Just an idea I came with after reading lots of vampire fanfics.
Main pairing: GilxOz
Additional pairings: ElliotxLeo, JackxGlen and if I think about other pairings I'll add them and if you guys have some suggestion in what pairing I could add I'll listen gladly.
Well then, pleas enjoy!
Gil's POV:
It was another cloudy and cold day just like it usually was around here. I saw a hint of lighting from the living room's window announcing that a storm was making his way in this direction. This weather makes a vampire's life easier. Not like the sun can actually kill us, but still the sunlight is annoying.
So yeah… I'm vampire about 300 years old who lives in an old mansion hidden on the woods. My immortal life is pretty much peaceful, except for one thing…
''Gil chan! '' a humming voiced called.
That's right. This person is the one who tears apart my peaceful and silent days.
''Damn you, Break! '' I yelled at him ''I thought I made myself clear when I told you not to barge in my house whenever you feel like it! ''
''My my, you are so mean. Even though I came all the way here to deliver this to you'' he said feigning indignation. He placed a big suitcase in the table for me to take it. I opened and examined its content. A big amount of bags filled with blood where inside it.
''Thanks'' I said coldly while closing the suitcase.
''That's right, you ungrateful vampire! If it wasn't because I'm the chief of a hospital I couldn't get you all this blood bags'' Break said grinning. Now he was starting to get on my nerves.
''My apologize for being such a burden but remember you are the one who offered yourself to do this in the first place! '' I said getting more pissed by every second.
Even though I want to kill this bastard most of the time, I can't. After all he's the one who brings me my blood bags so that I don't hunt humans and I owe him a lot for that since killing human beings is something I'd rather avoid. But the main reason I can't kill him is because of that fucking personality he has! Can someone be actually this obnoxious to the point he sexual harasses me without being afraid of death?
Even if I had the chance to suck his blood I'm sure he'll say something like: Ah! Gil chan feels so good inside me! And just thinking about it makes me want to puke.
''Of course I haven't forgotten about that and I hope you haven't forgotten about our deal either'' he said.
''Idiot, why would I forget about it? '' I retorted.
''I'm glad because I had a wonderful idea! '' he said and now his smile growing bigger. I glared at him firmly. Any idea coming from Break just meant trouble, for me it is. ''Since summer vacations are just around the corner how about I bring my adorable students to spend the holidays here?
''Are you insane? I won't allow annoying high school students staying at my place. And don't you realize you are putting them in great danger with me around? '' I said hoping he could change his mind about what he just said.
''I'm sure you can control your thirst around humans smoothly'' the silver haired said.
''What if I can't? '' I asked.
''I'll bring you more blood'' he retorted confidently.
''What if we run out of blood? '' I asked trying to shut him down but he kept smiling with confidence.
''You can always hunt animals'' he concluded. Why did he have the answer to every question?
''I still don't want to'' I said pouting.
''Come on, Gilbert. When was the last time you made contact with a human other than me?'' Break asked.
''Like if you could be considered human'' I said sarcastically.
''Stop flattering me'' he said blinking an eye before getting serious ''But seriously, I think I think it will do you good interacting with other people. Or is it that you want me all to your-''
At that I cut him off punching him in the stomach. Break could never be serious for more than a minute.
''Meanie! '' he cried holding where I punched him getting support from the wall so he wouldn't fall.
I sighed and turned to face him.
''Just for the summer holidays'' I said at last.
''Good decision! I'll tell Sharon and the other guys'' Break said excited.
''Sharon Rainsworth? Your niece that's the heiress of that famous company? '' I asked.
''That's right. She's one of my students as well. She was the one that asked me of a cool place to spend the holidays with her friends and the first that came to mind was this place'' he retorted.
''But why this old mansion of all places? Since her family is pretty rich she should have lots of other fancier places to go'' I said kind of confused. Why did a rich girl and his friends wanted to come here?
''Yeah, I know. But these guys wanted something different with excitement and mystery, or at least that's what Oz kun said and everyone else agreed right away. What a bunch of weird kids if you ask me, but that's what make them interesting'' he said with a wide grin.
As Break said earlier, he was the chief of his own hospital but that was because his parents forced him to take over it. But at the end he would just make his subordinate named Reim do all of his work. So like that he would sneak to his niece's school and work as a homeroom teacher and the school's nurse just to be surrounded by brats. I feel sorry for those kids to be in the same perimeter as that pedophile.
But he was right in something, if those kids could stand Break as much as spending their summer holidays in a damn old house isolated from civilization with him maybe they were worth meeting.
''Oh my, look at the time'' he said while looking at his watch. It was already past six. ''The time surely runs fast when you are having fun''
''Who the hell is having fun! I said furiously. My desires of strangling surely were strong today.
'' I know I don't need to tell you this but make sure to don't expose your identity as a vampire. They may not look like it but those guys are really sharp, specially Oz kun'' Break said, now his features were of a serious men.
''I'll be fine'' I said coldly.
''Well then, I'll see you in a few weeks'' he said waving at me before heading to a shelf and placing himself inside it.
''By the way, make sure to clean this place. It looks like a dump'' and that was the last thing before he closed the shelf and the room went silent.
It was an habit of Break disappearing inside furniture but I couldn't helped to check out if he really was gone and as always, he succeed in it.
I sighed once again and rested on the wall looking outside the window as rain started to pour fiercely on the ground.
''Now where should I start cleaning? ''
Hope you liked the first chapter
Next Oz and the others are arriving at Gil's mansion!
I apologize if I made any mistakes
R & R please ;)