I tried to make him "real" as in, pain affects him…..did I succeed? Oh and Happy Thanksgiving!
Chapter 4:
Danny's eyes scanned the room for any type exit, he saw none except for the two large steel doors but using those would be suicide. Suddenly he grabbed his thigh barely missing the metal shard. He thought of pulling the metal out up was uncertain of the damage it would cause since his powers had been…..unreliable since coming to the facility.
Using a lab table for leverage Danny tried to bring himself up to his feet, every attempt caused a sharp pain to erupt from his thigh causing him to topple over. Distraught his mind began running through different situations that would occur if someone were to find him and two dead agents alone; his mask quivered. He was ripped from his mind by the muffled voices of two agents walking passed the lab. In that moment he decided; he had to move.
Sweat began to pour from his pores as he pulled himself across the floor towards the nearest wall. When he made it, Danny pulled himself up to a sitting position. Seething in pain he began examining his wound, which was now bleeding profusely. Stupidly, he tapped the metal that protruded from his upper thigh, the pain struck like lighting. His reflexes took over, pulling hand back causing slamming his "funny" bone against the steal wall. The pain was tremendous. Forgetting about his leg he grabbed his right arm with his left hand, keeping it still. He shut his eyes and took shallow breaths trying to mentally put out the fire that raged in his arm, his composure broke and tears poured from his eyes.
When the pain in his arm subsided Danny tried to 'go-ghost'. Shutting his eyes he began building spiritual pressure. Suddenly a white ring appeared around his waist, but disappeared just as fast. "Fuck." Danny muttered and looked up at the ceiling. It was over. They would find him any moment now.
You're worthless.
The words echoed though his mind.
You're weak and you are going to die weak.
A soft chuckled broke his lips. He was weak and he knew it. Danny had lost the strength to lie to himself. He was a hopeless bastard with no place to go except a torture chamber.
His ears perked at the sound of a familiar whooshing noise, one he hadn't heard in years. It was the sound of a stray ghost portal. He looked around feverishly until his eyes found the green portal. It had replaced Wilson. With his veins pumping with adrenaline Danny pushed him-self off the wall and began dragging his body across the floor towards the portal. Each movement causing excruciating pain to erupt from his wound, but he continued. After a few minutes Danny made it to the portal and grabbed onto the rim up the portal. He then pulled himself up and into the portal. For a second he felt as though he was floating in an endless swirl of green fluff, but that sensation quickly ended when he began to fall. Terror stricken he tried to fly or hover, but nothing stopped the impending ground. He shut his eyes and braced for impact.
Suddenly the wind on Danny's back collided with hard and soft tissue, the sound of splintering bones echoed though his ear drums. He screamed in agony as the metal in his leg seemed to have moved upon impact. He gasped for air, trying to calm his nerves. A few voices caught hi ears.
"My Lord it's a Muggle." A snide voice explained.
"My-my Lord, what shall we do with him." A weasely voice questioned.
"Isn't it simple? We kill him" A raspy serpent voice intervened. `
"But my Lord." A dull but thoughtful voice interjected.
Danny saw one of the men lift, what looked to be a stick and point it at him. "Avada Kedavra!" A green lightning shot out of the stick towards Danny. He tried to move but, found himself frozen. Danny watched helplessly as it struck his cheek. The pain was immense, his head slammed against the wood floor. Danny saw people begin to crowd around him, their voices overtaken by the sound of his heartbeat.
In a blink of an eye it was quiet, still and dark.
There it is longer … happy? Please do tell all you have to do is clicityclack that review button and write some stuff down. So what was your favorite part? Did Danny seem real from the pain of his wound?