"Hey! You can't be in here-!" A nurse shouted, pulling herself from around her desk , her hand immediately picking up the desk phone and pressing an emergency number. "Yes- this is from the EMT area, we have a man who just ran past visiting area- He was Skinny, pale, and had dark hair- Yes. Yes, understood." The phone clicked, and the nurse immediately chased after the man. "Hey!"

Izaya ignored the nurse calling after her and kept running. No, no no no, this hadn't happened. His heart was racing and he was nearly in tears. There was no way that this happened. The pale man frantically searched each room he came across with a simple glance and moved on. He was too worried to stop and ask for a room number, he was too scared to think about asking for a visitors pass.

His heart skipped as his eyes came across the room he had been running to. Izaya came to a complete halt. At this point, he couldn't tell if he was twitching all over from running so far, or because of how nervous he was. His eyes widened when he saw the flock of blonde hair lying in the hospital bed. Taking in a sharp breath, Izaya pulled forward, extending his arm to open the door in front of him "WAIT!" Izaya's head cocked to the side, being startled. The nurse that had been chasing him, had caught up to him. She had a clipboard in her hand and an annoyed look on her face.

"I understand that you are probably worried about a loved one but you can not just run back here like that without signing in first." She took in a breath, and then dug in her dress pocket for a pen. After retrieving one, she held the clipboard out towards Izaya. "Sign in, and I can call off security."

Izaya stared at her, bewildered for a moment, before taking the pen with a shaking hand and writing his initials on the designated area. With a plastered smile, the nurse then handed over a pass and turned on her heel to leave, mumbling something about security afterwards.

Izaya turned his eyes back to the door, and his body instantly flooded with nervous feelings. Not being able to stand it anymore, he threw himself forward, opening the door, and decided, for once in his life, to let his emotions control his actions. "Shizuo!"

His heart clenched tightly as the blond in front of him, barely turned his head towards him. His shoulders were slouched downward, his skin a light pale color, and his eyes close to empty. He let out a soft sigh, keeping his head down. Izaya's mouth moved in numerous ways, trying desperately to find the words to express himself. "Shizuo- I- I am so sorry- I- This is all my fault- I shouldn't-"

"-Tom left me..." Shizuo breathed.

Izaya blinked, his eyes staring at him. "...W-what..?"

"He left me..." Shizuo sighed again, and turned his head to face Izaya. "He came here...and left me."

Izaya looked around, taking a seat down in one of the fold out chairs that were set out for the visitors. He cleared his throat before wiping his forehead. "Why...?"

"I...I don't know..." Shizuo mumbled. "He came in.. Said he couldn't date a drug addict.. And left..."

Izaya let out a sharp huff, dropping his head in his hands, closing his eyes as feelings of immense guilt swept over him. "..This is all of my fault.. I can't believe I did this to you..."

"...I'm not sad though," Shizuo blinked. "I think I'm angry...I can't really tell."

Izaya lifted his head, standing up quickly. "Shizuo, no I-"

"He just left me. In a moment that I needed him most, he used it as an excuse...to just leave..." Shizuo clenched his fists together tightly, his whole image changing to something dark. Izaya could feel the anger radiating off of the blond. In an instant, Shizuo growled, slamming his fists down on his thighs. "I'm so fucking ignorant!"

"What- No! You're not, he.. He- uh, Tom was just, it was all him, it's not like you could control his actions, it doesn't make you-"

"No Izaya!" Shizuo shouted. "This whole relationship was such bullshit! I was so fucking lonely, I took what I could get. We didn't have any connection, we had nothing in common whatsoever, I just put it in my head, and I let him fucking do this to me! All while... What I really wanted..."

Izaya's eyes widened as he watched Shizuo's frame loosen, and his eyes landing on him. He felt a lump in his throat, his heart stopping as he waited for the next words. "...What...?" The blond dropped his head down, biting his lip as he tried to gather what he wanted to say.

"I was lonely... Really lonely...I jumped at the idea of someone liking me, knowing me for what I really am and still liking me that I let the biggest opportunity pass by me.."

Izaya's heart was beating rapidly, his hands going numb from the overload of nervousness he was feeling right now, and his eyes skittering everywhere, hanging on to every word that Shizuo was saying.

Boom! The sound of the door slammed open, pulling both of the men out of their conversation and at the person that was standing in the doorway. Izaya's eyes widened as he took in the image of three officers standing there, one with their handcuffs already out. "Izaya Orihara, you are under arrest for the possession of illegal drugs and-"

"What?" Izaya gasped. "No, not now-" Before he had time to even question anything, the other two cops pulled his hands behind his back while slapping the handcuffs on his wrists. "-assault and battery for drugging a second persons. You have the right to remain silent-"

Shizuo blinked, staring wide-eyed at the picture in front of him. "..I..what? Drugging someone...?" He mumbled. In an instant everything connected in Shizuo's head and an expression of anger came over him. "YOU DID THIS?!"

"Shizuo- Please, I am so sorry- You have to believe me-" Izaya was now being pulled back towards the door by the two cops.

"-Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law-" The cop continued to rattle off Izaya's Miranda rights to him.

"I can't believe you-" Shizuo growled.

"It wasn't ment for you, please, Shizuo, I didn't know what to do-" Izaya struggled against the cops, trying to stay longer so he could explain everything to the blond.

"You have the right to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense." The cop finished.

A look of confusion overcomes Shizuo, anger and lack of knowledge causing a lot of frustrating. "When...When did you-!?"

"It was the sugar! For the coffee! I didn't even think that you would use- Shizuo I am so sorry-"

"-Alright, that's enough. You want us to add resisting arrest to your list too?" The cop spat, dragging Izaya out of the room. The third cop stayed behind, turning towards the blond on the bed and flicking his nose after snorting loudly. He began to read from a sheet of paper that he had in his hands. "Shizuo Heiwajima. You are being released from your contract with Izaya Orihara. After being provided with the proper medical treatment, the city will require you to attend any rehabilitation center within the state for a minimum of three weeks, or until you receive an approval from the center to leave. You will be required to attend a rehabilitation center to further prevent an addiction to the drug that had you ingested. Any questions you have about the situation outside of the medical guidance here should be asked after speaking with an attorney." The cop looked up from the paper and tipped his hat. "Wish you the best recovery." He stated, and turned on his heel to leave.

"-Wait." Shizuo stopped him. The cop turned to him, raising his chin as an approval to go on. "..What's going to happen to Izaya...?"

"That little twig?" The cop laughed. "Someone'll probably post bail for him, and he;ll go and get high out of his mind again.." And with that, the cop turned and left, leaving Shizuo to his thoughts.


I feel so bad man, I took so embarrassingly long to update this and a lot of you guys were actually really patient with me and I just like, shit all over it. Anyway! I heard that a season two for Durrr! Got announced and it got me so happy that I was able to pick this up again. I would be longer, but I'm actually currently working on it still! I wanted to get something up. The next chapter is going to explain what the hell happened to put Shizuo in the hospital (if you haven't figured it out) and how the whole break up with Tom went! Thank you so much for still reading this, and all the reviews, I'm the worst person ever, I know.