My first Star Wars Fanfic! I just wanted to say I do not own Star Wars, and please enjoy my first story about it!

How She Remembers

Leia's first memory started in a hospital room.

She had opened her eyes for the first time, looking up at a silver droid. It was saying words she did not understand. Bright lights were above her, then she heard a voice say, "It's a girl."

Leia snapped her head where the voice was coming from. She saw a man in brown robes holding another baby that she did not know. The first thing that popped into her head was, Is this man my father? Oddly, she was answered with this gut feeling that he wasn't related to her, but then why was he here?

The silver droid brought her up to a young women lying on a bed. The women said, "Leia." And smiled. Leia's heart skipped a beat. This was her mother! She could feel it in her guts, like an instinct, and feeling only her heart could tell her.

The droid let her mother hold her, but only for a few seconds because her arms began to weaken, but Leia cherished everyone of them. She looked up at her mother's kind face and beautiful brown eyes and noticed they were full of joy, but a single tear slip silently down her cheek as she held Leia against her.

Why is she sad? The young baby wondered as the droid took her away from her mother's arms. Leia noticed the man who was not her father standing with the other baby in his arms, looking at her mother with worry. That same gut feeling made Leia feel connected to that baby, whoever he was.

"Obi-Wan," Said her mother weakly and the man leaned toward her. She took a shaky breath and said, "There's good in him...I know, I know there's...still..." Then her head dropped to her side, the other baby started crying, and all the monitors made loud beeping sounds as Leia felt like something had taken half of her soul out of her tiny body.

She wanted so badly to cry out to her mother, but the droid quickly took her and the baby boy to another room. Leia noticed to boy was still crying and looked exactly how she felt: lonely.

Where is my mother? Leia asked herself, what's wrong? What happened? All of this had happened so fast Leia didn't know what to think. They were sson put down in small boxes with blankets as more medical droids surrounded them. Leia ignored them. She only cared about her mother who had something happen to her. She almost started crying, thinking about how kind her mother had been for the few short minutes she had seen her. And what of this baby boy? Who was he?

None of the questions where answered because before she knew it, she was put in the arms of a stranger, a tall man with tan skin and a kind smile. He took Leia away from the hospital to a place where a nice woman held her in her arms with as much love as her mother did. Through the years to come she will call these people her mother and father, the memory of her real mother will be tucked away in the back of her mind, until many years later...

"Leia," Luke asked, "Do you remember your real mother?"

"Just a little bit," Leia said sitting next to him, "She died when I was very young."

"What do you remember?" he asked her.

"Just images really, feelings." She told him.

"Tell me." Luke said to her.

Leia sighed as the memory came back to her, "She was very beautiful, kind, but sad." She paused as she remembered how she felt when her mother held her in her arms, but she soon asked Luke, "Why are you asking me this?"

Luke looked away, "I have no memory of my mother. I never knew her."

Leia then said, "Luke, tell me, whats troubling you?"

Then he told her, about them being siblings, Vader being their father, and about how she is also strong with the Force, and Leia knew. Her memories now made sense, the baby boy, her not knowing her real father. She finally knew, and she knew what Luke had to do. He had to confront Vader, and she couldn't help him.