Alright guys, I am now in the progress of RE-WRITING this ENTIRE story, it will not take too long I do not think cause I already know everything that happens! So if you are one of those guys that just got an email saying I edited my story and now all the later chappies are gone, this is why. :D Better grammar and more believable and less corny plot line are some of the creature comforts of this luxury re-write! Plus the characters are going to be a lot less OOC, Blaze will be more willful and independent and Tails will not be a love genius, more of an ignorantly charming type. You know, the kind that act in a very attractive manner without trying or even realizing it, also without doing it in a jackassy way. Both Tails and Blaze were so OOC it was sad, the plot was so corny I have not a clue how it got any good reviews, but this will fix all that! Time to start!


The bright Mobian sun gleamed through the blinds of a home on Mobius. About 500 miles East of where a certain young familiar two-tailed fox was now eating breakfast. This fox's name was Miles Prower, although he preferred his nickname, Tails. He was sitting at his kitchen table currently, casually eating his cinnamon toast crunch cereal.

It may not really look like it but he was excited, very excited, when the sun rose he was planning on taking his brand new airplane for a maiden flight. He called this plane the Hurricane and it sported a mono-wing design, unlike the Tornado and Tornado II which both were biplanes. Tails had always preferred the lazy easy flying characteristics of a biplane but he was now after something a little more sporty. The Hurricane featured no transformations, no guns, no cloaking devices, heck, it did not even have a cup-holder. He made this plane specifically for extreme sport flying and that alone. He was to be flying in the Mobius airshow in a month and he made this plane just for that. It weighed in at a whopping quarter ton, literally less than a quarter the weight of any other plane in its size class. It had a little secrety secret though, it was powered by a Chaos emerald and was therefore able to be a lot lighter. No fuel tank helped a lot, also subtracting 20 gallons of aviation fuel helped a bit too. The most surprising part was that it was ELECTRIC powered, he had a whopping 20kv outrunner motor on there spinning a 6 foot prop. He had so much extra power with this plane it was silly, almost ridiculous.

"This should be a lot of fun!" Tails said excitedly as he finished his cereal. He dropped his bowl in the sink and rushed outdoors to set up his new plane, he had the yellow chaos emerald in his pocket as well. The really funny part was that he was still in his pajamas.

Tails glided over to the hanger on the tips of his toes, when he was as excited as he was his namesakes spun by themselves. He half flew all the way up to his plane then floated up and plopped down in the pilot's seat. For this flight he had his canopy off and a simple windshield there instead, that way it was easier to bail out if he needed too. It is not very fun to be trapped in a doomed plane as it was stuck in an inverted spin and headed for the soil. The last thing you wanted to think about in that situation was whether or not the latch for your canopy was on your right or left, or both.

Tails inserted the emerald into the power core he designed for it, it produced a thousand amps of current at 150 volts, DC. This produced an amazing power of 150 thousand watts. And with one horsepower equaling 748 watts, he got 200 horsepower out of his setup. Plenty to lift a 500 pound plane into the air at an incredible pace. After Tails inserted the emerald, the dash lit up with a few basic instruments. variameter, altimeter, air speed indicator, really the only instruments needed.

"Time to fly this thing! It is gonna be GREAT!" Tails said to himself. He gently bumped the throttle and the motor inside hummed to life and he felt...nothing, no vibration whatsoever. Tails smiled brightly as his plane rolled along out to the end of his runway. "Perfect." Tails reached the end of the runway and carefully gave the plane more and more power. Once he reached a comfortable pace where he knew the plane would not tip-stall he pulled back on the elevator. The plane lifted off the ground and gained altitude as Tails worked the plane through its paces. He started with making sure the controls worked, he nudged the control stick left and the plane rolled that way, right and the opposite happened. He fiddled with the rudder pedals and the rear of the plane lazily swung from left to right.

He figured it was time to try some actual flying, he started with a reverse immelman turn. He rolled to the right so the plane was now in inverted flight, then pulled back on the control stick and the plane started into a nose dive, then slowly pulled out into normal flight. "Wow, this thing is so silky smooth it is amazing. No vibrations whatsoever. Alright, I am feelin' good today, lets wring this thing out!"

Tails did a half snap roll and put the canopy facing down, he roared down his airfield in an inverted low high-speed pass, the top of the prop just barely grazed the grass as he flew by, he even stuck his hand up and touched the ground! Tails gave the control stick a nudge forward to gain altitude, then smashed the left rudder pedal in, and crammed the control stick into the upper right corner of the travel. The plane whipped into a tumbling spin about 50 feet off the ground. He did this for about three revolutions then snapped the control back to counter the movement. In a brilliant display of expert piloting he jerked the plane's spin to a halt with the plane on its side. He compensated with the rudder to hold his knife-edge and began to make a wide swooping regulation turn with the plane up on its side. As he came around to center runway he did a 3/4 snap to inverted and began an upline at the end of the runway...

( a less positive part of the universe...)

"This is terrible..." A rather skinny lavender cat said as she looked out at the barren wasteland she once called home. This cat happened to go by the name of Blaze. It had been a week since the disaster, at this point Blaze could not find any food and was starting to starve. Every now and then she would come across a puddle she could lap water from but most of the water on her planet got hurled into the upper atmosphere. "Nega just had to think nuclear fusion was a good idea..."

"At least I managed to gather 6 of the Sol emeralds..." She said weakly, then she sensed something. "Yes! The last emerald!" She ran in the direction that she sensed the emerald. As she approached the emerald, she failed to notice a medium sized rock, tripping hazard, just before it. She happened to trip over that and smack her face into the ground, also dropping her Sol emeralds. Also getting knocked unconscious in the process.

Speaking of which, now all seven Sol emeralds formed a circle around her and began to orbit her at a furious pace. They began to glow and Blaze was engulfed in a bright white light...

(Back to Tails)

"YAHAHOOHOOOO!" Tails screamed as he began to spin faster and faster, he was in a high-speed rolling down-line. He slowly gave rudder and elevator input as he increased throttle, transferring from a roll, to an inverted spin, to an inverted flat spin. "This thing has got to be the most fun thing I have ever made!" He said, struggling to keep himself from passing out from the G-forces. All while recovering into a left handed rolling harrier. In the maneuver he had to maintain a high angle of attack while rolling, he did this by compensating with the rudder and elevator while rolling and managing the throttle. All to keep the tail of the plane down and the nose up.

Then the emerald began to glow. "What the?" Tails said aloud. He recovered and started into a normal level flight, he pulled out up to a decent altitude in case the motor took a dump on him. Then he saw a brilliant flash in the distance, no, nobody dropped a nuke. But he did recognize that flash, it was Chaos Control!

"Is Sonic screwing around with the emeralds again? How in the world did he manage to teleport himself 3000 feet up!" Tails shouted as he flew toward the flash at highspeed and as it dissipated he saw a figure starting to fall, along with seven glowing dots. "What the hell is that?" Tails questioned himself, he picked up the pace and caught up with the falling objects. He figured the living one was a little more important and aimed for that. Tails brought the throttle to idle and put on the prop brake so he did not risk chopping whatever this person was into itty bitty pieces. He brought the plane up to the figure and noticed that it was a girl. A very pretty cat girl too. Tails blushed lightly and got back to business, he brought the plane up to her in such a way that she sort of got pushed into the extra seat behind Tails. Then Tails slowly pulled out of that into a gentle glide as he began to make his landing approach. He caught sight of the glowing dots, they made a bee-line for the ground and made a funky "WHOP" noise as they impacted with Tails' front lawn. Tails chuckled a little.


" feels like my head went through a blender..." Blaze said, slowly sitting up. "What the?" She was now sitting on a couch with a blanket over her. When she finally sat up she placed her hands in her lap and looked around the room. Standard living room things, TV, lamp, ceiling fan, etc. Then a fox walked into the room with a plate, and on that was a sandwich. It appeared to have a bite taken out of it already and the fox was busy chewing right now. Hold on a second...that fox has two tails!

"Where am I?" Blaze asked in an innocent voice. The two-tailed fox's ears flicked up and her turned his head to the voice that had just made his heart melt. He blushed brilliantly now that he got to see her eyes...

'Say something you idiot!' The fox shouted at his internal subconscious. "Uhh, wanna bite?" He said, holding out his sandwich. He had such a lost and funny look on his face at the time. In his head he face-palmed himself for actually saying that.

"No thanks." Blaze said with effort and a stab of hunger pains. She winced slightly and held her belly. "Okay, gimme the sandwich." Blaze ate ravenously and fast. She was in desperate need of food and water.

"Here, let me get you something you can snack from for a while till you are full." The fox said, he strode into the kitchen and came back in a minute with a box of Wheaties and a bottle of water. "This will get you up and going again, I would have given you milk but that has not too much hydration value to it." He said with a smile.

"I will leave as soon as I am able to walk again. Unless you require any sort of pay for this hospitality?" Blaze said

"Absolutely not, well, you have to stay till you are fully recuperated, not when you can walk again, you will be up and about in a few minutes. Once I am sure you are not gonna keel over from a vitamin deficiency, you can leave." The fox reassured. "How did you get here anyways? You would not believe the circumstances in which I found you." The fox continued. "And by the way, my name is Miles Prower, but my friends call me Tails."

"I have not a clue how I got here, I was running after the last Sol emerald, then I do not know what happened." Blaze said. "I am not going to stay here that long at all, I need to get out and find those emeralds, the fate of your world is in the hands of me and finding them! Oh, and my name is Blaze the Cat."

"It is very nice to meet you Blaze, and if the Sol emeralds are the glowing things that fell from the sky with you then they are probably ten feet down in the soil in my front yard. I can grab you a shovel and you can have at it! Once you are rested up though."

"Wait. Me and my emeralds fell from the sky? Why aren't I dead then?" Blaze questioned. "Explain the exact circumstances of my getting to be here."

"Well, I had finished off the finishing touches on my new airplane yesterday, and this morning I went out to fly it for the first time. Everything was fine while I was flying it till the Chaos emerald powering it began to glow. I, being the smart cookie that I am, gained altitude so in case the emerald conked out or something I would have plenty of glide to get back to my air field. Then, off in the distance, I saw a brilliant flash. I recognized this as Chaos Control and thought someone had stolen the emeralds from one of their respective keepers. Me, Sonic, or Knuckles. So I flew toward the flash to intercept what I thought to be a thief who tried to harness the emeralds powers. Then I saw a pretty, unconscious, cat-girl falling from the flash with 7 glowing dots. I had only time to grab you out of the sky. Sorry." Tails explained.

"Well, I am tremendously glad you saved my life. Thank you Miles." Blaze said with a bow of gratitude.

"You are absolutely welcome. Now, it seems to be getting a little late." Tails checked his watch, which read 8 PM, he went to bed at 10 when he got tired. "Do you want a proper meal other than shredded Wheaties?"

"That is too much, I will be fine on my own." Blaze said, resting her head back on the pillow at the end of the couch.

"Alright, but at least take my bed for sleeping tonight, I will not take no for an answer either." Tails commanded.

"No, that is also too much, I am not going to make you sleep on the couch." Blaze said.

"Well, I am going to make some food. And, Blaze? I was not planning on sleeping on the couch. I have a king size bed, plenty of room for two without coming within four feet of each other." He assured. Then drifted to the kitchen to make his food, he made some food for Blaze too. He made grilled chicken on some grates he made for his stove so he could barbeque indoors if he wanted to. This took him all of 15 minutes and he walked back out into his living room with two plates, each with a chicken breast on it. He motioned for Blaze to make room and she sat up while he sat down onto the couch next her.

"Why do you have two plates?" She asked suspiciously.

"One is for you, I will not take no for an answer either, I cooked it now eat." Tails said, flicking on the TV to the Discovery channel. He then took one plate and put it right in front of Blaze, it had a fork and knife on it of course. The other went in front of Tails himself.

"You are very assertive." Blaze said, cutting her meat into chunks. "I told you to stop it with the hospitality."

"I am a naturally caring person I guess." Tails said while jamming a chunk of meat in his mouth and chewing fully. His eyes were on the TV, but they turned to look into Blaze's eyes when she began to speak.

"I'm just not used to it..." Blaze said, politely eating her food.

"Not used to hospitality? Well, you had better grow on it pretty fast cause your are in the Prower residence. I am as welcoming as it gets." Tails said, laughing a bit.

"I dunno, I find it a little odd." Blaze said.

"Aren't we all?" Tails asked, smiling bright and full of positivity.

"No." Blaze said with a straight face.

"I can't argue with a person that won't be rational. You are definitely as odd as the rest of us."

Blaze pouted and kept eating her food. A few minutes went by and Tails was getting curious as to the near lack of emotion Blaze ever let out. He had to say something.

"Why are you not homesick? You cannot bottle stuff up like that, it will come back on you ya know." Tails said knowingly.

"To be honest, my life sucked. I mean, I had a few people that I cared for, my parents...and Marine." Blaze said. "But that is about it." She took another bite from her now perfectly cut pile of meat. "But that was all I had. I would really like it if I could have saved those three people." She confessed. "But why am I telling you this?"

"Cause you love me." Tails said, joking around.

Blaze smirked. "In your dreams fox-boy." Blaze was eating the last bites of her dinner. Tails was getting close to finishing his as well.

"As long as I have your permission..." Tails said, looking innocent. Blaze was having a hard time fighting it, she laughed a little at that.

"You do, as long as you don't tell me what happens." Blaze said, smiling a little. Tails was happy she was smiling now.

"What if I do?" Tails pushed.

"Your fur turns from that pretty yellow-orange color to dark black, with smoke for special effects." Blaze said, holding up a flaming hand, she had a very serious look on her face.

"Umm, ok." Tails said, then realized. "Wait. My fur is pretty?" Tails continued, Blaze frowned as if he guessed an incorrect answer to an obvious question. "Oh, sorry, when could you make your hand just catch on fire like that? Pretty neat!" He said some more, while eating the last of his food.

"If you remember, I said that my life sucked. It was because of my powers, I still have nearly no control over them and if I let too much out or use them too rapidly, they will go out of control until I am exhausted. I can throw a few fireballs but that is about it. But my father, the one I inherited these powers from, is scary powerful with using these flames. I consider it a curse, he has always said that it was a gift and he was just like me when he was my age." She then shut her mouth. "Why the hell do I keep telling YOU all this?" She asked herself aloud incredulously, also while getting up quickly. She held her head and felt as if she was losing her mind. Something about this fox made her so agreeable she could not it.

"Calm down!" Tails insisted. He grabbed her hand and pulled her back into a sitting position on the couch. "Maybe you should go to bed, Blaze. You seem pretty stressed." Tails insisted.

"Y-your right. I will sleep on the couch." Blaze said, she leaned back tiredly into the cushions.

"No, you can take my bed, like I said, King size, 7 and a half feet wide. Room for two." Tails said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Sleep in the same bed as you! NO!" Blaze exclaimed loudly.

"Alright alright. Take the couch then. I just would not sleep on that couch ever, not since the last time I did that. It is way too thin, I fall off. Are you sure that you don't want to take my bed? I really don't mind and it is big enough that we would be 5 feet apart." Tails insisted.

"*Sigh* Fine, but no funny business Miles, I will have you dead in a second!" Blaze said loudly, with a scary look on her face. Tails leaned back and sweatdropped.

"Ok! Jeez Blaze, I am no sex fiend!" Tails said. He obviously wasn't, but Blaze had known him for maybe an hour, if that, and still did not trust him a whole lot. Plus the thought of being close to this fox, especially in a bed, made Blaze very uncomfortable.

"Alright...I think I am going there right now, I am exhausted. You wouldn't happen to have toothpaste and an extra brush would you? Also I could use a shower, I don't wanna get your bed dirty." Blaze said. She looked at her matted dirty fur, it was also losing its sheen from the dust and lack of food or water. She also noticed that he clothes were really dirty, with a couple tatters and holes from being thrown by the blast that decimated her planet.

"Here, I will show you to the bathroom and grab you some clean clothes to throw on." Tails said kindly, he extended a hand to help her get up. She hesitantly grabbed it and Tails pulled her right up on her feet. "Can you walk?" He asked.

"Ya, hurts a bit, but I will be fine." Blaze said, she took a few weary steps behind Tails then saw a set of stairs. "UGH! Stairs..." Tails smiled in response.

"Want a carry?" Tails said, holding his arms out.

Blaze thought for a second then realized 'Why am I thinking about this! I must be going crazy!' She thought inwardly. "I can make it myself." She said coldly, Tails stepped aside to go up behind her in case she fell like he thought she would. Blaze however, was determined to make it up these stairs.

She took a few weary but confident steps forward and lazily lifted a foot to place on the bottom step, she did so and hauled herself up to put her other foot on the next step. After five steps, she was exhausted and the thought of sleeping right here came to mind. Blaze looked back at Tails, he was a step behind her and smiling bright.

"It is your lucky day fox." Blaze said as her legs started to give out, Tails ran up behind her and caught her under the armpits.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Ya, I am still tired, have not slept in so long, also I just ate for the first time in a week and it is taking all my energy just digesting this stuff." Blaze explained, Tails supported half her weight by holding her up under the arms while Blaze finished climbing the steps with Tails' help. Blaze motioned for him to let go now that they were off the steps. Tails of course did as requested then got in front to lead her to the bathroom. Which was just down the hall and was the last door on the right.

"Well, there ya go, you go do your hygiene stuff and I will toss in some clothes, k?" Tails said.

"Alright..." Blaze said, she was looking down like she had something on her mind. Tails brushed it off and turned to grab her some clean clothes. "Tails?" Blaze continued, the man in question turned around. "Thanks." Blaze disappeared into the bathroom, the door closed, then the sound of a running shower was heard. Tails walked to his room to grab a suitable pair of clothes.

He walked back in the direction of the stairs and on his right, just before the staircase, was the door to his room. He opened it and walked in. 'What would Blaze wear... who cares?' Tails thought, grabbing a pair of boxers and flannel pajamas, top and bottom. He gathered these together and walked back to the bathroom.

Tails knocked on the door and shouted lightly through it. "Can I toss these clothes in there for you right now?"

"Ya, but come in and your dead!" Blaze shouted back, she heard the door crack open and the sound of clothes hitting the floor, then a door closing. All from behind the shower curtain.


It had been a few minutes, Tails sat on the far left of his abnormally large bed, staring at the ceiling. He had been thinking about something, or more specifically, someone. The same person that just opened the door and stepped lightly into Tails' room. The room was dimly lit so it was Tails only saw a shaded silhouette of Blaze, colors were there, but it was not very clear.

"Wow, so why do you have such a huge bed?" Blaze asked, closing the door behind her.

"I used to live here with Sonic, he is a friend of mine, since we were uncomfortable sleeping on the floor I built this huge bed so we could sleep on it without being too close to each other, we even had our own separate blankets. This was all back before he moved out and got his own house. This one is mine, I built it with my own two hands a long time ago. I was 6 when I made the place, I am 15 right now." Tails explained. "Come to think of it, I could have built separate beds...Oh well, too late to think about that now." He said with a smile.

"Alright, I'm going to go to sleep now." Blaze said, getting under the covers on the far right side of the bed, she was close to falling off but was weary about even being the same bed with another living thing. She wanted to keep her distance.

"Alright. G'night." Tails mumbled with a yawn and he got under the covers on his side and took up his entire half. He obviously was pretty comfortable with this.

Blaze scooted a little closer to her edge and turned over, so she was facing the door. 'Wow, he is pretty laid back. Lucky bastard, wish I were that comfortable with this.' Blaze thought to herself. She heard a soft snoring sound, not loud, but sorta quiet. It was coming from Tails, who had his eyes closed, still wearing the pajamas he had on since this morning, and was sprawled out across his half. He might have been sleeping but he was still very conscious not to go over the half of the bed. He was already asleep.

'UGH! Not fair! How can he be so out right comfy! I wish I were him right now, nothing to worry about.' Blaze thought to herself, she decided that there was no need to sit so close to the edge and lied down about 1/6 of the bed away from the edge. She was comfortable with this, not even in the middle of her half yet but not an inch from the edge anymore. She closed her eyes and fell asleep immediately.


WHIZ BANG BOOM! First chapter of my ultra rewrite of "Tails of adventure" is UP! PRAISE THE LORD OF GRAMMAR! Alright guys, I think this started off WAY better as well, nothing is crazy corny, which I like.

The Guy in the Background...OUT!