Hello, everyone! I've had this idea for a while and finally got to writing it (after days of procrastinating -_-) I hope whoever reads this enjoys it. I love reviews and constructive criticism too! :)

I don't own The Outsiders!

Cherry's POV

Marcia's voice was ringing in my ear. "Come on, Cherry. The mall is going to close in an hour and I still have more clothes to buy!"

I winced. "You know, Marcia. You don't have to shout when I'm right next to you."

She smiled sheepishly. "He he, sorry. But I still have to buy that cute skirt we saw before! It's on sale!"

Marcia grabbed me by the arm and dragged me through crowds of people. I could hear their complaints and I tried to apologize about Marcia, but she was pulling me too fast. When we reached the middle of the mall (which didn't take long, thanks to Marcia) we both saw one of those Meet the Easter Bunny things that you see around this time of the year. Kids and their parents were in line to take a picture with the Easter Bunny.

I turned to Marcia. "Come on let's go so we can buy you your skirt." I tried to get her to move out of her place, but she wouldn't budge. She then proceeded to hit me in the arm. Is it 'Hurt Cherry Day'? Did I miss something?

I glared at Marcia. "What was that for?"

She ignored me and still stared at the Easter Bunny. Did she have some sort of bad encounter with a bunny that caused her to go into shock?

I felt Marcia grab my arm again. She had a funny look on her face. "Cherry, let's get in line."

I stared at her in bewilderment. "For what?"

She looked at me like it was obvious. "Duh, to take a picture with the Easter bunny, of course."

I laughed. "No way. Besides, aren't we a little too old to do that?"

Marcia was still tugging on my arm. "So? Please? Pretty please? Pretty please with Ponyboy on top?"

I looked at her like she was crazy. But she did have a pleading look I her eyes. I sighed. "Fine, let's go."

When she heard my words Marcia screeched and jumped for joy. I also noticed people staring at us. Don't worry everyone, just two teenagers. Well, one teenager and a five-year-old.

Marcia basically ran all the way to the end of the line, pulling me along with her. She was clapping her hands in excitement while I had my face buried in my hand.

As time passed, I saw crying kids who just wouldn't smile. Tired looking parents, and kids that were mad that they couldn't bring the Easter Bunny home. Kids that actually didn't want to take a picture, but had parents that wanted to have to have as much pictures of their child as possible. It felt like forever to even reach the mid-point of the line.

I looked at Marcia. "Do we really have to do this? I mean what about your skirt?"

She frowned at me. "Cherry, we're almost there. I don't really need that skirt anyway."

I sighed again. "Alright, let's get this over with so I can go home."

Marcia grinned happily. "Yay!"

About thirty minutes later, it was our turn. The person who was in charge of taking the picture looked at us. "Are you here in line for a younger sibling?"

I grew red in the face. While Marcia just laughed. "Nope, we're here to take a picture with the Easter Bunny."

The photographer mumbled under her breath. "They don't pay me enough for this. But a customer is a customer no matter how old they are."

Marcia put a hand to her ear. "Did you say something?"

The photographer put a hand behind her head and tried her best to smile. "No, no. Nothing at all. By the way, who is going first?"

Marcia raised her hand like a kindergartener and ran all the way to the Easter Bunny. She sat down happily while the photographer took her photo. It was done very fast and soon it was my turn. I walked over to this poor soul in a bunny costume and smiled awkwardly. I sat down gingerly and the Easter Bunny put his or her hand on my shoulder. When I was done I started to walk away when the bunny slapped my butt.

A-wha-what? Did I just say that? And did that bunny just…yeah I think so. I got mad that the person had the nerve to do that. Thankfully, there was no one else in line so I could give this person a piece of my mind. I grabbed the head of the bunny costume by the ears and pulled upward.

You're not going to believe who it was in the bunny suit. Just my luck, right? Of course out of all the possibilities there are, I end up with the worst person ever. Yup, Dallas Winston.

Thanks for reading this far! Look out for the next chapter which should be coming out soon :)

~What Is Left Unsaid~