Lemony: It is now the weekend and I am alone again...OWWWWEEEE...sorry about that, I got my depo shot a few days ago and it still hurts like a son of bitch. Anyways new story YAY!

"Rukia..." Renji Ababari groaned humping into his girlfriend furiously. Rukia lay beneath him staring up at the ceiling in her bedroom bored out of her fucking mind. If Renji stopped his fruitless pumping he would have seen Rukia's emotionless expression.

She had her hands at her sides and just lay still while her head was being knocked against the headboars. Rukia was very bored with this...

"Three...two...one..." Rukia murmured under her breath and, as if on que, Renji came groaing in delight.

He lowered himself to kiss her but Rukia turned her head away. Renji hadn't noticed the blank stare Rukia was giving him.

The tattooed man lie down beside her and cuddled up against her. Rukia scooted from his embrace with a disgusted face. Renji had fallen asleep , but Rukia was wide awake.

Sex was always like this.

Renji would pump and hump til' he climaxed and then it was over. The red-haired man would fumble and grope Rukia like some horny teenage boy. The younger Kuchiki felt like a cheap toy, Renji hadn't even taken her needs into initiative. He always thought she equally enjoyed it.


Not at all.

Not a chance in hell.

In all honesty, Rukia HATED sex with Renji.

For about six months the were official and made it clear to the rest of the Soul Society they only had eyes for each other. Granted, Byakuya didn't take to kindly to the arrangment, however he kept his distance for the simple reason he believed that Renji made Rukia happy.

Again untrue.

Rukia was very unhappy.

It seemed once they became official Renji just stopped caring. Rukia belived he was just being a typical guy.

But Renji fucked her every chance he got.

Rukia scowled when she heard Renji's light snoring. The raven-haired girl quirked her lips. It only made matters worse that Renji was her first, so Rukia had no fucking idea what good sex was. But Rukia Kuchiki was no fool, she knew there had to be more than...this!

Think about it for a moment. People write books, sing songs, make movies, etc, etc all centered around sex, which means it must be amazing. Somehow, Rukia knew she was missing out.

Rukia rolled out of bed and stretched. Her body was sore from being pumped like groped. It seemed like sex with Renji caused more pain than pleasure.

The younger Kuchiki glanced and Renji and sighed.

What could she really do? Tell Renji? And then what? Have him lose his mind because his manhood was being chastised.

No man wants to hear he can't please his woman.

Rukia had put up with it for the past few months, what difference did it make now? She was pretty much used to it at this point.

The raven-haired girl padded over to her dresser and pulled out a set of robes. She sullenly dressed herself, Rukia couldn't even sleep in the same bed with the man who aggravated her to no end. Poor Rukia, the girl had never even come CLOSE to orgasme, let alone experience one.

Rukia looked out her window at the sunset beginning to work its way into the horizon. Her blue eyes were cold and indifferent, months of self-enforced compliance to her situation glazed the velvet orbs.

The younger Kuchiki decieded to take a walk to clear her head. Stepping onto the window seal, Rukia leapt with the agility of a cat and landed squarely on her feet. The clean, fresh air blew softly across her face as Rukia began her trek.

Rukia didn't know where she was going, but maybe once she got there she'd feel better. The younger Kuchiki walked blindly with her arms folded across her chest. She came across a pasture that overlooked the Soul Society. Rukia just stood there looking out at everything and getting the sinking sensation she would never find the answer to her problem.

She just wished there was something she could do.

Anything would work really.

Rukia sat with her legs crossed in the soft green grass thinking to herself.

She wished that there was some way to get what she desired...

Before Rukia knew what was happening she was laying in the smooth grass running her hands down her robes. One hand glided between the crease and began to graze the smooth skin.

She wished there was something...

Rukia's hands slipped further, her fingers cupping the tender breast and messaging it gently.

She wished there was someone...

When her small fingers rubbed against her pert nipple, Rukia let out a sigh of delight while enjoying the feeling of her own hands. The tingling sensation shot right between her legs as she repeated the action to her other breast. She arched slighlt off the ground and let out a small moan.


Rukia bit her lower lip as she began to tweak the sensitive peak making it hard beneath her hands. From her ministrations Rukia felt a hotness roll over her and collect as a sticky wetness within her core. Her heat began to pulsate.

Her other hand unconsciously slinked from her stomach to the hem of her now open robes. She lie there in the field with her lush breasts exposed letting the cool air caress her smooth skin.

Her small fingers drifted lower leaving a trail of fire in their wake. Rukia let her tongue slid across her lips when she felt herself. The raven-haired girl marveled at her own arousal. She caught her lower lips between her teeth as her fingers sank steadily into her core becoming lathered in her juices. Rukia began to strum her sweet pleasure loving the heat collecting between her legs. With her skilled digits hard at work, Rukia began to move her hips, circling around her hand, with her head tilted back in pleasure.

She began to feel heat and pleause strumming though her, becoming steady and leering. It had become a beast that was stalking its way around her hot little body, thumping beneath her skin, pulsating at her core, escaping her though low, husky moans. This beast pursued and devoured every inch of her body and claimed it as its own.

Rukia's hips were grinding and rolling above the ground, rushing herself, loving herself, and enjoying herself with gusto.

The younger Kuchiki was moving furiously now, climbing a peak she had never felt before. With her hand cupping her soft breast, and the other working wilding at her heat. Rukia was losing herself, panting heavily and her pleasure growing, and growing, and threatening to explode.

Rukia felt her stomach tighten, she was so close...

"My, my," A voice purred, "What do we have here?"

Lemony: Oh my sweet Gherkins, naughty Rukia! You deserve a spanking lol, anywho idk what inspired this story but here it is...REVIEW!