You gotta admit, the Dragonyeh Nox prophecy is pretty cool!

Toothless's POV.

Stormfly and Toothless, who was ridden by Camicazi, landed on the dock, where all of the other Bog-Burglars and Vikings—including Stoick, Bertha, and Astrid—were waiting for them. As Camicazi dismounted Toothless, she was immediately smothered by Bertha, who was hugging her and emanating motherly concern.

"Are you OK? What happened?"

"I'm fine, Mom!" Camicazi pushed Bertha's hand away. "We completed our quest! Toothless killed the Rogue Dragon!"

Toothless pushed his tongue around his mouth. He had to communicate to them that he had not, in fact, killed the Rogue Dragon. Stormfly had.

"I did not kill the Rogue Dragon," he said slowly, in Norse. The language of the 'Lumpentongues', he had always been taught, was below a dragon's status. Dragons had always been able to speak it, they had just chosen not to. Toothless had just spoken. "Stormfly did." Everybody stared at him.

"Toothless," Astrid said, "You just talked."

"Yes, I did. And I'm glad I'm talking." Toothless shrugged.

"What I don't understand is," Camicazi said, "What was the Dragon Key, if this battleaxe wasn't?" She handed the golden battleaxe to Bertha.

"I think Stormfly was," Toothless said. "It makes sense, doesn't it? Without her, we would have never found the Potato—trap or no trap—or killed the Rogue Dragon. Stormfly was the key to completing this quest." Toothless stared at Stormfly and realized that he loved her. Stormfly stared back, and it was obvious that the feeling was mutual.

Three months later...

Astrid's POV

Astrid was dreaming. She dreamt that she was on a cliff face, looking out over the sea. In the dream, the sky was clouded, as if a storm were brewing. As Astrid gazed at the sky, she saw the clouds begin to move, until they were a circle with a hole in the middle. As Astrid watched, she saw someone—she was too far away to see who it was—dive down through the hole, going faster and faster and faster, transforming into a dragon right before it hit the ocean. Astrid heard a voice in her head.

"No matter what happens," the voice said, "I will always be there. Don't worry." Astrid gasped. That voice…was Hiccup's voice.

Astrid woke up, feeling calmer then she had since the quest for the Potato. I need some fresh air, she thought. I need to think. She got up and went toward the forest to walk and think, walk and think, walk and think. Suddenly, she heard a cry. That's Toothless's voice, she thought. I have to find him!

Stormfly's POV.

"Toothless," Stormfly said. They were in the Crater Clearing. The moon was full and at its zenith. "I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" Toothless said slowly. He was still getting used to being able to talk.

"I laid an egg, three weeks ago. You're the father."

"WHAT? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" Toothless stood up, and his eyes widened.

"Let's just go see the egg." Stormfly got up, and climbed up the side of the Crater Clearing. She didn't fly unless Toothless was flying; she didn't want him to feel left out. She arrived at the nest. It was in the most isolated part of the forest on Berk. The egg was a bright white color, its smooth surface marred only by a long black crack down the middle.

"STORMFLY, IS THE EGG BROKEN?" Toothless shouted, beginning to panic.

"No! But it wasn't supposed to hatch for another six months!" Stormfly watched as a chip of the shell broke off, and a small golden paw pushed its way out. "It's a mood dragon." Stormfly and Toothless looked up at a rustle in the bushes, to see Astrid push her way through the bushes toward them.

"Toothless!" Astrid said. "Is everything alright?"

"Stormfly's egg is hatching early!"

"Oh my gods, Toothless, it's a Mood Dragon." Astrid looked at the little Night Fury who had just broken the rest of the way out of the egg.

"Come to Mummy," Stormfly said. But the little dragon, who had not opened its eyes yet, stumbled blindly toward Astrid, landing with a thump in her lap. It put its front paws on her shoulder and, its face directly in front of hers, opened its eyes. Astrid gasped. This dragon's eyes weren't the mint green color of Night Fury eyes. They were the forest green color of human eyes. This dragon had Hiccup's eyes.

"What are you going to name him?" Stormfly asked.

"You name him, you're his mother!"

"No, no. Dragon tradition says that the one the baby goes to is the one who names it."

"Ok, then. His name is…" Astrid looked at the little dragon, and decided. "His name is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock IV." And so it was.


Pretty good for a first fanfic, huh?