Lucas stopped short of the first stair as Terra moved past him, opening the door.

"Yes?" she asked.

"You are all under arrest." the officer said bluntly.

"Wait, what for?" Terra demanded.

"For housing potentially dangerous criminals. You have the right to remain silent" the officer, along with a second one coming along the sidewalk to the door, pulled out handcuffs. "and anything said can and will be used in a court of law."


Whoa, talk about interesting events happening. Al and Marcus are now fleeing from the police, Al's family is now under arrest for housing them for the night, Butch and Michael have pretty much changed their opinion about Aleron now…

I'm sorry if this chapter took way too long to come out, but I'm trying to truck on through while trying to avoid as many plot holes as possible. The reason for this is that there are planned appearances for characters from other stories prior to this one starting that will assist Aleron and Marcus. One such planned appearance was Teresa, who was originally going to show up in this chapter to help the duo evade the cops.

NanoCarp: Umm… I have to admit here that I'm partially at fault for the delay. I was a few days late getting around to beta-reading this. Sorry about that folks.