Epilogue: And Then…
The old squirrel looked up from the large leather-bound book he was reading from, and gazed around at his audience, mostly wide-eyed dibbuns, although there were several older creatures who had wanted to hear the story again. "Beechtail had to spend the rest of the summer in the infirmary, but he made a full recovery. Currare learned to wield his saber with his left paw even better than his right. He returned to Salamandastron, became a Lieutenant in the Long Patrol, and eventually married Celeriter. Lutran remained at Redwall, with Beechtail and Maplefur, who-"
A baby mole interrupted, "Whut that bes aboot?" He pointed to the book, which, even though the story was over, contained many more pages. "An' whur 'appened to ee Beechtoil an' Mapelyfurrur?"
The storyteller smiled, "I don't think Maplefur ever did manage to teach Beechtail to climb, but those two had many more adventures together."
He closed the book, "But that's another story."
The End
Thank you for reading my story, I apologize for the lack of length in the chapters, but I wrote this story a while ago and have since gotten better at making longer chapters. I have another story written about Beechtail, Maplefur, and Lutran, which I will post if you readers want to hear it. Again, thanks for reading!-Adderbane