This is the last chapter, and I can truly say after reading the whole story from beginning to end that I've improved a lot (which was kindly said by AlexisLe97). I want to thank everyone that has read this even if it was just a few words. But the bulk of my gratitude goes to the readers that have reviewed/read every single chapter. It means so much to me and I could keep babbling on and on, but I wouldn't want this introduction to actually be longer than the chapter.

I'm so utterly thankful for Don't forget Hope, Iamafanoftoomanythingstoname, CanadianHetaliaHufflepuff33, Diehardoutsider, DrowningFromTheInside, IntoxicatingLover, EME22, JandMbooklovers, night owl, shounen-aifangirl001, AlexisLe97, Crazy about Dallas Winston, LauraLake, THG123, and AbbyIsWhatWeAimFor for reviewing. As well as CanadianHetaliaHufflepuff33, Dreaming For The End, Ms. Absolutly Random, inlovewiththe80z, Clarissalightwood5679, EME22, colorguard4ever, Diehardoutsider, and THG123 for faving the story!

Third Person's POV

Cherry would be lying to herself if she said that she wouldn't want to go chase after Dally, but she knew in the pit of her stomach that it might not be the best at least for now.

Her fingers swirled on her forehead, trying to clear her head. She was starting to get a headache from the streetlights. Then she walked off in the opposite direction that Dally was walking.

Her feet didn't make a sound as it hit the concert sidewalk. Cherry felt her thoughts wander as she tried to see anything that looked familiar enough to get her home.

I wonder where Marcia is right now. Maybe she's worrying about where I've been gone and rushing to my parents. Maybe they've already filed a missing persons report and are sobbing there hearts out. Maybe the police have questioned everyone in my school to get any clues to where I've last been seen. May-

Cherry continued to imagine the worst possible scenario when in reality her parents thought that she went over to Marcia's for a last minutes sleepover and didn't tell them. Her parents were a little mad at that, but didn't want to call Marcia's house to see if Cherry was there because they might already be sleeping. It was the middle of the night after all.

Marcia just guessed that Cherry went home in Dally's car or something. Marcia didn't want to call to check up on her because she thought that she could ruin a perfectly good moment between Dally and Cherry.

Cherry's thoughts were getting to her so much that she didn't even notice that she was walking in the direction of a gas station. She groaned and tried to remember where she last turned. Failing to do so she just walked around the gas station to see if anyone was there so she could ask for directions, even though she doubted that anyone would know where her house was especially because she was still on the East side of town.

What am I gonna do? A person living on the West side just won't conveniently pop out of nowhere, Cherry thought.

That of course didn't happen, but she did find a pay phone on the corner. She jumped for joy when she found out that she had enough coins in her pocket to make a few calls.

She quickly stopped when she saw that someone was using it. Creeping to get a closer look she recognized the stranger to be a male, but she didn't know who he was. The guy did seem too engrossed in his conversation to pay attention to what was happening around him though.

Cherry could hear little snippets of what the man was saying. "Listen Darry I really need a place to crash…yeah ok, thanks Dar."

Cherry's heart started to hammer in her chest. It was Dallas! The only reason Cherry didn't notice it was him was because he wasn't wearing his bunny costume. Where could he have possibly changed into different clothes? Even though Cherry was a little confused she definitely couldn't let him see her. Cherry ran as fast as she could behind the building corner, not only so that Dally wouldn't see her, but also because she didn't want to give herself the opportunity to call out to him. When she finally reached the building wall her breath was held as she silently prayed that he wouldn't come over this way. Her hands clutching the brick wall for dear life.

Dally having felt a burst of wind and feet hitting the pavement he felt like someone was there. "Anyone there?" After not hearing an answer Dally just shrugged and jogged over to the Curtis' house.

Cherry finally breathed out. She took a peek to see if he was there and, then to find that he was not, walked over to the pay phone. She put a few coins in and dialed her house phone number. Cherry's foot tapped impatiently as she heard a few rings pass. "Come on, pick up already," Cherry murmured. After a whole minute of the ringing Cherry just slammed the phone into it's slot and shook her head. Cherry's parents were always heavy sleepers.

"Guess I just have to walk, huh? Never had a choice anyways," Cherry thought out loud.

Cherry walked away from the gas station not even noticing that Dally watched her walk off. Dally swung by Buck's to change out of his costume, good thing he always kept a change of clothes there.

Dally smirked. I thought someone was there. Guessin' she was too 'fraid of me to say hello. Her red hair looked almost pretty under them lights. Dally stuffed his hands into his pockets and stalked off to the Curtis home.

Cherry was about to cross a street when she heard some girls gigging and whooping in there car. She noticed them to be Soc girls that she remembered from cheerleading practice. Cherry didn't like them much.

They were probably partying out late, Cherry thought rolling her eyes. She waved at them.

"Cherry? What are you doing out here at such a late hour? And on the East side too…" The girls questioned.

Cherry faked a smile, she needed to be on there good side if she wanted to get home. "I could say the same for you."

The girls seemed to become embarrassed, but that didn't fool Cherry. "Do you think you gals could take me home?"

They nodded and motioned for Cherry to get into the car. Cherry just listened as they gossiped about school and who was dating who. She even forced a few giggles out of herself for good measure.

When they drove up to her house, Cherry got out and turned to them, telling them thank you.

The girl that was driving rolled her window down. "Great talking to you Cherry!" And sped off to who knows where.

You guys were the ones who did most of the talking, Cherry thought. She felt for her key in her pocket and pulled out all the contents in her pocket trying to find it. Then she suddenly slapped her self on the forehead remembering that Dallas took it from her and that it was still inside the police station. Cherry quickly put everything she pulled out back into her pocket.

Guess I'll just have to drive back there to go get it. Thank goodness that I have a spare key to my car in my room, but I don't have a spare key to the house…

Cherry paced back and forth in front of her house hoping that inspiration would strike her soon. She walked to her backyard to sit under the tree that grows high above her house roof. Cherry looked up to see her window and then faced forward, eyes closed listening to the tree branched scratch at her room window pane, remembering the sound that would always make her sleep at night. Her eyes opened quickly any idea coming to her.

Cherry grabbed the base of the tree with her hands, using her feet to lift her up higher and higher every minute that passed. Think, Cherry, think. You must remember how you and Marcia would climb this tree up and down to your room when you guys went out without your parents knowing. When you guys used studying as an excuse for staying in your room all night, knowing that no one would disturb you guys. Remember when you would come back home so much more later than you intended to because of some last minute visit to the mall? Cherry's thoughts and memories guided her and before she knew it she was looking into her window.

Cherry opened her window easily; she always kept it open if the situation ever had her coming home way past curfew. The room looked darker than it was outside. Cherry's hands moved in front of her as she felt her way to the light switch. She finally reached to it and flipped the light switch one. Cherry winced at the brightness and rubbed her eyes until she was used to it.

Then Cherry proceeded to fall right on top of her bed, feeling exhausted, not even bothering to change into her pajamas or brush her teeth.

Dally woke up to smell something cooking. Remembering that he was at the Curtis house he made his way to the kitchen and sat down on one of the dining room chairs.

Ponyboy nodded when he came in. "Mornin' Dal." It was Pony's turn to make breakfast.

Dally yawned. "Mornin' Ponyboy." Dally propped his feet on the table.

Darry walked in. "Get yer feet off the table, Dally." And Darry walked outside, having already had his cup of coffee, starting up his car and drove off to work.

Dally obliged and sat straight. He heard the sound of a door slamming and wasn't surprised to find Two-Bit and Steve walk in with Johnny following behind them. Steve walked out of the kitchen remembering to yell at Soda to get off the couch or else they'd be late for work.

Two-Bit sat down, but not before stealing a piece of bacon from the plate that was on the kitchen counter. Pony slapped Two-Bit on the back and all Two-Bit did was chuckle.

Two-Bit pointed at Dally with the piece of bacon. "Look at the scratch on ol' Dal's face. Did a cat get cha?"

Pony and Johnny stared at Dally, quickly seeing the red mark on his face that went from his chin to just under his left eye.

Dally rolled his eyes. "Yeah, somethin' like that."

I can't believe I finished it. It was great to write and I have to say that this is probably the best and longest chapter I've written for this story. Thanks for reading!

~What Is Left Unsaid~