I'm sorry for my stuttering! For you Metamorcy! I don't own Reborn!

Dancing was to him like walking was to people. He did it all the time, and he was good. You wouldn't expect it of him, after all, he was known as dame-Tsuna for pretty much his whole life. But when he started dancing, you forgot all about his clumsiness and failures, and saw how he truly was. Beautiful, graceful, celestial.

It had started when he was just an elementary schooler. It was after a day of school-gone-wrong. He had failed everything given to him, had been picked on, laughed at, beaten up, and not to mention had the lunch his mama made for him stolen. Over-all it was not a good day. Walking home from his own personal hell, covered in bruises and his soul cracking off into little pieces, little Tsuna just wanted to go hide underneath his covers and sleep for the rest of eternity. Well, that's what he was thinking before he walked head first into somebody's legs.


"Ow," he muttered but then he started shaking, having realized what he had just done. "I..I..I'mmm ss..oorrr.y sss..iirrr." He had just walked into a Chinese man, sporting a long black braid, white sweat pants, and a red hoody that hid his hands.

"It's okay little one," he rubbed her knees a little bit, "I'm not hurt but are you oka…. Oh my! What happened to you little one, you're covered in bruises and blood." He had looked at little Tsuna to see if he was hurt, and boy was she shocked. The man who normally had a very calm demeanor, widened his eyes, and for some reason his blood started to boil a little bit. After all, who could ever hurt someone that small, defenseless, and not to mention cute. Kneeling down, he asked "There is no way that you got all that from running into my legs. Who did this to you? You were bullied weren't you?"

Little Tsuna was shaking. He had just run into this man who was talking to fast that he couldn't really understand what he was asking. He started to cry.

The man stopped as soon as he saw the tears. "Oh little one, don't cry, I didn't mean to scare you." For some reason, hearing the boy cry hurt his heart a little. He didn't understand why. Calming down with his questions, the man gathered up all the calmness that was stored in his body, put on his normal tranquil smile, and said, "Would you come with me? I can take you to my studio, and clean up your boo-boo's. Oh yeah, my name is Fon, what's yours?"

Little Tsuna stopped crying after hearing that calmer set of questions, instead of the stormy barrage from before. So sniffling he answered, "Tsssuunna, and…pl... Dey hh..wur..t."

Fon's smile widened after hearing the boy's response. Tsuna. Hmm that was a very nice name. But then his smile shrunk after remembering the last part of what Tsuna said. "Well if it hurts than let's hurry up." He chuckled after picking up the boy and receiving a shriek in return. He started walking towards his studio with the boy trembling in his grasp. About half way there, he felt a tug on his braid. Turning his head he saw the culprit. "Yes?"

Little Tsuna was still trembling, but the calm presence of the stranger was soothing him. But little Tsuna was curious. "Yoo..u .aid studioo buuut whhaatt kin.d?" Gah, how he hated his stuttering, but at least the man, Fon, would get his message.

Fon smiled, he understood what Tsuna was trying to ask and even saw the cute frown that marred the little one's mouth after speaking. "My studio, little one, is a dance studio." And saying no more, he walked on. He walked with Tsuna in his grasp, bringing both of them to the start of a future where both lives would be intertwined forever.

Hey hey! I woke up after a night of terrible sleep and this was what I thought up.:) It's for Metamorcy, because I promised her that I'd write a story in favour of the Fon27 pairing since she loves it so much (she got me hooked on it too) and because she writes so many good stories that I felt like giving her something. It's going to be multi-chaptered since my original oneshot idea went down the drain when I started doing dialogue. Probably, it won't end up being too long, but I have no clue. And I promise to actually finish this story because the idea is really interesting to me. Don't worry about all the other characters, because I promise they'll come in, but just later when Tsuna gets older. Sorry if my writing skills are terrible, this is really my first multi-chaptered fic so bare with me and tell me what you think. If you hate it tell me, if you like it tell me. Please! I love you all, have a HAPPY EASTER! And don't worry I won't forget my Family Cycle fic.