Foreign Spark

Disclaimer: Transformers is a Hasbro product, has been since its creation back in 1984. All Transformers, names, etc are property of Hasbro.




Chapter One : Lost Bonds

PoV: Ratchet

Ratchet clung to Prowl within the confines of their guilded cage as the wingless Praxian trembled with a range of unknown emotions from fear to rage to tears. Ratchet knew what was happening with the Datsun that he tried to comforted him as he started another wave of screams of anguish as his body was filled with pain. Jazz, Prowls' sparkmate, was being tortured along with him only physically as their bond was being severed.

Ratchet had no idea what they were doing to Jazz exactly or how they were destroying the bond, but his processor ran cold knowing he was soon going to find out.

Ratchet felt a soft wave of comfort and curiosity nuzzle against his spark; smiling, he returned the feeling of comfort. It's Prowl and Jazz. They're severing their bond. He felt his bondmate tense up as he continued. I'm not sure how but I fear we're next. Our "master" was displeased to learn of the bonds while he was…

Ironhide comforted Ratchet as he froze up. It's okay Ratch. I love you and always will no matter what they do to us or where they send me. Ratchet felt himself tearing up as he felt a tremor of fear from Ironhide's end at the same time Prowl passed out in his hold.

'They must have succeeded in the separation,' Ratchet thought to himself as he did a quick scan of Prowl's spark finding it still pulsing, barely.


Yes, 'Hide? Somehow knowing it was his turn.

Just…just remember I love you and I'm thankful for everything you've gave me. Everything Primus gave us and I pray he give us the strength to find each other again some solar-cycle. A heavy wave of fear started to flow from 'Hide's side of the bond causing Ratchet to become unnerved; optic fluid forming along his optic ridges.

I love you too, 'Hide. From the depths of my spark I will always love you and will pray to Primus to rejoin you. Optic fluid flowing freely down his faceplates as he felt a burning pain.

He clutched down onto Ironhide's bond and held onto him for dear life; swallowing down the pain as he tried to send comfort and love to 'Hide's end, letting him know he was still there and still loved him through to the very end.

PoV: Prowl

It felt like solar-cycles by the time Prowl awoke; his spark empty, leaving him with a feeling of cold loneliness. He felt a warm chassis pressed against his own and panicked as he onlined his optics only to find the familiar form of Ratchet in deep recharge sprawled across him. Optic fluid stains upon his faceplates told Prowl everything. Ratchet's bond to Ironhide was severed and, unlike him, Ratchet didn't have someone to hold him as he went through it. To whisper promises that everything would be alright and that they would find them again one solar-cycle.

Prowl shifted slightly to free his arms so he could wrap them around his only companion with him within their living Pit, softly singing a whispering song into his audio a song Jazz used to sing to him when they returned from a horrible battle against the Decepticons. Optic fluid began to tear down his faceplates once again in soft trickling streams as the emptiness within his spark echoed coldly to him he was no longer his and he wouldn't see him ever again.

Quietly, Ratchet shifted silently against Prowl, excepting the small comfort he needed, he wanted. Both unaware that within there guilded cage of the finest fabrics, wears, and trophies they were being observed. They had been the whole time, observed and behavior noted from their experience and loss. Unaware that this was only the beginning for the medic and tactician.

End Chapter. Open to ideas and may use them if they spin well with plot. -^^-

A/N: Yes Prowl lost his door wings. There will be flashback later so xP Plus I wrote this one handed so double xP Box-cutter accident + severed tendons = wrapped left hand for at least a month. Pity me and die. *puffy frowning face* I'll make correction later.