Please, Call Me Lovely

Ch2 The Ice Queen

A/N: Okay, so I'm back. I have decided for time-management on here, I'm going to keep this story up, along with "Bring Me A Unicorn Dress" for those of you who know it, but I will be taking down "A Trifecta Of Verbal Blunders" for a later date, I just have too many stories. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy chapter 2! For the record, I'm assuming Sam's family has an apartment or something now, as this is over the summer and we sort of need Sam to have a house for this to work…so yes. :P

Epic Love


Kurt's POV

It was the next day when the emotional anesthetic kicked in. I was numb. I thought of Blaine, I felt nothing. I thought of what I had done, I felt nothing. I thought of the hours I had spent crying the previous night. Nothing. Tired, perhaps, but no real emotion. Flickers of last night flashed behind my eyelids each time I blinked.

Oh come on, I want to, don't you? The smell of sweat on skin. The feeling of his hair free from gel.

We've been together forever, most couples have done it by now. The taste of salt on his lips, the sight of him naked.

I know you're a virgin, but you trust me, right? It's not that big a deal. The sound of the condom wrapper opening, his grunts. My sorry attempts to keep from gasping at the pain.

Of course. Sure, I mean, we've been together for months. Yes, I'll have…sex with you.

I had been talking myself down in my head, explaining over and over how much I loved him and how much this felt right. But darker questions kept invading my thoughts. However, none of that mattered at present. I was a machine, simply getting this body ready for school.

I swung my leg out of bed much too quickly, and that reminded me that, though the mind might not be in a feeling state, the body certainly could. A burning, almost ripping sensation pulled my backside back into bed, me releasing a yelp of surprise and pain as I did so. I took the next step slower. No skinny jeans today.

"I…I'm in love with you Blaine." "Oh, that's sweet." I refused to think about it. I pulled on leggings, looking for the skirt, maybe I could afford myself some relief. Then I remembered Blaine's opinion about my Prom kilt. Too out there. Instead, I attempted to slip into a larger pair of skinny-jeans I had left over from my baby-fat days. They were uncomfortable, but not impractically so.

I took the stairs carefully, trying to put as little weight as I could on my thighs and backside. I got to the bottom with less pain than I had expected, and made my way to the kitchen. The clock read quarter to eight, which meant I had to leave. By the looks of the sink, my father was already in the garage, so I grabbed a morning supplement drink and drove to school, with no anger at the red lights or idiots driving, no disappointment to see the front doors already locked, and not even fear when I saw Karofsky coming down the hallway. It seemed strange to me that all these years I had put up that ice mask so nobody could see what I felt. Now I no longer needed it, for I had nothing more to hide. I truly was ice.

Sam's POV

I'm not gonna lie and say I wasn't worried about Kurt. It would be stupid and assholeish of me to say so. I mean, that text, whether I was supposed to see it or not was something to be worried about on it's own. Not to mention what had caused the message to be written in the first time.

So I skipped first period to wait around for Kurt. Not my place, I know. But it was English, and between my dyslexia and state of mind, I really wasn't in the mood.

I heard his car pull up a few minutes after the final bell, and I went towards the parking lot. Kurt entered through the double doors and stared at me.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class?" He asked. But it was weird. Usually Kurt would have scolded me more, told me about the benefits of learning, showed me the errors of my ways, but today, it just sounded like you didn't care.

"I know, but it's English. Shakespeare. And I wanted to make sure you were okay." Now I started to notice it more. Kurt wasn't skinnier or paler (it'd be hard to have that much of a difference in one day), but he wasn't walking with his shoulders or head up, he'd lost the feeling of confidence he'd put off usually, and there was no passion for…well anything in his eyes anymore. Nevertheless, he responded

"I'm fine, thank you for wondering." I nodded and we walked quietly for a few minutes, down the empty hall to his locker, where we stopped. It was awkward as Kurt stared at me for a few more minutes. I don't know what he was looking for, but he didn't find it.

"You free tomorrow?" He tilted his head, like I had just asked him to sacrifice a camel to Buddha in Na'vi.

"What?" He raised an eyebrow, but it wasn't even out of confusion or judgmentally. It was just a habit.

"Do you. Want to. Hang out. Tomorrow?" His eyebrow went down and he seemed to understand what I said.

"And do what, exactly." It wasn't even a question. Did he honestly not even care enough anymore to give a question an inflection?

"I dunno. Hang out, watch a movie? I hear Avatar's pretty good." He didn't even crack a smile, just nodded.

"Sure, I'm free. I'll meet you after school." He turned and walked away from me, and I couldn't do or say anything to stop it. Something was darkly wrong with Kurt, even more than he let on in the text, and, though I don't know when this happened, I had made it my duty to make sure he got better.