A/N: While writing the bedroom scene at Shell Cottage for A Red Water Bottle (which I'm almost finished and will be uploaded when I have internet again), I debated putting it through Luna's eyes. So, I guess this is sort of an alternate companion piece to A Red Water Bottle, but it doesn't have to be read in order to understand this piece. In fact, there's probably going to be different dialogue in this one than there is in A Red Water Bottle, so I s'pose it's not even really a companion piece! Haha! I've tricked you!

Sleepless at Shell Cottage

Luna was just drifting off to a well-looked forward to sleep when the door to the bedroom she was sharing with Hermione Granger opened. Her fingers curled around her wand instinctively; Harry Potter would be happy to know that his DA training hadn't been wasted on her. She was just about to fire off a rather nasty jinx when she heard Hermione's bed creak and the whooshing of covers.

'Hey,' Hermione whispered.


Of course, Luna thought, her grip on her wand ceasing. Ron Weasley, come to check up on her.

'How're you feeling?' Ron asked, his voice rumbling through the room.

'Shh,' Hermione whispered. 'Luna's asleep. I'm feeling fine, Ron.'


More creaking and Luna had to resist the urge to roll over and see what was going on.

They're probably too wrapped up in each other to notice if I did roll over.

Luna remained where she was, though, straining her ears to hear anything she could, trying to gauge whether or not the pair had finally said something to each other about their feelings.

'I'm sorry you had to go through that alone.'

'Shh. I wasn't alone. You and Harry -'

'Were in the cellar below you, leaving you alone with -'

'You saved my life, Ron.'


'No, I didn't. Griphook and Dobby did.'

'No, Ron. I'm really not as strong as you think I am. I would've said anything she wanted me to tell her if it weren't for you yelling for me.'

Luna took that moment to feign shifting in her sleep, rolling over as best as she could pull off and cracking her eyes open enough to see the couple on the bed. They were facing each other, Hermione's hand was on Ron's arm, their heads almost close enough to be touching.

'It tore me apart,' Ron rasped. 'I ... hearing you screaming ... Hermione, I wanted to kill her. I still do.'

Hermione's hand came down from his arm and her finger pressed against his lips.

'Shh,' she said for the third time that night. 'I'm okay.'

'You almost died, Hermione.'


'I don't know what I would've done, Hermione. I can't ... I just ... the thought of you being gone just -'

Hermione pressed her mouth to his and Luna had to stop herself from whooping. Hermione pulled her mouth away.

'Shut up,' she whispered. 'I know.'

Ron brushed back some of her hair and Luna could see a faint smile on his face.

'What do you know, exactly?' he asked softly.

Hermione let out a gentle laugh.

'Apparently everything,' she replied.

'Bloody know-it-all,' Ron said.

'Watch your -'

Ron kissed her, cutting her off. It only took her a moment before her fingers were in his hair and Luna looked away, smiling. Suddenly, she didn't mind if she didn't get any sleep that night.