A/N: So sorry I haven't updated in months! I've been SO busy lately. But here is chapter 4 of my little story. Please read and review! I obviously don't own Harry Potter.

Viktor threw another stone into the lake, watching it skip once, twice, three times across the smooth grey surface before disappearing beneath the glassy water. Blowing a bubble of his peppermint gum, he stooped, picking up another stone to toss into the lake. This time, he over-estimated, sending the stone to the bottom of the abyss with a splash.

Sighing, Viktor picked up another stone. Looking at it's smooth, gray surface, he was reminded how soft and smooth Hermione's skin was; even more radiant than the soft hue of the rock.

At this thought, a wave of guilt and anger washed over him. Tomorrow was the first task. It had been three weeks since Hermione had separated herself from him. The memory of the night he was chosen as the Durmstrang champion still brought so much sadness, confusion, and anger to his mind. In reaction, he threw the stone as hard as he could into the lake, his anger little remedied by the resulting impact of the stone on the water.

Turning around, he paced back and forth along the edge of the lake, kicking random pebbles as he went.

He was so frustrated, not only with Hermione, but with himself. Her rejection and distrust of him had wounded his pride in a bad way. He didn't understand how after all they had shared and all he had told her, that she still didn't trust him. He had to win her back. Not only would his honor not allow him to leave her hurt and with that awful opinion of him, he couldn't get her off his mind. Every moment of everyday, he wondered what Hermione would say at that moment, what her reaction would be, and how much he missed her.

With that in mind, he knew he had to win her back. Reaching into his robes, he pulled out his little black book and thumbed through the pages that consisted of his notes and plans to win her back. He knew Hermione could not be won back with sweet words and romantic gifts. She was logical, precise and rational in almost every aspect of her life. But behind all of that intelligence, there was a restrained passion. His goal was to set that passion free, allowing her to live and experience her life in as many ways as he could provide her with.

He had no doubt that what he felt for her was love. He had accepted that since she had rejected him those three weeks before. The fact that despite being judged as Hermione had judged him, he still couldn't get her off his mind proved as much. He knew it wasn't lust because behind all of the things he wanted and desired for himself and for both of them, he primarily wanted her to be happy. And he knew she was sad without him.

She still walked around, looking slightly more oppressed. Viktor had been keeping a close eye on her, and, although it could have been the stress for Harry, she looked sad and disheartened. But there was a fierce determination in her that showed in her day to day life, even though Viktor knew it was forced in order to maintain the strength that everyone demanded of her.

And he knew that through her struggle to help and support everyone, that she missed him too. He constantly caught her throwing little glances at him in between classes and at meals, that were then sometimes followed by rare smiles and blushes. She still cared about him. She had to! He just knew it!

So, his plan was simple. He hoped that during the first task, she would see how much he didn't want to be against Harry, and how much he was in need of her support. Harry had Ron. Viktor had no one without Hermione. Plus it was the only way he could think to show her how much he cared about her after the fact. He was going to pull examples of his loyalty to her through the task to show her he needed her and that she could depend on him. He felt it was his only chance to win her back.

His decision made, he decided to walk up to the castle to see if he could catch a glimpse of Hermione. Plus he needed to do some more research on dragons anyway.

***The Next Day***

Viktor sat on the edge of one of the cots in the Champions tent, scowling at the world in general. He was reviewing the plan he and Karkaroff had come up with for the dragon. Karkaroff said it would be quick and easy; Viktor wasn't so sure about that.

In the middle of his cogitations, he looked up when Harry entered the tent. He watched as Harry stood where he was, his hands in his pockets, shuffling his feet nervously, looking around at the other contestants.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the tent flap pull back and a surge of wild brown hair flew into the room, tackling Harry. A spark of jealousy rose up in Viktor that made it hard for him to focus on what they were saying instead of where Harry's hand were on her beautifully shaped back and shoulders. He started when Hermione cast a worried glance in his direction, biting her lip and grimacing at him in earnest concern. He smiled at her, trying to reassure her. He swore she saw her smile back at him just slightly, making his heart do back flips.

Their moment ended when Ludo Bagman entered the room, carrying a smoking bag he held quite a distance away from his body.

Bagman gave his speech, which Viktor was only half listening to, focusing instead on Hermione; that is, until Bagman sent her away.

When his name was called to draw a dragon out of the bag, he reached in and withdrew the Chinese fireball, with the number three around it's neck. Sitting back down on his cot, he lied back on the pillows, throwing an arm over his eyes. Taking deep, steadying breaths to calm his nerves, he went over his plan for the dragon, half-listening to Bagman's commentary on Fleur and Cedric. When his name was called, Viktor took one last deep breath, fixing Hermione's smiling face into his minds eye. "Remember Hermione," he told himself in Bulgarian. "It's all for her." Sitting up, he cast a final glance at Harry before stumbling out of the tent.

As Viktor stepped into the rocky enclosure, he assessed his surroundings. Plenty of hiding spots amid the rocks for him to dive under. All he needed was a clean shot. Glancing at the scarlet, steaming dragon, his stomach flipped. She was huge! She was long and wiry, with fine gold spikes around her face. Noticing the chain fastened around her neck, he exhaled in slight relief.

Viktor moved to the right to hide behind a rock. Her golden eyes followed him, noting his position. Glancing around the rock, he spotted Hermione in the crowd, worriedly chewing her fingernails, watching the dragon closely. The sight of her gave him strength. Reaching around, Viktor shot sparks at the dragon. Confused, the dragon stood up and side-stepped to the right of her eggs, just as Viktor had wanted her to. He could see the golden one he needed to retrieve directly behind her left rear leg. Standing up, he muttered the spell Karkaroff had told him to use, aiming at the dragon's eye. It hit her on the side of the head instead, angering her severely. Viktor jumped behind another rock to his left, narrowly avoiding the mushroom shaped cloud of fire she shot at him. Smelling smoke, he turned around and stamped out the hem of his robes which were cindering away. Looking down, he noticed blood on his right forearm from a gash in his robes. Cursing, he rolled over, chancing a glance at the dragon from his new hiding spot. An angry green welt was on her cheek where his spell had hit her. She was scanning the enclosure, sniffing the air, trying to smell him out. Waiting for the right moment, Viktor lunged when she turned her head towards him, screaming the spell into the enclosure. It hit her directly in the eye this time. He watched as she staggered back, blowing a huge gush of fire into the sky as she wailed in agony. Running over, he grabbed the golden egg from the nest before her foot could come down on top of it, sliding behind another rock.

Suddenly, he heard a roar issue from the crowd. "Viktor Krum has his golden egg!" repeated Bagman over and over again into the stands. Viktor limped out from behind the rock, staring apprehensively as Charlie Weasley and his co-workers led the still screaming, fire-breathing dragon out of the enclosure. Looking down, he saw that most of her eggs were destroyed. Another thing for him to be guilty over.

Speaking of which, he looked around for Hermione. Once locating her, he noticed that she looked less pale than before. Catching her eye, she smiled at him. His heart sped up in his chest as he smiled back at her.

Walking over to the judges, he dutifully received his score, a total of 40 points.

Stumbling from the enclosure, he collapsed onto the cot he felt he had vacated 25 years ago, rather than 25 minutes ago. He grimaced as the nurse forced pepper-up potion down his throat and tended the minor cuts and bruises he had. Once she had left to take care of the burned Cedric, he rolled onto his side and listened to Bagman's commentary on Harry's performance. His jaw went slack when he heard that Harry was on broomstick. "Why didn't I think of that?" he asked himself stupidly.

Finally Harry finished his task. The crowd roared with approval, making Viktor's ears ring. Sitting up, he watched as Harry walked in, promptly being checked by Madame Pomfrey. Viktors entire body froze when Hermione came running in to embrace Harry. Glancing over Harry's shoulder, he noticed her looking at him in concern. He waved to her briefly, communicating he was fine. Releasing Harry, she spun around and pushed Ron towards Harry. He watched her rock back and forth on her heels as Ron seemingly apologized, before breaking out in tears and screaming "You are both so stupid!" before hugging them both and storming out of the tent.

Standing up abruptly, Viktor followed her as she rushed around the corner towards the lake. He walked over when she finally stopped and collapsed under the tree that they had talked and kissed under on that long afternoon so long ago.

Sitting down lightly next to her, he reached over, pulling her into his arms and stroking her hair. "Tikho skŭpi . Strakhuvaĭte ot nishto. Az sŭm tuk . Az te obicham." he mumbled into her hair.

Sitting up, she looked at him quizzically. "Not fair." she mumbled, wiping her eyes on the back of the sleeves of her robe.

"Vhat do you mean?" he asked, smiling.

"You know I don't speak Bulgarian.

"Vell, you should learn." he said, pulling her back into his arms, rocking her back and forth as her tears subsided.

"Thank you." she said, sitting up once more. "I needed that. I've missed you." she said sheepishly.

"You have no idea. I have missed you terribly so." he said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I'm sorry, Viktor. What I said was wrong. I know you're not against Harry. I shouldn't have judged you like that. I was already stressed about you being selected, but then Harry was chosen and I broke down. I'm sorry. I'm s-so s-s-sorry." she sobbed into her hands.

"It's o.k. I forgive you. I promise I vill not do anything to hurt you or Harry. I vill help him if you vish. Relax." he said, rubbing her back.

"Viktor," she said, pushing her hair out of her face and shivering as he traced small circles into her back "I can't apologize enough. I feel so guilty! How can I make it up to you?"

Lifting her face, he wiped the tears from her cheeks and leaned forward, pressing his lips lightly against hers. He felt her exhale as her mouth started to move over his, lightly pulling and nipping back at him in a slow, languorous kiss. Separating from her, he leaned back, looking into her eyes. "You just did."

Chuckling, she looked up at him. "If I had known that's all you needed to forgive me, I would have made up with you a long time ago. I've regretted my decision last Halloween since the moment I ended it." she murmured.

"Stop. Apologies end now. It over. Done. Ve move on now." he said, lifting her hand to his mouth to kiss her palm lightly. "Vill you do me favor?" He asked, kissing each of her fingertips in between words.

She let out a breathy sigh as his lips danced across her skin. "Yes?" she asked.

"Come back to ship vith me. I feel gross and I vant to take shower. Ve talk there, no?" he asked, kissing up along the inside of her arm now.

"Sure. Fine. Whatever." she said breathlessly as his lips moved from her arm, to her shoulder, up her neck, and finally to her lips. Kissing her soundly, she started when he stood up abruptly, dragging her with him.

"Lets go then." he said. Dashing through the trees so as not to be seen, he ran around the edge of the lake to the entrance of the ship. He smiled as he heard her giggling behind him, her lithe steps falling almost soundlessly upon the forest floor. Looking around, he motioned her up the gang plank when he was sure no one else was around. They were all at the castle celebrating most likely.

Hurrying into his room, he pulled the door closed behind her, muttering a locking charm and silencing charm at the door. "Wow." he heard her breathe into the room at large.

Coming up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her waist. "You like it? Is messy right now." He said.

"It's fantastic. And huge. And beautiful." she mumbled.

"You are vhat is making it beautiful." he whispered, before releasing her. Shrugging off his robes and kicking off his shoes, he walked away from her toward the shower. Leaving the door open a crack, he finished stripping before stepping into the warm stream. "Feel free to look around!" he called from the shower.

"Hermione is in my room" he thought to himself, watching as blood, dirt, and soot circled the drain. A kind of joy suffused him as he showered, derived from the fact that he and Hermione were together again.

Scrubbing himslef liberally, he stepped out of the shower 10 minutes later. Wrapping a towel around his waist, he stopped when he saw that Hermione was laying on his bed seductively. Her shoes and robes were off, but she was still fully clothed. But the fact that she was watching him as she lied in his bed made it oh so very sexy.

Shaking himself, he crossed over to his dresser, retrieving clean clothes. Stalking back into the bathroom, he dressed in plain black jeans and a loose, black silky shirt. Crossing back into the bedroom, he wandered over to his desk, where he pulled two crystal glasses and a bottle of expensive wine out of the bottom drawer. Kicking the drawer closed with his foot, he uncorked the bottle, pouring a liberal amount in each glass before bringing all three items to the bed. Setting the bottle on his bed side table, he handed her a glass, before settling on the soft mattress beside her.

Staring into her eyes, he watched as she took a tentative sip, laughing as her lips pursed at the taste. "I don't usually drink wine that often." she muttered throatily.

"I can tell" he murmured, taking a slow, smooth sip from his own glass.

Rolling onto her back, she rested her glass on her stomach, staring up at the ceiling. "I missed you. I can't believe I'm really here right now." she said.

"Nope," he said, taking her glass from her and setting down both of their glasses on the table with the bottle. "No more of that. Tell me about vhat has happened to you in the past couple veeks." he demanded, tracing his hand up and down her calve.

She obliged him, telling him all about Harry and Ron's feud and how much she had wished she could have turned to him so many times in the last few weeks. How much she regretted her rejection of him, despite him protesting her explanations. Then it was his turn, and he told her all about Karkaroff's idiocy and pressure, and how much he in turn missed her. Sighing, he looked down into her eyes. "It vas a miserable three veeks vithout you." he muttered.

Grabbing his head, she pulled his lips down to hers, kissing him with all the stored up passion she had been hiding for him over the past weeks. Her simple kiss quickly turned passionate as he read the emotion behind her intent, responding with his own passion in equal force. Moving to lean over her, sinking her deeper into the mattress, he growled in pleasure when she opened for him to delve his tongue against hers, tasting her sweet mouth. She tasted of peppermint, making him smile in the kiss. Wrapping her hands through his hair, she pulled him down closer to her, until there was barely an inch between their chests. He ran his hands up and down her sides, tracing her curves with his palm. She arched in pleasure when his thumbs brushed her nipples through her clothes.

"Viktor" she breathed, as he repeated the caress. Growling in response, he moved to unbutton her blouse. Her Gryffindor tie got in the way, and she chuckled as he struggled with the knot. "Move" she said, untying it for him and flinging it off the bed. Unbuttoning the rest of her shirt, she gasped as his hands cupped her breasts over her black, lacy bra. She arched against him as his lips traced down her neck, his hands kneading her breasts in a fierce, needy rhythm. Sliding her hands down his back, she rand her hands down and around his torso, and under his black silk shirt, tracing his abs with feather like caresses.

Viktor paused in his ministrations as he reveled in her sweet touch. Her warm, lithe fingers traced his muscled abdomen and lean shoulders, before finding his nipples and lightly tweaking them. Grunting, he pulled her hands out from his shirt and placed them above her head. "No." he said, looking into her eyes.

"Not fair!" she murmured, staying where she was as he continued his caresses anyway.

Lifting her up, he helped her shrug out of her blouse, before reaching behind her to finger the clasp of her bra. "You o.k?" he grunted at her, playing with the silky clasp. Biting her lower lip, she nodded. With a swift flick of his wrist, her bra disappeared, leaving her exposed to his eyes. She wriggled uncomfortably as she watched him look at her bare breasts. She didn't try to hide them, but she was still nervous about her reaction. She knew her breasts weren't as big as some of the other girls, but her C-cup wasn't something to be ashamed of either.

Noticing her discomfort, he looked up from her ripe bosom and into her eyes. "You're beautiful." he said, before placing his palms onto her breasts and squeezing lightly. She moaned in response, arching her back, thrusting her breasts out at him. Her breasts were the color of ivory, her nipples the color of rose petals. She fit perfectly into his hands and he was blown away by the perfection of them. They absolutely deserved all of the homage he could possibly pay to them. Kissing her once more on the lips, she moaned into his mouth as he tweaked her nipples into tightly budded furls. Disentangling from her lips, he traced warm kisses down her neck and behind her ear, playing, toying, and squeezing her breasts all the while. Sucking on her neck, he deliberately left a love bite, claiming her as his. Admiring his handy work on her skin, he slowly moved down, kissing along her collar bone and onto her chest, before taking her left nipple into his mouth.

She screamed when he began to suckle her, her fists balling in his sheets. Pressing a hand against her shoulder to get her to lie still, he switched breasts, bringing the neglected nipple to his lips, licking it, laving it, and suckling it until tears of frustration and desire formed in her eyes.

Switching back to the other breast, he traced his hand down her smooth stomach to the button of her skirt. Toying with it, he waited for her to push his hand away before unbuttoning it and moving it over her hips. When no negative response came from her panting lips, he moved the skirt all the way off, over her ankles, leaving her in her stockings and lacy black panties.

Looking up, he watched as her eyes searched his questioningly. "You still o.k?" he asked. She gave him a tentative affirmative nod, bringing his hand back to her breast.

Just when he thought his pants couldn't get any tighter, she went and pulled something like that. With a growl, Viktor pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it on the floor. His skin felt too tight and he had needed to remove something.

Reaching down, he continued to massage and kiss at her breasts, before sliding his free hand to trace her folds through her panties. She was soaked.

A rumble forming deep in his chest, he kissed his way down her abdomen until reaching the edge of her panties. Looking into her eyes, he slid his fingers along the edge, pulling them down and off her legs. Not until they were completely off did he look down at her.

His breath hitched as the delicious scent of feminine musk and lavender invaded his senses. A light smarting of curls covered her womanhood. Reaching down, he stroked her bare flesh, bringing his dampened finger to his lips, licking her moisture off his fingertips.

She shivered as she watched him, enthralled by his every move. She trembled in anticipation as his fingers dipped down once more, parting her nethers. She gasped and bucked her hips when he slid one long, deft finger inside of her. Tension of a whole new kind infused her every cell as he expertly thrust his finger into her again and again. She thought she would die when he added another finger to the first, stretching her and stroking her inside in a "come hither" motion with his fingers. The combination of that and the sudden firm pressure of his thumb on her clit made her world shatter. In a tumbling wave of sensation, she felt her body rise on a wave of pure pleasure as wave after wave of bliss compounded her. She heard herself screaming his name over and over again as her hips bucked against his still probing fingers.

When the waves of pleasure finally subsided, and he withdrew his fingers slowly from her body, she sighed in completion. She felt content, heavy and sated; she never wanted to move again. She was happy to just lie here, watching as he licked her juices off of his fingers once again.

Collapsing down next to her, Viktor pulled her into his arms, stroking her hair. He took deep breaths, willing away his still present erection, promising himself that it would be his turn soon. He was happy to watch her flushed cheeks cool, her swollen lips decompress, and her body return to its normal status. "You enjoyed it?" he asked her, smiling down at her head resting on his bare chest.

"Immensely. We'll have to do that again very soon." she said, stretching against him.

Viktor felt another wave of arousal as she snuggled up to him. "Very soon." he ground out. "But ve need to make appearance at dinner. Tomorrow. Meet me at library?" he asked, kissing her hair.

"Deal" she said, kissing his chest.

Sitting up, they got dressed in silence, both re-living the glory they had just shared. They walked companionably down the gang plank towards the castle together, hand-in-hand. Separating at the doors to the castle, he watched as she walked away, hoping that no one would pay too close attention to her joyful mood, swollen lips, and slightly disheveled appearance, during dinner.

He couldn't wait for tomorrow night.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed it! I'm going to try and post Chapter 5 as soon as possible! Please let me know what you think in a review or PM! Reviews= love!

*"Tikho skŭpi . Strakhuvaĭte ot nishto. Az sŭm tuk . Az te obicham." is the phonetic reading of the Bulgarian phrases "Тихо скъпи. Страхувайте от нищо. Аз съм тук. Аз те обичам." In English, it translates into "Quiet dearest. Fear nothing. I am here. I love you."*