Viktor watched as the beautiful girl he had observed the evening before flounced down the hallway, bushy hair swinging in time with her steps. He smiled to himself as he saw her hips sway beneath her rather short skirt, head titled in the air, walking with a proud definition past the crowds of beautiful misses giggling behind their hands at her. He had arrived at Hogwarts the night before in order to attempt to compete in the Tri-Wizard Tournament against the competitors from Hogwarts and Beauxbatons, he and his fellow Bulgarian students representing for Durmstrang, of course. But upon his arrival, his attention was immediately drawn to the brown-eyed wonder sitting between Harry Potter and some ginger kid he didn't know.

He was immediately drawn to her, and for the rest of the evening ignored the festivities, his attention permanently diverted on her. Although Karkaroff kept glancing his way, and some annoying kid that went by the name of Malfoy continually tried to impress him with stories of his own achievements ("Prat" Viktor thought to himself, rolling his eyes inwardly) he continued to watch the girl. "I must learn more about this strange woman" Viktor thought to himself, before rising to head back to the ship, where he was sure Karkaroff would want him to drink and play cards with him until Viktor was ready to pull his hair out.

The next morning, Viktor strode across the lawn, deftly avoiding every group of giggling girls possible. Reaching the Great Hall, he nodded in respect towards the three head masters, before sitting at the table assigned to the Durmstrang boys. Truth be told, he was a loner. For all his fame, none of his classmates really understood him. They were all nice and were generally good guys besides wanting the taste of fame Viktor could possibly provide them with, but he preferred to be left alone. He wouldn't mind spending time with the mystery girl though.

Mentally shaking himself back into reality, his scowl deepened when he saw her walk in, arm linked through Potters. He watched as she sat down with Potter next to the same unknown ginger kid he had seen the night before with them.

Then the Malfoy kid returned. Ignoring him completely, supplying only a few grunts in conversation, he smirked when the two boys next to her stood up and walked away. Leaning over, she caught another red-haired girl by the wrist, whispering in her ear. "That must be the ginger kid's sister." Viktor thought to himself. Looking around, he saw two more ginger kids, twins, who were making fools of themselves at the head of the table. "There are many of them." Viktor thought cynically.

Looking up from his scanning of the crowd for yet more red-heads, he saw that the bushy haired girls' seat was empty. Flicking his gaze around, he barely caught a glimpse of her skirt turning the corner out of the great hall, her hair flowing behind her.

Standing up abruptly, he made a quick excuse to the ferret like Malfoy kid, and took off down the hallway to the doors of the Great Hall.

Looking right then left, he saw another flick of brown hair disappear behind the door leading out onto the school grounds. Following silently, hoping none of his fan girls would make a scene, blowing his cover, he followed her down to the lake where she again met up with the Potter kid and the ginger boy. Setting down her bag, she crawled upon the ground before stretching her face up to the sun. At Viktor's angle, she looked like a siren, her skin glistening in contrast to the water of the lake.

Suddenly, she stretched a well-shaped calf into the air, deftly untying the laces of her shoe, stretching the taut muscles of her back and sultry leg. Viktor felt even more aroused when she reached under her short skirt to undo the clasp of her stocking, stripping it off at length and with a superb amount of grace, before switching to the next foot. Her skirt was now bunched at mid thigh, giving Viktor a delicious insight into how long her legs really were.

When her sexy calves disappeared under the gray waters of the lake, Viktor let out a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding.

Nestling himself behind a tree that backed into a wall, so no one could see him, but he could see her, he settled to watch her interact with her apparent best friends. He stayed in his hiding place for half an hour, growing even more jealous every time the ginger kid made her laugh. But he loved watching her laugh. When she did, she threw her head back, letting her hair fall as it might across her back and thrusting her deliciously curved breasts forward, giving Viktor a perfect view of pale white cleavage. He only wished he was the one making her laugh like that.

Viktor reached into his bag and withdrew a small black journal. He was the kind of person who documented what was important to him. His books weren't a diary, just a book of scribbles on what he observed around him. But this new little black book was to be devoted completely to this mystery girl. Leaning back against the wall, he wrote a brief physical description inside the first page.

"Tall, bushy hair, sexy legs, perfect breasts, wonderful smile." He wrote briefly. He then scribbled random sentence fragments about when he first saw her and how she had just displayed those amazing legs.

Viktor looked up when he heard all of their frivolity stop. That annoying Malfoy kid was walking towards the mystery girl. Viktor felt a surge of contempt for the boy as he noticed a nerve tick in the girls face flicker more definitely with every word the blonde bastard spoke.

Viktor saw the girl snarl something at Malfoy, before the boy, lip curled back, shouted "Shut up! You filthy mud blood!"

Viktor shot up to his feet and was about to jinx the boy for calling the beautiful girl such an ugly name, but was surprised when a flash of light sent Malfoy and his goons flying backwards on their arses. The girl had sent such a powerful curse their way, that tentacles started growing out of every pore on their body, completely disfiguring them.

"You'll pay, Granger!" warned Malfoy as he and his two weird friends ran off, leaving the golden trio shaking with mirth.

Chuckling to himself, he settled back down to document the funny scene before him and to watch her for a while longer. Sinking her toes back in the water, she and her friends stayed on the edge of the lake, enjoying the last of the semi-warm days left for England.

"I must know more about this woman. One of those pretentious young girls will be happy to tell me more." Viktor thought, as he watched the girl and her companions gather their stuff, and head back into the castle for lunch. Waiting five minutes after they left to follow suit, he started to seriously think about who he could subtly ask about his mystery girl.

The perfect opportunity came the next day.

"Do you know vhom I am talking of?" Viktor asked some girl named Pansy.

"Oh, you mean little Hermione Granger? She's a little no body whose always hanging out with Harry Potter and one of the litter of Weasley's that are constantly climbing around Hogwarts. Ron's his name I believe. Such a plain, boring name! But seriously Mr. Krum, Hermione is just a nerd who sticks her nose where it doesn't belong and who is not worth your time. I think you can do much better than someone like that." Pansy finished her speech, throwing a cheesy wink his way as she tried to make her hips swing provacitively, but all it did was make her look like a duck.

Sweeping into a deserted classroom, he set down his stuff before rummaging through his bag, searching for that special book. Once found, he whipped it open to the next blank page and scribbled a brief bio of her.

"Hermione Granger

Fourth Year


Harry Potter and Ron Weasley ("Golden Trio")

nerdy, not very popular or well-liked"

"Is good enuff for now." Viktor mumbled, smiling to himself. He then gathered all his stuff and hurried off to his next and final class for the day.

Later that night, as he was surrounded by girls at his table in the great hall, all wearing low cut shirts and thrusting their breasts out at him, he payed as much attention as he could afford to Hermione without being too rude to those around him, even though he wanted them all to disappear. Frankly, Hermione was the only girl who hadn't confronted him yet.

But that only heightened her intrigue.

He watched her get up from the table, swing her bag over her shoulder and wave goodbye to her friends before turning down to walk to the end of the hallway. He would follow her again tonight, and hopefully introduce himself if possible. She was just to cute to pass up. He waited until she turned the corner before standing up abruptly, knocking a couple of boobs out of his face. "Excuse me. But I must do homework." He mumbled, reaching around and launching himself toward the doors to the Great Hall. He followed her up two stories on the grand staircase before he saw her duck behind a tapestry. He hurried over to where she just disappeared before his fan girls could find him.

Indeed, he heard their shushed giggling as the tapestry swung behind his retreating form.

The passage was narrow with only a few candles lighting the way. He was thankful when the hall ended with a door that was actually a latch behind a painting, because he was starting to get claustrophobic really quick.

Breathing easier, he followed the flick of her hair around a corner that led to the library.

"Nerd" he chuckled in bulgarian, before following her in.

Grabbing a random volume off the shelf, he sat down two tables away from her, pretending to read as he watched her study. She alternated between reading, her book supported on her leg by her knee (the table was low enough that she could do so without anyone seeing up her skirt) and then writing a fact down onto one of about five scrolls, sucking on her sugar quill in between notes. Viktor lost himself in those red lips, as he imagined what she could do to him with them.

He started when she looked up over her notes and stared at him, raising an eyebrow, before going back to her work.

"God I hope she doesn't know occlumens." Viktor prayed to himself.

Thoroughly chagrined by being caught having naughty day dreams about her, he bid his time while she worked, stumbling to muster up enough courage to introduce himself. When the grandfather clock in the corner of the library chimed ten o'clock, he decided it was now or never.

Rising out of his seat, he left the book where it was on the table and walked towards her. She smiled when he tripped over a pile of books on the floor. "Damn!" he muttered to himself, blushing. He finally made it over to stand behind the chair directly in front of her without further incident.

"Hello. My name is Viktor Krum." he said, holding out his hand to her.

Taking it, she smiled at him, making his heart skip a beat. "I know who you are. Everyone does. Even though I'm not sure how the best seeker in the world can trip over a giant stack of books directly in front of him. But I'm Hermione Granger." she said.

"Is my pleasure to meet you. And ya, may be good seeker, but not very coordinated on ground." he smiled at her. Pointing at the chair opposite her, he asked "May I sit here?"

"If you stay quiet." she replied, waving a hand to indicate for him to sit. And with that she returned to her books.

Sitting across from her, he was content to simply watch her work, but after five minutes she started to get fidgety, her eyes flicking up at him every few seconds. This made him smile even more.

After ten minutes of the silent stare war, she closed her book abruptly, placed her elbows on the table, and rested her chin on her interlaced fingers. "What!" she demanded of Viktor.

"Vhat do you mean?" he asked calmly.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Hermione asked him.

"You are very pretty girl. Is hard for me not to look." he replied nervously. He wasn't sure what had possessed him to say his emotion so blatantly, but he couldn't resist. But he was suddenly confused when tears started to form in her eyes.

"Stop it." she mumbled, gathering up her stuff.

"Vhat?" Viktor asked, bewildered.

"Stop being so mean!" she claimed in a soft tone, hurt laced in every word as tears flowed steadily across her lovely cheeks. All Viktor could do was stare at her as she turned and practically ran away from him, he was so shocked at her reaction.

After five minutes of staring at the spot she had just vacated, he was able to shake his mind free and mumble "Vhat the hell just happened?"

He leaned as far back as the chair allowed him to, resting his head on back of it. He stared blankly at the ceiling, trying to recall what had just happened. He could think of nothing he had done or said to make her react in such a way. Leaning over, he pulled out his little black book and wrote the interaction down, trying to discern what happen from what he wrote on paper.

After an hour he could still see no reason as to why she would react so negatively. He felt terrible at the thought that what he said could possibly have made her that upset. Exasperated, he trudged back to the ship, irritated, tired and restless. He knew he had to find out why she was upset, and spent most of the night glaring at his ceiling, still pondering the matter.