-Let me say this now, this is the sequel to When Lightning Strikes, I repeat, the sequel. So if you are new to this story and would like to read it, please read WLS first. I wouldn't want you lost and such.-

Hello folks, guess whose backkkk! Yes! Neko is back baby! And Neko has a present for everyone who was a fan of my Final Fantasy story, When Lightning Strikes (Oh I love the puns~!) Anyway, sorry for taking so long to actually write this…I had tried to start it time and time again but alas, they all failed. So now instead of writing the story down on paper, I will totally improvise. It has worked for me in the past, so I will stick with that method.

Anyway, I heard there is a sequel to FF13 coming out, so this story will now fall into the semi AU category. I don't think it'll be that AU because the game hasn't come out yet, but when it does, then this will become AU((Well more AU)). In addition, I'm also trying something new with Lightning

I digress; you guys have waited long enough for this sequel right?

Well…let me give you a hint, this story will not be as it seems. Also, there will be snow, yes I said it. Snow…and not that big blond lovable giant lol.

Pairs: Flight/Flaire, Light/Leb (read to see how that plays out lol) Vanille/? and no, she will not be with Hope. The pair makes cute pictures but in reality, she is WAY too old for him O.O

Let's get on with the story yes? No more of my rambling.

As much as one tries to forget, the imprint that a loved one leaves is impossible to erase. One can try to cover up the hurt, to hide the truth…but the pain of losing a loved one is tragically obvious.

The Begninning of a New Year

"Claire, hey!"

There was the sound of knocking, the faint sound barely audible of the sound of running water. It was the sound of a shower to be specific.

"Claire! Can you hear me? Hello? Did you fall asleep in there again?"

Azure eyes opened slowly, those cool orbs as misty as the air around them. The owner of those piercing eyes sighed as strawberry strands blocked the view of those azure orbs. A pale hand reached up to move those same damp strands. Not too long after, the individual's hands reached for the knob, turning off the water.

Those same eyes then flickered over to the source of the voice, slight curiosity in them. "Serah, did you say something?"

It was then that the door opened, Serah bursting in with her own form of anger. Her hands were balled into small fists as she stared at the other woman, ignoring the fact that the other was naked. The two women could have been mistaken for twins, if it were not for their height difference.

"Claire, do you forget that you live with your sister? I do exsist you know!"

The older woman's eye twitched at the name, her lips pulling downward into a small frown. "Serah don't call me that…"

Serah paused for a moment, her tensed body relaxing some. "What, what did I call you? I only said your name…"

"My name is Lightning," The taller woman said coolly as she stepped out of the shower. She shot her younger sister a cool look, her eyes icy like her voice.

Serah rolled her eyes, unaffected by her sister's intimidation. "If you say so, Lightning."

The woman's stoic expression crumpled and she sighed, turning away to retrieve a towel. "So, what did you barge in here for? I know we're sisters and all but Serah…there are boundaries."

"I was standing out there for fifteen minutes Cl-Light…I got worried about you."

By this time, the strawberry blond had the towel wrapped around her, her hands unconsciously fiddling with her pink locks. "Sorry, I was just a little tired and nodded off…"

"Maybe you should take off of work. You know, have some time to breathe?"

Lightning shook her head, "No."

"That was a quick answer…"

The older Farron did not respond, instead she ushered her sister out of the bathroom. As the two exited the bathroom, Serah stared out one of the windows at the end of the hall. It was in that same moment that she remembered the reason why she was knocking on the bathroom door in the first place.

The small white masses reflected in her vision, making her eyes resemble a snow globe. "Hey Light, are you coming to the festival today?"

Lightning paused, her hands still resting on her sister's shoulders. She looked at the widow, and then focused her attention on Serah. "What are you talking about Serah?"

"Don't play dumb," the smaller Farron whispered. She stepped away from her sister and turned to face her, her big blue eyes full of seriousness. She bit her lip some as she stared at the other. "Light…it's been a year since…the Fall of Cocoon."

Two pairs of azure met, one blank and the other full of emotion. Lightning looked away first, her eyes now staring out the window. Her eyes twitched in a subtle manner, though it was not caused by annoyance. Her heart tugged painfully in her chest, yet she did not show it. She could not show it.

"I'm not going."

"But everyone will be there, and…and…"

"I'm sorry Serah, I have patrol duty today. If I have time then…maybe."

The younger Farron stared at her sister intensely; her eyes studied her stoic expression for that moment. Her eyebrows furrowed before she sighed heavily, a sign of defeat.

"Then we'll be waiting for you then."

Lightning glanced at her sister as the other turned on her heel and began to walk towards the exit. It was then that she noticed Serah, already dressed in clothing fit for the occasion. Her clothes were white, with the exception of her black leggings, which were worn under her white shorts. Her feet were protected by lace-up boots that were rimmed with the same type of fur. Her torso followed the white and black scheme except she wore a long sleeved black shirt over the white one. To finish off her wardrobe was a hat and coat, both white.

She waved before opening the door, letting the blistering cold seep into the house. "I'm going now Claire!"

"Serah that's-"

Before Lightning could finish her sentence, the door had been closed shut. The strawberry-blond huffed, placing a hand on her hip.

I should get ready, she thought. My shift starts soon.

Lightning trudged through the snow, her eyes blank and dazed. Various emotions floated in those eyes, and with each emotion came a painful memory. Sadly, as painful as those memories felt, the memories themselves were pleasant. Soon, the image of her black snow-covered boots was replaced with the lush green grass of the year before.

It was then that she saw those playful emerald eyes, sparkling brilliantly in the sun. Those emeralds that she let stare into her soul. Those eyes, that after all this time, she still couldn't figure out.

Why couldn't I figure them out?


Lightning blinked, her eyes watching the beautiful image of her lover.


The illusion of her mind was so realistic that she nearly reached out to touch the woman's soft raven hair. Unfortunately, a voice hurled into that cruel world that was reality. She spun around, her hand on the hilt of her blazefire saber. Her eyes were narrowed and colder than the weather around her.

Her stance wavered when she noticed the source of the voice.

Before her stood Lebreau, the last person she would have expected strolling around the outskirts of the settlement. Her hands were up in the air as a peace offering, though her eyes were closed. Truthfully, the bartender was not intimidated at all.

"Calm down there Light, I come in peace. The last thing I need is a hole in my stomach after I came all the way here. Not to mention the fact that I'm freezing."

The former l'Cie sighed heavily and relaxed, straightening her posture. Her hair whipped around in the wind, her pink tresses a contrast from the black uniform she wore. The bartender took note of this as she opened her eyes, observing the seemingly tense woman.

"You know, it's snowing a lot out here Light…"

"What of it?"

"I was just wondering why you're in all-black, seeing as you'll be an easy target."

Lightning stared at the other woman for a moment before shaking her head and turning away. "That's my business, though…I could ask you about all that white."

"You could," Lebreau said with a chuckle. "But you already know why, don't ya?"

"Again, that's my b-"

"Serah and Snow asked me to come get you Light, as a member of NORA…I was given an order."

Lightning closed her eyes, inhaling the cool winter air. Moments of silence passed between the two of them as snow fell from the cloudy sky. Lebreau simply stared at the soldier, her golden eyes trained on the other's back.

"Fine…I'll go…but it'll only be for her sake."

Lebreau smiled slightly, nodding slightly. Her golden eyes then wandered upwards, locked on the crystalized reminder the Fall. Cocoon, their former home, reflected in those eyes. Even under clouds the crystal glowed with brilliance.

Lightning gazed at Cocoon also, though her eyes were more focused on the pillar of crystal that kept it suspended. She felt her blood run cold as the memories flooded her mind once more. Her eyes widened some but, other than that, she remained motionless.

Before she could become engulfed in the past, Lebreau placed a hand on the other's shoulder. The bartender's eyes were filled with subtle worry as she watched Lightning's face.

Was it fear in her eyes? No…it was just my imagination…it had to be.

"Hey Light, let's go."

The strawberry-blond nodded, her eyes dark. Her voice left her in a chilly whisper, the coolness enough to turn the fresh snow into icy glaciers.


The former l'Cie shrugged off the bartender's hand and began to walk forward. Lebreau watched her leave, a small frown on her face.

Now I understand why Serah wants her to go to the festival so bad. As much as she tries to hide it, Light is broken. She needs to go; she has to see that pillar.

The raven-haired woman sighed and stared up at the cloudy sky, her breath leaving her mouth in a cloud of fog.

"Looks like it's time for her to face the music…"

I hope you guys like the first chapter, and plan on following the sequel. I should be updating as soon as I can, seeing as I finally got hit with the inspiration book XD

Oh! And if you are wondering about the chapter title...you can ask me heehee if it doesn't make since. Though it woulld love you see how you interpret te title too~!