AN: A HUGE shout out to BostonLegalGirl for consistantly annoying me about getting this out! Like, seriously! She wouldn't leave me alone! Stop by and take a look at Moving on HA!, Booth has lost that loving feeling, and Booth has found that loving feeling! All three are excellent stories! Also BostonLegalGirl is a freaking robot and nobody can keep up with her daily updates, but I will try my very best not to keep you waiting!

I guess I have to say this, but most of you know, I do not own anything that looks familiar, even though I really wish I did!

This is my very first FF and in no way am I anywhere close to being professional writer, so there will be grammatical errors and what not! I apologize a head of time! This little fic takes place mostly after The Doctor in the Photo, but acknowledges events that happened The Twisted Bones in the Metal Truck. You will notice a lot of "coincidences" that you've seen in the show, and there's a reason! Also some flashbacks! So without further ado, The Death in the Chemistry!

Chapter 1: The New Comer in the Twilight Zone

Jeffersonian Institute: Medico-Legal Department

"Bones!" Booth walks in through the glass doors quickly looking around for his partner.

Angela walked out of her office to enjoy the show! This should be good! She thought to herself. "Hey there Studly, long time no see!"

Booth turned around, surprised to see just how big Angela was getting. "Where's Bones?"

"Well hello Ange! My, you look beautiful today! How are you and my future godchild?" Angela says sarcastically.

"Right! Sorry Ange. You look great! Now," Booth claps his hands together, "Where's Bones?"

"Well you almost missed her. She's getting ready to leave."

Booth looked down at his watch and saw it was only 5:30. "Wait… Bones? Dr. Temperance Brennan? Leaving before 7pm? This I gotta see!"

"Wow, you have no idea do you?"

Booth stands there, frustrated that she's making him wait, before she continues.

"Well," Angela begins, inheriting her husband's whispered conspiracy voice, talking in a lower tone. "Ever since the Eames case closed, Brennan's done a complete 180. She's coming in at 8, instead of 6, and leaving by 5:30, if not before. She's praising her interns. She's even voluntarily having meals with Sweets! Sweets! Oh! And get this! She even willingly went shopping with me! It's like we're living in the Twilight Zone!"

Angela can easily see the shock on Booth's face as he takes in this new information. He tries to think back over the past three weeks, to see if he's noticed a change. His stomach sinks as he realizes that he hadn't noticed anything. He's been trying to keep some distance between them ever since the car ride home that rainy night.

Just then, the sliding doors at the entrance of the lab opened and a man Booth's never seen before walks in. The man looks around and spots Angela and heads toward their direction.

"Hey Angie! More gorgeous than ever," he says as he leans in to kiss her on the cheek.

Angela smiles adoringly.

"How's the little Princess today?" he asks as he places a hand on her growing belly.

Princess? Ange is having a girl?

Angela laughs, rubbing her baby bump affectionately. "Oh, well, you know. She's still keeping me up at night… making me eat more than what is by far a normal amount of mint chip ice cream… making me pee every 35 seconds… so, you know, the usual."

"Ahh hum" Booth interrupts looking at Angela.

"Oh! Right! Sorry! You two haven't met yet have you? Booth, this is William Blake, not the poet, and also Bren's new boyfriend."

Booth's gaze suddenly pops up in surprise as he looks from William, to Angela, then back to William again. Boyfriend?

"And Blake this is the infamous Seeley Booth, Bren's colleague-"

"Partner," corrects Booth.

"Right, partner…" Angela smiles as she remembers Brennan telling her how Booth has been calling her 'colleague' and 'associate'.

Booth clears his throat. "Special. Agent," Booth says with a dangerous smile, puffing his chest as he slowing starts to circle around Blake to the other side of Angela.

"It's finally nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you from Temperance. And Angie," Blake whispers loudly, "Don't let Temperance hear you say boyfriend will ya? Remember the speech?"

Angela laughs, "Right, right. The whole 'Boyfriend is a completely erroneous title. Liam is a strong, fully grown, adult male, who is definitely more than just a friend and therefore is not a boyfriend,'" Angela smiles as she remembers her best friend's speech.

Blake laughs, "That's the one"

Booth, who is growing annoyed, puts his hands on his hips and pushes back his suit jacket to reveal his badge, but most importantly, his gun. "So… William. What do you do for a living? Doctor? Professor? Scientist?" Booth questions as he studies Blake like he was his next target.

Liam smirks at Booth's intense glare and chuckles. "No, nothing like that, and please, call me Blake," he says smiling. Booth's face remains neutral, but it doesn't intimidate Blake, as he continues to smile.

Angela smirks. Wow! This is even hotter, and better than I thought!

Blake sneaks a look over at Angela and smiles bigger seeing the mischievous look on her face. He looks back over to Booth.

"I'm co-owner of Chemistry."

"Chemistry?" Booth questions completely unimpressed.

Angela interrupts. "Oh you know Booth, Chemistry… the night club…"

Booth blinks, and suddenly he's back in his coma dream, holding Bren and smiling in their night club, The Lab. Instantly he snaps back to the present and immediately tries to school his features.

"Ok, right. Like a bar," Booth says nonchalantly, not giving Blake any credit.

Angela scoffs. "Not a bar, a night club. And not just any night club Booth! Chemistry is THE most popular club in DC!" Angela smirks. "Its fan-tab-u-list-ic-u-lous!" Blake holds his hands in surrender looking modest, but before he could respond, the sound of clicking heels interrupts him and all three of them turn toward the sound.

Booth's mouth instantly falls open and his mouth goes dry. Holy shit! Everything in the room seems to disappear into the background and the only thing he sees is his Bones, slow mo walking towards them, her smile lighting up the room and shining through to her beautiful baby blues. There she was, all glorious 5'9" of her, wearing the sexiest black dress he's ever seen- and he's seen her in Vegas! Her gorgeous black hair in loose curls with her bangs swooping to the side. All he can do is stare at how the dress of sin clung to every curve of her body showing off her milky white skin, and her mile long legs and … Oh God! When did she EVER willingly wear fuck me heels? Saint Joseph, Saint Peter, Saint Paul, St. John…

"Babe!" Blake instantly puts a hand over his heart as he walks toward Brennan. "Wow! You look… Just… wow!"

Babe? How isn't he on the flat of his back with Bones' foot on his throat?

Booth snapped back to reality as he watched Blake open his arms to wrap around Brennan. He placed his arms around her slim waist and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hello Liam," Brennan replies as she reaches up to straighten his tie. Booth feels like he's suffocating and loosened his own tie. "You don't look too bad yourself," she says huskily.

"Sweetie! Wow! I knew that dress would look amazing on you! But wow!"

Booth turned and looked at Angela and immediately gave her the death glare, who, in turn waggled her eyebrows at him, and sported a face splitting grin.

"Yes Angela thank-you. I must admit, I was quite hesitant when you suggested I buy this, since it's something that I would not normally purchase, but once I put it on I felt very attractive in it."

Hodgins and Fisher came around the corner, both with their gaze in a progress report, when they both looked up and saw Brennan. "That is soooo hot!" they said simultaneously.

Booth felt annoyed and the tick in his jaw was very evident now. His hands started to get that all too familiar itch and he quickly shoved his hands in his pocket grasping his worn poker chip like it was his one and only lifeline.

Smiling, Hodgins looked over at his wife as she stood, hands on her hips, with an 'Oh really' look on her face. His smile fades and he clears his throat, as he looks back down at his report. "Uh, Dr. B! Could you sign off on these before you leave?"

Brennan smiles and grabs the folder from Hodgins and questions the look of shock on Fisher face. She quickly looks over the information her team has given her and goes to add some notes.

"Hey man! How've you been?"

Booth looks to Hodgins to respond only to see he was talking to Blake and not him. He suddenly felt very out of place and looked back over to Bones who had just turned around toward a small desk. That's when Booth's heart ceased to beat, and Fisher's mouth dropped open. Where the HELL was the back of her dress? Booth looked over to Fisher and slowly walked to stand in front of him with dangerous eyes as black onyx.

"Hey! Squint!" Booth said snapping his fingers in front of Fishers face, getting his attention. "If you don't stop ogling my partner, I'm going to take my gun out and shoot you!" Booth whips back around and walks over to Brennan, who's still making notes in the report. Booth clears his throat, "Uh… hey ya Bones, do you got a minute?"

"Actually Booth, do you think this could wait?" she responded, barely even looking at him as she continued to write. "I was just headed out with Liam for the night. Oh! How rude of me, you two haven't been introduced."

"Yeah, yeah. We met." Booth says quickly. "Look, Bones. Don't you think that… uh... dress is a little inappropriate for public?"

"What? Is something wrong with it?" Brennan says as she looks down at her outfit to see what the problem could be.

"No... it's just… well. It's a little revealing, don't ya think?"

Brennan looks up into Booths pleading brown eyes. "Booth, for being an alpha male, you are such a prude. I've been told that this sort of outfit is socially appropriate for an evening out in a night club. I've, in fact, purchased a lot of outfits like this one since I've been accompanying Liam to his night club."

"And just how did you meet this… Liam guy anyway?" Booth asks as he takes a look over at the group that has obviously become well acquainted with this man in his absence. He can feel his patience growing thinner by the minute. "Do you even know his story? He could be dangerous!" he whispers intently.

"Booth, don't be ridiculous! I've been seeing Liam everyday for the past three weeks! I'm sure if he were dangerous he would have presented some kind of indication of being so by now. I am also more than capable of defending myself Booth."

Three weeks? Did I suddenly wake up in bizzaro world? "I know that Bones, but you don't exactly have the best track record."

Brennan's head snapped up and her eyes, in a flash, turned into an icy blue. "This conversation is over Agent Booth. Why don't you go home and have dinner with Hannah. Tell her I said hello. I'll see you tomorrow… If we have a case." Brennan stood from her seat and headed back towards her date.

"Bones! Wait!" he growled in frustration as massaged the stress in the back of his neck. She quickly dismissed him and continued to walk away.

"I'm ready to leave Liam," Brennan quickly interrupted, cutting Angela off as she tried to pry information from Blake about their plans for the evening.

"Details, Bren. Tomorrow, details!"

Brennan laughed at her best friend and placed a hand on Angela's stomach and whispers, "Keep your mother out of trouble Princess. Oh!" Brennan laughed. "She, she kicked!" Brennan exclaimed! Booth turned around to see the joy in Brennan's eyes. His heart melts as she looked up at her friend in complete awe.

"Of course she kicked! Princess wants details too Auntie Bren! She is my daughter after all! Now, go! Get out of here!"

Does Bones still want a baby? Looking back over at Bones and… Liam, he begins to feel a little sick to his stomach.

In a matter of seconds Booth was back in Sweets' office with Brennan two years ago.

"All right, okay, fine, here we go. Are you ready? Hunger."








"What, what do you think I'm a baby?"

"You're a father."

"Oh. Mother."




"Sperm? Isn't this getting a little weird?"

"No, keep going."

"Okay. Egg."

"I want a baby."



"Wait. Whoa, whoa, wait a minute."

"Yeah, we can stop here."

"I actually found that quite interesting."

"You want to have a baby?"

"Yes, I do."

Stop it Seeley! He admonished. You're with Hannah now. You love Hannah.

Brennan's laugh brought Booth back from his inner struggle. He watched as she hugged her friend goodbye. She took Blake's arm as they headed out for the evening, leaving Booth behind without a single thought.