Chapter 5: Brothers

Finally introducing some other characters uhuhuhu :3 Look forward to it and as always please enjoy~.

Oz's POV:

Sharp fangs covered in blood, ripping through human flesh and feasting on the bloodshed beneath its feet, corpses scattered everywhere among the floor. Scarlet fire burning everything in its path, making the scenery a living hell. And a pair of golden eyes rose from the most terrible sight I've ever witnessed. They were gleaming radiantly between the flames, lusting for more…Blood.

Then I woke up between screams, panting heavily and holding on to the sheets like my life depended on it. I sat down on the bed with way too much effort just to be welcomed by a strong headache. Almost immediately, I rested my face on both of my hands and cursed in silence at the annoying pain in my head.

''You look terrible.'' A voice echoed in what it seemed the room that I was staying in. When I turned to my right there was Break sitting on a wooden chair, playing with Emily's hair which was a doll he would always carry around.

''Break? The hell are you doing here? You didn't try anything weird while I was asleep, didn't you?''.

''Excuse me, but I was taking care of you. And just so you know, I'm not interested in messing with an unconscious brat''. He retorted with indignation.

''Unconscious? What are you talking about? '' I asked in a voice that could barely be heard. My throat was as dry as a dessert and this didn't get unnoticed by Break because he was handing me a glass of water moments later which I took gratefully.

''You see, after you ran off to the forest I called Gil-chan and told him to look for you. After an hour or so he came back with you completely knocked out as he was carrying you in his arms''. Break explained. I could feel my temperature rising and my heartbeat becoming irregular.

''THAT HE CARRIED ME WHERE?!'' I shouted and regretted it immediately as my headache became more intense.

'' You heard me right. By the way, the girls were really worried about you, specially your sister''.

God, Ada! How could I do that to her? She was dead worried about me and what was I doing? Dozing off the whole time!

''I need to show her I'm alright'' I said to Break and I was almost out of the bed when he stopped me.

''Wait Oz-kun. Before you leave there's someone who needs to talk to you'' Break said and I stared at him with a confused expression. My teacher stood up and opened the door and guess who was walking towards me after he opened it? No one else than Mister Gilbert Nightray.

''Well then, I'll leave you guys alone'' and those were Break's final words as he shut the door closed disappearing into the hallway.

After that, silence took over the whole room. I hated awkward silences like this one and usually I was the one who broke them but this time was different. As he was there just steps away from me, all the memories from that night on the woods blasted inside my head. Gilbert was a vampire! I didn't know how to react with this. What was I supposed to say? Hey thanks for saving me last night and also drinking my blood? Hell no!

However my thoughts vanished as Gilbert walked towards me and sat on Break's chair and after another minute of awkward silence, he finally spoke.

''Oz Bezarius, I'm pretty sure you know what I want to talk about'' he said in a deep and cold voice. I only nodded my head in response.

''Then let me go straight to the point'' Gilbert said and looked at me directly in the eyes for the first time. ''What you saw yesterday is something you shouldn't have seen in your entire life. Now you are involved with vampires and your life is in danger. Be thankful I could save you before Vandersnatch had devoured you.''

''Vandersnatch?'' I asked. He looked annoyed by my question but it made me quite curious.

''Yes'' he sighed and continued to answer my question. ''He's the dog that attacked you that time. He's also the familiar of a group of vampires that are in bad terms with me. However, you could have saved me the trouble of rescuing you if you had followed the simples rules I instructed you'' He said and glared at me. He was obviously very mad.

''I- I'm very sorry Gilbert, but I couldn't let that man go deeper into the woods!''

''What are you talking about?'' The raven haired inquired. Though he looked a little confused, his expression remained serene.

'' I'm telling you there was this tall man wearing a red cape and I followed him into the forest because I thought he was lost! That's why I got lost as well'' I explained, hoping my reasons could calm Gilbert down. Instead he looked even more pissed off!

''Damn those Baskerville. They are here earlier than I expected'' Gilbert said, more like growled.

''Could this Baskerville people be Vandersnatch's masters? '' I asked with my curiosity taking the best of me.

''This is none of your business, brat. Can't you see your life is in great danger?'' Gilbert snarled at me.

''I think I'm in more danger if you don't explain everything to me. How am I supposed to be careful if I don't know what I need to look out for?'' I retorted defiantly. Maybe this wasn't the best choice of words when Gilbert was this mad, but I wanted answers and I wanted them now.

''You don't quite understand your position now, do you? Let me state it clearly for you'' Gilbert said in that menacing voice of him. ''That scary experience on the woods is just a tiny part of what you'll have to face if you keep involving with vampires''.

''I don't care, Gilbert. I need to know'' I snapped and now my voice was as commanding and menacing as his.

''You'll get killed in less than a second, kid. And not just because of the enemy. If I wanted, I could crush your skull any moment now''.

''But you won't'' I said full of confidence.

''And what makes you so sure?'' the raven haired asked as his gaze became fixated on me.

''Because Break is alive, and as long as he keeps breathing, I am safe''.

''Break is a different case. He is…Special'' He retorted with what it seemed embarrassment and I hated it. All of a sudden, Break became the bad guy of some story for me.

''Then I'll be special as well'' I said with some determination I didn't know to have.

''What the hell? '' Gilbert was not expecting this kind of comeback from me, but I wasn't to back down.

''I deserve to know the truth so just…just tell me, please''

''Let's see if you can keep that brave act of yours after this'' said the raven haired. Everything happened so fast and it wasn't after I saw Gilbert's face inches away from mine that everything became clear. In less than a split second, I had been pinned down on the bed, my wrist being captured by one pale hand with a supernatural strength, and Gilbert sitting on top of me with his free hand lifting my cheek, now leaning over and examining my neck so closely that I could feel his breath under my skin.

So now that he couldn't convince me with words, I had driven him to use violence making me revive that night on the woods when he bit me for the first time. He was sure that if he did it again, he would succeed to make me want to forget all that has happened. How unlucky he was since I wasn't scared of him or his blood sucking. Actually I was scared of myself for wanting him to continue this atrocity! Definitely there was something wrong with my brain for longing his sharp fangs to pierce my fragile skin, since in my head, this was the only way that connected me to Gilbert's world of mystery and danger. I closed my eyes, waiting for that intoxicating feeling from that night on the woods to fill me again, slowly like the most lethal of poisons.

What happened next was that Gilbert jumped out of the bed as fast as lighting. At first I didn't understand why, but then I heard the quick steps of a group of people on their way to my room. Seems like we had privacy no more.

''Oz! I'm so glad you're fine'' Ada ran and hugged me, relief in her voice seeing me I was safe and sound.

''You had us very worried, Oz'' said Sharon.

''Damn right, Oz! You big idiot, never do that again!'' said Alice, though she sounded mad a smile was adorning his face as if saying 'I'm glad you're ok'.

''Oz'' A male voice called me near the door, but it wasn't Break nor Gilbert. The one who called me had a genuine worried expression on his face, his emerald eyes filled with a mix of relieve and genuine angst, his long blond hair fixed in an elegant braid swished as he walked towards me and joining my twin sister in a gentle embrace. The one who called my name was my older brother, Jack.

''Jack…Why are you here?'' Wasn't he supposed to be working another week?

''Ada phoned me and told me what had happened to you. Are you hurt? Any broken bones? Fever?'' He started to check my body in front of everyone, including Gilbert. I was so embarrassed! I smacked my brother's head as hard as I could to show him I was feeling well already.

''Ouch! Why would you do that, Oz?'' My brother asked, rubbing the part of his head that I hit.

''Dear brother. As you can see I'm alright so get off me, NOW'' I said in my best menacing voice, showing him my fist as a signal I would smack him again.

''Geez, you don't have to be this violent!'' winced Jack. He turned around and his eyes met with Gilbert's, then he stood from the bed and walked towards him.

''You must be Gilbert Nightray. Break told me what happened, so thank you for saving my little brother'' said Jack as he turned his head back to Gilbert, as if forgetting to say something. ''However, there's something about you that doesn't inspire me any trust at all, so I'll keep an eye on you. Just wanted to say that''. Everyone in the room felt silent by Jack's declaration and when I waited for the worst case scenario, like Gilbert crushing his skull with his vampire strength, the raven haired just burst into a sarcastic laughter. It was obvious he couldn't take Jack seriously and that was understandable given the fact Jack would not be able to lay a finger on the immortal.

''Suit yourself, older Bezarius. I'll leave your heartwarming family reunion'' Gilbert said, still with a faint smile and cynical on his face as he left the room.

''Oz. I really get chills under my spine when that man is near so don't get friendly with him'' Jack said and his comment made me angry. He saved my life for God's sake! However I was just too tired to argue with my older brother given how stubborn he was.

''Thanks for your concern guys, but I guarantee I'm all fine now though still a bit tired…''

''Oh, of course, Oz. Come, everyone, let's let Oz rest for a while'' Sharon said and led the group outside my room. Before exiting, she gave a soft smile which I returned.

When the door closed, I shut my eyes almost immediately. It was no lie I was still tired and I needed all of my strength to confront Gilbert and make him tell me everything. It wasn't long when my thoughts were lost in darkness.

''Oz-kun! Wake up already!'' I heard Break's voice as I woke up reluctantly from my peaceful sleep. Would I sleep properly someday? If this was one of his jokes he was going to pay it. But for my surprise, he's face showed he was not joking and something pretty serious had happened.

''What happened''.

''It's Jack. He's been kidnapped by the Baskervilles''.

My eyes widened as plates and I felt my blood pressure going down at a dangerous speed. I didn't wait for Break to give me a full explanation as I jumped out of the bed and ran hysterically towards the stairs with my aim of reaching the third floor took control over my mind.

But just when I took the first step towards the last floor, I crashed into something as hard as a wall which made me stumble. If it wasn't for Gilbert's arm grabbing my waist I'd had fallen hard on the floor.

''Slow down, brat or you'll alert everyone else'' his cold voice took me back to thinking rationally and I looked Gilbert in the eyes, getting what his next words would be.

''So the girl's know nothing'' I said.

''Exactly. We don't want them to worry anymore. I told them Jack was gone to make an errand'' Break appeared in the hallway and paused when he saw Gilbert holding me by the waist. I shook him off quickly.

''A reliable source has given me the Baskerville's location. I'll be back as soon as I can'' Gilbert said and turned around, ready to leave but I grabbed him by the shirt and made him stop.

''I'm going with you'' I stated. Gilbert was not happy with this.

''You'll get yourself killed'' He retorted immediately.

''I'm willing to take the risk to save my brother'' I was not going to back down until I heard a yes. Gilbert turned to Break, who gave him a shrug which Gilbert replied by rubbing his temples and sighing.

''Just don't slow me down, kid'' The raven haired said as I answered with a deciding nod. I was surprised he agreed so easily and I was not going to complain about it.

''Be careful'' Break said to both of us as Gilbert made a gesture with his hand to follow him upstairs. We ran towards the stairs and instead to going into the dark hallway, Gilbert led me to a balcony. He opened the glass door as a gust of wind thrashed my face.

When we went outside something was off. The sky was supposed to be filled with stars, just as Ada had mentioned it would be here on the woods. Instead it was replaced by darkness and nothing more. But after my eyes got used to the pitch black night I found myself dumbfounded since a giant raven was flapping its wings and landing on the balcony. It had hollow eyes that seemed lifeless as the ones of a skull which send chills through my spine.

''Come on now, Oz Bezarius. Get on'' Gilbert instructed and I looked at him as if saying are you kidding me? But of course he wasn't joking and if I wanted to save Jack I had to do this.

Gilbert followed after me and landed gracefully on the bird's back and sat just beside me, leaning over a bit and putting his hand on mine's. His hand was covered by a white glove but I could feel his cold skin over mine and making my blood to concentrate on my cheeks.

''Hang on. The flight will be stirred'' He said. I gulped and kept repeating inside my head: it's going be fine. It's going to be fine. IT'S GOING TO BE FINE.

I was just wishing we wouldn't be too late..

I LIVED! This chapter took me so long idk why!

By the way, guys. Short notice. Starting with next chapter this will become M rated /ABOUT TIME/ as smut and lemon shall rule this fic!