Hey everyone sorry it has taken me forever to bring you this story, I have recently dislocated my knee and it is being a bitch to me now so writing this story makes me happier nad it gives me something to do instead of being bored out of my mind all day.

So lets recap what happened in 'Ordinary Girl' Mitchie was secretly Demi Lovato who dated Shane Gray until he became a complete jerk to everyone. They then hated each other and Mitchie wanted to get away so she went to Camp Rock but only to find Shane was there to. Caitlyn and Mitchie's brother Declan began dating and after made up secrets coming out Shane changed and is now currently dating Mitchie.

Wow try saying that in one breath. Anyway here is the next part of that little story. Enjoy. Xx


I stood staring at Shane. He hadn't noticed me yet, he thought he was alone in the dressing room. Why had I been so careless? Shane Gray was holding in his hands Demi Lovato's hair! Or to be more precise my wig. I didn't know what to do; I didn't want him to find out like this. I had to choices a) sneak back into the bathroom and hide in there or b) talk to him about it. For some stupid reason before my brain could process anything my mouth picked option b.

"Shane?" I said quietly, he turned around in an instant. He looked at me; I must look strange to him. I was standing in Demi Lovato's clothes with my brown hair slowly drying, instead of the black hair he was used to. He stood there staring. He fiddled with the wig in his hands and looked down at it, then back at me.

"Mitchie?" He said quietly, I slowly walked towards him and pulled the wig out from his hands and placed it back down on table. I think he was in shock. I mean it wasn't everyday you found out that your current girlfriend was in fact secretly your ex-girlfriend too.

"Hey." I said softly to him not wanting to startle him anymore than she already had.

"What?" He said looking at me to the wig lying on the table. He kept his gaze on the wig thinking of all the times he had ran his fingers through it while kissing her. How had he not realized before that the hair was fake?

"Shane look at me." I said putting my hands either side of his head and turned it so he was looking at me, "I know this is a lot to take in but I need you to listen to me. OK?" He nodded slowly and I removed my hands from his face and took one of his hands in mine and led him over to the sofa so he could sit down. He let me lead him and he sat down and looked at me.

"All this time." He said a little louder now as it was starting to sink in.

"I'm sorry you had to find out like this. I was going to tell you tonight though." I said in my defence, I knew what he was like.

"So that's ok then is it? 3 years you lied to me for." He snapped, and there we have it.

"I had to." I snapped back at him. It was easier to argue with him if I was using the same tone as him.


"So I could have a normal life!" I screamed at him.

"So I wasn't normal enough for you then?" He said standing up and stood in the middle of the room.

"I know you might not believe this but not everything is about you Shane." I said also standing up and walked to him stopping just in front of him.

"Right now it is." He said crossing his arms over his chest.

"You haven't changed have you?" I said sadly and watched as his face fell.

"Mitch, I'm sorry. This is a lot to take in for me ok?" He said calming down instantly.

"I'm sorry to. You have no idea how many times I wanted to tell you. But I couldn't." I said looking straight into his eyes. "I live a double life. Do you know how hard that is?" He shook his head.

"Well it's bloody difficult, as Demi I have everything I ever wanted but I would miss my normal life if I became famous as myself. I wanted to have a normal life as well though do normal things a 17 year old would do. So me and my dad made up Demi Lovato. It was a chance for me to live out my dream and still have a normal life." I explained. Shane didn't say anything he just listened.

Something in him snapped again and he yelled at her, "You had countless opportunities to tell me, if you were worried that I would tell everyone you secret then you should have realized that I would never do that. Hell I even broke my purity vow with you!"

He still wore his ring for show though. Both of us didn't want that getting out to the press that 16 year old Demi Lovato had slept with her 18 year old celebrity boyfriend.

"Shane I am sorry that I lied to you, but you aren't the only person that I had lied to. And I knew you regretted having sex with me. " I said tears now running down my face.

Shane softened up when he saw her crying he instantly pulled her into his arms and held her tightly, "Mitch, I will never regret that. That was the best night of my life." He pulled back a little do he could wipe away her tears, "Remember, you told your dad you were sleeping over at Selena's but came to mine instead. Mitchie Torres I could never regret that night. Now I know that this isn't going to sound like a serious question but I wanna know how did you keep your wig on all the time we were together? Because we were never that gentle were we?"

I gave a watery giggle and looked at him, "Lots of hair pins and practise."

"Listen, I am glad I know now. This is going make the tour a lot easier now." He said smiling. I pulled away from him.

"Shane you can't date both Demi and Mitchie." I accused.

"I'm not going to, but I am going to be with you even if you look like Demi or Mitchie."

"And what if Jason or Nate see us. They both know that you are dating Mitchie not Demi." I said raising my eyebrows.

"They won't." He said straight.

"They did last time remember." I said,

Demi and Shane were in Shane's dressing room. They had just finished performing and were spending a little time with each other before they had to move and get mobbed by crazed fans. They were both sitting on the sofa with Demi's head resting on Shane's chest while he held her tightly to his body. Not letting her go for anything.

"You were amazing tonight." He said as he ran his hand through her hair.

"You say that every night." She laughed and moved her head so it was level with his.

"Because you're amazing every night and not just every night. You are just amazing." He said and before she could react he put his lips against hers. Kissing her softly. It didn't take long for it to quicken up and became more passionate. Shane flicked his tongue against her lips begging for entrance which she granted without a second thought. Their tongues explored each other's mouths. Shane moved Demi so she was lying down with him hovering over her. He ripped his lips from her mouth and kissed his way down her jaw and onto her neck. She moaned softly and knotted her hands in his hair. He began to suck on her neck marking her as his, even though she would kill him after. After few minutes attacking her neck he moved his lips back to hers kissing her deeply and passionately.

"Ah my eyes!" A voice screamed from the doorway. Shane and Demi broke apart and turned their heads to see Jason standing in the doorway looking at them. Shane quickly got off Demi and she sat up smoothing down her 'hair'.

"I'll be careful this time I promise." He said remembering that night. That was before they had slept together.

"Shane, no." I said blankly,

"What do you mean no?"

"Make a choice Shane. You can either date Mitchie or Demi not both."

:O Who will Shane choose?

Please give me nice reviews it would make me feel a little bit happier.
