Even though this is my first fan-fic, this chapter and other chapters be revised due to me not exactly liking it. I also changed the OC's a little to be a bit more believable, in terms of height of sorts. Their perks (Marcus' super strength) will stay though. I hope that this version is better than the original, and as such, Read, Enjoy, and Review.

But if you flame, it will be used to roast marshmallows. =P

Oh, and allow me to say…F**K YEAH, NEW COMPUTER! Now I don't have to wait for possibly a week for me to type my stories.

And the bad news…It's slower than the laptop. A warning to you all; DON'T use Mozilla, slow as hell.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon, or any major company brands. I only own my story and my OCs.

"Hello" means speech.
'Hello' means thought.
-Hello- means telepathy.

A Being of Insect and Steel

Chapter 1: Prologue

Murfreesboro TN, USA.
September 12, 2011.

*Beebeebeep. Beebeebeep. BEEBEEBEEP. BEEBEEBEEP*


I reach my hand over to my nightstand, trying to find my DS.


"Shut up, I'm trying…" I groaned again.

I finally managed to find my DSi XL after listening to it going off for a full minute. After grabbing hold of it, I searched the side of it for the power switch to turn it off. Another ten seconds and I found it. I had my finger try to push it up, only to find that the power button was stuck. "Damnit, not again…" I muttered under my breath as I tried to force the button up again. After a few more seconds, the power switch slid up, shutting the DS off and the alarm.

"Finally…Now to get ready for another day in the Boredom Kingdom…" I pulled myself out of my bed, and shuffled over to my closet. I grabbed the handle and gave it a stern yank. It flew open and nearly smacked me in the forehead. I reached inside and grabbed a pair of blue jeans along with a green t-shirt with headphones on it that said, "I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am." I chuckled at the saying, remembering on how many people at school would stop me so they can read what my shirt said.

Right, I should introduce myself. My name is Aleron Bane. I stand around 5'9" tall, weighing somewhere around 175-180 pounds. I have dark brown hair that is mostly kept short. My skin is quite pale, due to me not wanting to stay in direct sunlight (which you may think I'm a Goth, but not)…But it is riddled with freckles, mainly my arms and shoulders. I may not look like it, but I am quite strong, even enough to lift my two-and-a-half years older brother off his feet. I happen to be the 'good' seed of a trio of kids, myself included. My younger sister, Rachel and my older brother, Lucas.

Despite this, I would have to deal with the pains in my life.

My sister is a major one, always bossing me around with her selfish orders and overall laziness. I mean, even when the phones on the table and I'm upstairs, she would call for me to get it for her.

Second would be High-School. The media said it was the 'perfect place to get proper education'. Turns out, it's the opposite as advertised. Pricks that intend on ruining someones life just with a glance. Drugs often slip by unnoticed to other druggies.

There are a few good points though. There are plenty of gamers there as well, mainly those with other DS hand-helds. One of my friends happen to be one of them; Marcus Flint. He stands a few inches taller than me, but not by much. He normally wears red, blue and sometimes black clothing. He has a slight body-builder…uh, build, but that pretty much covers his amazing strength. He can't exactly explain on why he has that strength, but it does help him out in PE classes, mainly with lifting weights or himself. I even seen him with some wicked metal gloves that he says that he got from a special wrestling teacher.

Anyway, back to my life…

"ALERON! HURRY UP! THE BUS IS ALMOST HERE!" I heard my sis yell.

I sighed, 'And, as usual, Drill Sargent Rachel has to inform me of everything.' I sighed inwardly.'To have one day without having to put up with this…' I thought to myself, hurrying with brushing my teeth. I rinsed my mouth out and ran to get my backpack, books and DS pack for Marcus. Normally I would be ready before said sibling would announce when the bus is coming. After rushing downstairs and out the front door, I saw the bus waiting at the street, with Queen Rachel getting on.

'Ah crap!' I grunted in my mind.

I bolted into a free-run, hoping to get on the bus before it departs. I nearly tripped a couple times, running the whole fifty-yard distance to the bus, but I was able to jump on just as the door closed. Whistling to myself for such a close call, I then proceeded to find Marcus. He always keeps a spot open for me thanks to us being gamer buddies. It took me a bit to find him, but I was able to spot him, head bent down, playing on his DSI as well. Upon sitting down next to him, Marcus looked up from his DS and smiled after seeing me.

"Hey Al." Marcus greeted with my nickname. "What have you been up to?"

"Nothing Marcus, just the usual every morning…"

"So, were you able to bring your DS with ya?"

Blinking back, "Yeah, I do." I responded. "So, what version do you have? I got White just last week. You?" I asked back.

"Black." He answered.

I blinked then proceeded to unpack my DS out of my backpack. Yes, we both play Pokemon. But then again, who doesn't? People who seen us playing Pokemon would often mock us for liking it. I would've shot back "What about you? You probably like it but don't admit it.", but better common sense would always get the better of me.

Well, both me and Marcus would like to see whose team would win against each other. He would send out a legendary, usually Reshiram or Kyurem. I would have Zekrom with me, but there is one I would like to get: Genesect. Even though he's an event-only Pokémon, which has yet to be released, he looks like the perfect addition to my team. Genesect just look badass, appears to be robotic, but it's also a bug type. Not only that, but it has a wicked looking cannon on its back.

However, as soon as I opened my DS and turned it on, I had the strangest sense of foreboding, like something is going to happen today. I also thought I heard a voice in the back of my head, but it was too faint to listen to. I just sat there trying to figure out what happened. What was that just now?

"Hellooo, Earth to Aleron, you there?" Marcus questioned, waving his hand in front of me.

I snapped out of the strange trance and looked at him.

"Hey, what happened there? You zoning out like that? Well whatever it was, just ignore it. Also get your stuff together, we're here."

I looked out the window to see if he was right, and what do ya know, he was. The bus was pulling onto the school grounds as I was looking out. 'Geez, was I really zoned out for that long?' I wondered. I turned my DS off and put it back in its carrying case, then put that in my backpack. I slung my backpack over my shoulder as the bus came to a stop. One by one, everyone started to get up to get off of the bus. As I stepped off and started walking towards the cafeteria, who else to greet me than two of the guys who screw with me.

'Ugh, perfect…Just what I need at the start of the day, Butch and Michael.' I moaned to myself.

"Hey, wimp!" yelled one of the duo. He was pretty much the leader of the-as I call it-'Make Alerons Life Hell' group. Standing around a staggering 6'7", he must have been held back a few grades to get his stature. He was pretty much the personification of the word 'Intimidation'. Bulging muscles all over his body, as well as a six-pack on his chest, that gets him all the girls (yuck). A perk for being a football player; constant exercise he says. Eating steroids for breakfast, lunch, and dinner says me. The latter seems the more likely.

I try to just walk past them without an incident unfolding. Unfortunately, they had other plans. Another one of the duo, one that is around my height, Michael, got in between me and the cafeteria doors. 'Aw crap.' I groaned. I started to back away from the impeding person, but backed up into Butch.

"Going somewhere?" Butch asked almost sadistically

'Aw shit!' He grabbed me by the collar on the back of my shirt and yanked backwards, throwing me to the ground. I was hurting in my arm as I landed on it. I searched desperately for a way out of this, and then it hit me. Jocks always care about their body muscles, not their brain. It was a long shot, but I tried it anyway.

"HEY LOOK! IT'S JUSTIN BIEBER!" I yelled and pointed towards the high school parking lot.

To my surprise, they both looked in the direction I pointed. I quickly got up and took off running. 'HA! I cannot believe they fell for one of the oldest tricks in the books!' I smirked to myself.

-Later that day-

1:27 pm 4th to 5th period switch.

As I walked to from my 4th period class to my 5th period, that same feeling from this morning was coming back. This time, however, it was much more clearer to me. The voice was back as well, but I still couldn't understand what it was saying. I tried ignoring it, but it was still there, saying things that I wouldn't understand.

When I reached my next class though, it screamed in anger, causing my head an enormous amount of pain. I brought both of my hands to my head, eyes tightly shut, teeth gritting, school supplies dropping to the floor. I stumbled around, trying to escape from the voice and the pain. I ran smack into a set of lockers, getting a good amount of lookers. The last thing I notice was me falling to my knees, letting out a single, agonized scream, then blacking out.


Third Person POV:

Everyone in the hall gathered around the student on the ground. That student screamed almost bloody murder, then collapsed in the middle of the hall. Most of the crowd was worried for him, a heartless few actually snickering at what happened.

"Move, SRO in the area." yelled a voice of authority.

The crowd parted way for a pair of officers, wanting to investigate what was going on. Normally, they would be called in if there was a fight, but they came after they heard the scream nearby. They walked towards the downed student, all the while keeping the other students at bay. Before the officer closest to the student could reach out, another voice cut in.


They whipped around to find where the source of the voice was. Standing at the end of the hall was a trio of people. The two on the sides wore what looks like armor with a cloth robe going down the center, with a shield logo that's half white and half black, with a blue 'P' in the middle with a backward 'Z' behind it. They both wore hoods that had a black X on top of them, right above the forehead. The armor is silver/silver-gray in color.

The man in the center was a curious one. Instead of wearing armor like the two beside him, he wore a white long-sleeve over-shirt with a black long-sleeve undershirt. He had a black baseball cap that had a gray front. The cap covered the top of his tea-green hair that can reach his lower back. On his right wrist, he had a band that was black and whole on the edges, but segmented and gray in the center. His left one had a trio of square bracelets that are worn like a helix. Hanging from his neck was a black orb with a blue ring and two spikes coming out of either side of it. The man was also wearing tan jeans with a small cube hanging from a belt loop, with the center square missing from each side. Tea-green sneakers are what he is wearing, with black bottoms, and a lighter shade of green around it.

The trio approached the unconscious teen, easily making their way through the crowd. The officers were about to object to the trios interference, but a glare from the bodyguards was enough to silence them.

Students were whispering again, mainly wondering who the new arrivals were. Some of them wanted to defend the helpless teen, several students wanted answers, all wanted to know who the hell these guys were.

As the green haired man was inspecting the teen, one person from the group got tired of this event and forced his way through the crowd, heading straight for him. It was the same Jock that nearly man-handled Aleron during breakfast, Butch.

"Hey! Green head!" He bellowed out to him.

The mystery person and his bodyguards all jumped at the sudden outburst, then turned to face the offender.

"I don't know who the hell you are, but you are handling my property! Either back off, or I'm going to have some punching bags!" threatened Butch, cracking his knuckles to prove his point.

The two men in armor went into defensive stances, but the green-haired man called them off. He walked forward towards the jock, hands in his pockets, without a look of worry on his face. Butch started to tense up as he drew closer. Even within striking range, this guy was showing absolutely no signs of nervousness. He was less than two feet away from Butch is when he stopped. He looked the jock up and down, sizing him up. When he stopped, he muttered something under his breath, then started to walk back to the unconscious teen.

Butch would not let this slide, "Hey! Where do you think you're going huh? Come here and fight like a real man!" This struck home for Butch, for the green-haired man stopped in his tracks. Butch smiled, knowing this was going to be an easy win.

The man sighed, and let his head hang low for a second. He then said something like "I was hoping it wouldn't come to this…", something that several people of the crowd heard. He then reached for the cube on his pants, then pressed one of the black centers. The small panel slid into the cube, revealing a smaller compartment and a red and white capsule. He tipped the cube to where the capsule landed in the palm of his hand.

Butch stared at the capsule with a questioning look on his face. "What's that green-head? Some kind of toy?"

The man rolled the capsule around in his hand until he found a button on the center of it, on a black line between the red and white. He pressed the button and the capsule grew until it was the size of a baseball. This earned a few gasps from the crowd, all wondering what the strange device is. He pressed the button again, then threw the capsule into the air, where it popped open and a bright light shone out of it. Everyone except the man shielded their eyes. During this, the man spoke, "And so that I don't have to listen to that ridiculous name you gave me, my name is N!"

After the light faded, everyone uncovered their eyes and they all jumped, gasped or stared wide-eyed (and jaw dropped) on what was before them. Hovering in the air was a set of gears, all rotating at the same time. Two of them had what looked like a face. The smallest one was a light gray, has a teal center, has two eyes, one round and the other an X, and an oval shaped mouth. The larger one was a darker shade of gray, two black orb-like eyes, and a pair of what looked like buck teeth when it rotated. The lowest gear didn't have a face, but it had a dull red center that slowly pulsed a brighter color every time the gears made a full rotation. Surrounding the gears was a thin rim will spikes around it as well, being rotated by the red-centered gear.

"Kliiiiinnnklaaaaannng." It called in a slow melody-like sound.

Butch was the first to recover. He pointed mockingly at the gears, an all-too-cocky-grin on his face.

"Wha-? Do you really think that that—those—whatever—things will protect you? It looks pathetic, that's what it is. I bet it's so weak, that just taking one of those out and it will collapse!" he boasted. He walked over to it and reached out with one of his hands, intent on taking the small-faced gear.

A smile crept on N's face while he was reaching for it. As soon as Butch touched the gear, he suddenly had electricity flowing through his body. It was enough for his to be sent flying back through the crowd and into the wall, knocking him out. Most of the people from the crowd done panicked gasps after witnessing this and some even started calling the police. Upon seeing this, N ordered the Klinklang to fry every electrical device in the area.

After being told what to do, the gears sped up dramatically, causing some people to panic and the gem to glow brighter. After a few seconds, it unleashed the energy built up, into an EMP, frying everything electrical in the building. Cell phones, IPods, computers, everything was fried. After this was done, one of the men in armor walked up to N.

"My lord, it appears the boy is largely unharmed, even when he fell unconscious. Shall we give him the serum?" Announced the grunt.

N looked over to the teen, who was still out despite what happened. He then looked back at the grunt.

"No, I think I will give it to him. I have thought long and hard when it came to this. I do not wish to disappoint father." He then pulled out a small vial filled with a purple substance that seemed to move on its own. Looking at it long and hard, then back to the teen on the floor, he then lowered the vial and walked over to him.

After he was standing over the teen, he took one more look at the vial, then the boy. He took a step back, held the vial out, and then dropped it. It shattered against the hard floor, shards flying everywhere, releasing the goo.

He then turned to the two grunts, addressing them, "We are done here. The serum will do its work, then we come back the next day to collect the results."

The grunts saluted then, with N, after recalling his Klinklang, started to walk away. As he walked, he looked back to the teen slowly being covered by the goo. 'I hope that whatever father is having me do is right…'

First revised chapter of A Being of Insect and Steel. I hope that this version was better than the last. Hope you enjoyed and please leave a review.