So... Well, I'm not dead... I just got really busy, which, okay, isn't a great excuse, but bare with me! Anyhow, new character! Not a main character, really, but still!


"Sadie, what'd you do that for! She was about to tell me something important, I know it!" Carter scolded me, "Now you chased her off!"

"Well, I'm sorry, but I don't trust her. She's too secretive and I don't like it," I tried to explain. Maybe that was a little rude, and I lost my temper just a bit, but I have my reasons. "Besides, she's soft. She's runs off every time someone hurts her delicate little feelings!" I mocked, "If she is so great, why does she need our help?"

"You're the one who wanted an adventure, Sadie. One comes along, and you just keep making excuses to not go on it."

Ouch. Well, I wasn't going to take that. "Look, Carter, I know you upset about Zia, but there comes a point where it's borderline obsession. Admit it, you feel bad for her because you lost someone, too. You think that when you find this Percy guy, you'll find her. You have responsibilities, Carter. You're the older brother, and you can't forget all of this because of a bloody girl!"

"Says the girl who's juggling the feelings of a trainee and a god! You have to pick one, Sadie. You can be jealous of Jaz over Walt, or you can mope about your forbidden crush on Anubis. You can't have both, and you can't judge me or Annabeth."

"So you're on a first name basis here? When's the honeymoon? She has a bloody boyfriend she's going on about, Carter. She's not going to drop everything and start fancying you!"

"I don't want her to. I respect her, though. There's a difference."

"So, now you're listening to some random girl you just met over your sister who you saved the world with? That makes sense!"

"Did you even hear her story, or were you too wrapped up in your own misery to care?"

"Frankly, I don't care about her hour long back-story! I care more about how you're putting all your faith in her, and not anything that matters to you!"

Carter froze. Then, he spoke with an unnerving steely tone, "What matters to me? You didn't know or want to know anything about me until a few weeks ago. You think you know what matters to me?"

"Yeah, because those weeks we learned more about each other than the average siblings who've known each other forever. I know you, Carter. Believe it or not."

We stood staring at each other for a while, but the glaring contest was interrupted by a faint British accent called to me.

"No way. Sadie? Is that you? I can't believe it!" A girl of average height and tan skin ran up to me, totally ignoring Carter. Her bright green eyes sparkled, "You're a half-blood, too? I mean, I guess you don't live with your parents, so it's possible."

"A half-what?"

"Oh, still in the denial phase? Yeah, I went through that, too. You been claimed, yet?" She twirled her long dark brown hair, which reached the center of her back.

I glanced at Carter, "Uh... What? Who are you?"

"Lexi? Lexi Wright? You're Sadie Kane, right? We had almost all our classes together?" she prompted. Somehow, it clicked.

"Oh, that's right! Everyone wondered where you went. Why weren't you there last year?" Lexi had been the top of every class, with her hand up constantly. It was annoying, but we all knew who she was. When she didn't return after summer break, it was thought to be very strange and mysterious as the rumors flew.

"I was chased by a Lamia across the Atlantic and then this satyr found me and brought me here! Brilliant, don't you think? I stay here mostly, but I like to go home to visit my dad every few months. Now we can train together, it can be so much fun!" Lexi answered cheerily and enthusiastically, stepping forward and linking arms with Sadie and pulling her away from Carter slightly before going on. "It has been such a pain! I'll say something like, 'bangers and mash' and everyone will look at me like I'm mental! Of course, it'll take you some time to get used to everything, but don't worry- I'm here to help you with it all. So," she lowered her voice, "tell me what the deal with him is," Lexi jerked her head in Carter's direction, "He's defiantly cute."

I was confused by everything Lexi said, but I addressed the first thing I registered, "Wait, you mean Carter?" I gagged, "That's disgusting. Revolting. Repulsive. I can't even… No. Just no."

For some reason I could never fathom, she seemed amused, "That's what you say, but I saw how you communicated with your eyes. I'm no daughter of Aphrodite, but I know Lacy would love to come down here and do an analysis."


Surprisingly, I wasn't the one who asked. No, Carter had come up behind us to eavesdrop. So, he can swap secrets with little Miss. Sunshine, but I can't talk to someone I actually know without him. Yeah, he is so consistent, isn't he?

"Aphrodite, goddess of love," Lexi replied happily, "She-"

"Yeah," Carter interrupted-quite rudely, I might add-with a grim look on his face, "I know. But isn't she from Greek mythology?"

"Oh course!" Lexi looked slightly confused, "Hasn't anyone told you? I mean… This will be difficult. I guess I should do it quick… yes, best… Okay." Resolved, Lexi took a deep breath and extended her hand to me, like we were meeting for the first time, "Hi, I'm Lexi Wright, daughter of Demeter, Greek Goddess of agriculture and harvest."

"Just a moment," I interjected, "Greek Goddess?"

Lexi nodded before quickly explaining, "I know it sounds mental, but I swear it's true and once you get used to everything it's positively brilliant, you'll love it. This place is a haven for people like us, descended from the gods. We can live here. There are so many kinds of people you'll be able to get help for anything. And I know a girl in the Aphrodite cabin who could help you out with that." She finished, tilting her head subtly toward Carter.

Carter and I exchanged a look, and I decided to ignore her hints about Carter and I as a couple (So gross!), we had bigger problems.

I know I don't deserve it, but if you could review I would be SO HAPPY! Yeah... ANYhow..

Peace, Love, & Life
