I am back with a better InuYasha fic. (Apparently, people don't like it when you don't use real characters…)

Also, please note that I don't see Kikyo as a slut in any way, (Seriously, are you guys THAT immature? I was reading fan fics, and it all came up Kinky-Hoe. You all need to grow up a little.) I also don't see Inuyasha as a playboy, or anything, but in this fic, he kinda has to be for it to work out. So sorry! I'll also say, I am really sensitive on the Kikyo subject, so please, try not to talk about her too much. And about Hojo, I think he's funny, but in this story, he's kinda bad. Sorry. Thanks!

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha, or anything. Sadly.

Inuyasha: Who the hell are you? A demon?

Kagome: Now, Inuyasha, SIT! Jeeze! You should stop going around accusing people of being demons!

Inuyasha: WENCH! What was that for?

Easl (Me): Okay! Story time! I want this one to be a success!

Summary: Inuyasha flirts with every girl in school, but when new girl Kagome rejects him, he can't help but be persistent… Inu/Kag Mir/San

A Change In Heart

Chapter 1

Not so normal girl

Quote: (I like to quote stuff, like in this Anime, Marmalade Boy, they did that to add tension) "How dare you toy with girls emotions?" - Kagome

"I get to show the new girl around." Bragged Inuyasha. ( A/N: we should all know what he looks like, right?)

"Jeeze, I wish I had girls falling at my feet." Miroku complained.

"Pervert." Mumbled a brown haired girl, that passed by the two in the hallway.

Miroku began to chase her. "Sango, my dear dear Sango!"

(A/N: I wanted to just say, Sango is in Kagome's school uniform, everyone is, and all the guys are in the boy uniform. But Inuyasha's top is unbuttoned, and there a tank-top underneath that says in red letters: FEAR ME )

"I can't believe Miroku." Mumbled Inuyasha.

"Okay, class, today we have a new student. Her name is Kagome Higurashi. Give her a warm welcome!" Said the teacher, Mr. Myoga.

A young girl walked through the door. She had chocolaty brown eyes, perfect cheek bones and lips, her hair, long, right under her shoulders. Her hair was scorched black. (A/N: Why am I explaining how someone we all should know looks?) She was in the school uniform.

The class was silent. "Kagome, you can go sit by Sango, and Ayame. Raise your hands you two!" Said Mr. Myoga. The two raised their hands. There was an empty desk in between them. Kagome sat down.

"Okay class, because I didn't plan anything for today, just… I don't know. Do homework. Read. Talk. Don't be loud." Mr. Myoga said.

Kagome, soon got comfortable.

"Yea. I bet I can have her, in a week. TOPS!" Said Inuyasha.

"I kinda wish you'd lose." Miroku said.

"Umm.. Inuyasha, was it?" Said a small voice. Inuyasha and Miroku turned around. There, was Kagome.

Miroku rolled his eyes. Fallen for him already, has she? Miroku was not surprised. Every girl that went to the school, at first, liked Inuyasha.

But Inuyasha, had a horrible habit of breaking hearts for fun.

Sango, and Ayame fell for him. But nothing really happened between them. Miroku knew this as a fact, Inuyasha liked bragging about how far he'd get with girls.

"You must be Kagome Higurashi. My name is Inuyasha. This is my friend, Miroku," Inuyasha motioned to Miroku. "Now, let me see your card…" Inuyasha said, taking her card that said where her classes are. (A/N: I know what its called, but I keep misspelling it, and my computer spell checks if it thinks something is wrong, and it keeps coming up a bad word.)

"This way." Inuyasha said, taking Kagome down the hallway. She was exited.

Inuyasha opened up a white door. There was almost nothing in the room, except a white chair, with a girl sitting in it.

"Why, I almost forgot I already have a girlfriend." Inuyasha said. "Kagome, meet Kikyo."

Kikyo got up out of the chair, and walked over to Inuyasha and Kagome. (A/N: Kikyo is wearing black leggings under the skirt)

Kikyo had no expression on her face.

"Kikyo is much better than you, and probly not so much as to fallow some random guy to an empty part of the school for a kissing fest." Inuyasha said.

Kikyo rolled her eyes.

A crowd had gathered to watch yet another girl run off in tears.

Kagome's face had no expression. Suddenly it got angry.

She raised up her hand and-


Slapping Inuyasha.

"First off, how is this an empty part of the school, second, how dare you toy with a girls emotion? Is everyone in this school like you? Your nothing more than another playboy, whose only record is how many girls he's slept with." Kagome snapped. "By the way, there's no way I could have ever even considered going out with the likes of you. I pretended to like you, because you seemed like the type of guy, not to get the girls. But I was wrong." She said. She turned around.

"One more thing…" She said. She turned her head. "I hope there's a girl who brakes YOUR heart." And Kagome walked away.

The crowd stood in silent amazement.

They all tuned to Inuyasha.

Miroku came out of the crowd.

"I might just win the bet after all." He said. "A week, huh? Remember what you offered if I lost, Inuyasha?" Miroku said. "You'll have to (a/n: I sat here for like 10 or 5 minutes thinking this up) break someone's heart. The one you love's, heart." He smiled. "By the way, when she said 'slept with girls,' just to make you feel better, I'll point out that you've never even kissed one. So, she doesn't know exactly what she's talking about." Miroku whispered.

"Boy, Inuyasha, looks like your flirting came back around and nipped you in the butt." Kikyo teased.

Oh, she'll come around. Yes she will. Inuyasha thought, to reassure himself.

Ya know, now whose going to show me where my next class is? Kagome thought. She stopped in her tracks.

"Should have thought about this…" a sweat drop rolled down her head.

She had to find Sango or Ayame, luckily, they were in the same hallway at the time.

When they heard what happened with Inuyasha, they all laughed.

"You should have seen his face!" Kagome laughed. "Priceless."

Damn wench. I'll get her. I will also get her to fall for me, and break her heart ten fold more than this afternoon. Even if she was pretending. Inuyasha thought angrily.

"Inuyasha?" Kikyo tried to get his attention. She waved a hand in his face. No response.

I'll get her. Just you wait. He thoughts. I'll show her.

"Inuyasha, I thought that you might like to now I'm going out with several other guys at this time. Also, I'm a transvestite. I thought you'd like to know." Kikyo said.

"Huh?" Inuyasha said.

"I was only trying to get your attention. I'm not a transvestite. And you're the only guy I'm dating." Kikyo said, with a smile.

He went back to thinking.

"Inuyasha, are you even listening? What is on your mind?" Kikyo asked. The tow kept walking down the hallway. Kikyo sighed. Then giggled a little.

She got a marker from her bag, and drew a mustache on Inuyasha.

Kagome is something else, yes she is. Wait, what's that felling above my lip… HOLY CRAP!

"Kikyo!" Inuyasha yelled. Kikyo giggled, and put the marker away. Inuyasha washed it off later.

Kagome, just you wait. He thought. I'll do anything to get back at you ANYTHING.


Next chapter: Love is in the air!

Quote of next chapter: "Actually, I vowed never to fall in love again." - Kagome

I like how it came out, a little longer than I expected. Please review! I hope you all liked it!

Summary for next chapter: Inuyasha and Kagome find out they have all the same classes, and during P.E, Kagome tells Inuyasha a little about herself. But what dose she mean her heart was broken much worse before? And yet conveniently another new student to add drama! OMG!